Doing well, thank you, CG. Stepped outside today & it seemed something had definitely changed. The air has a new softness to it. I do believe we’ll see spring one more time.
We woke up to 2 inches of snow on the ground this morning and a 2 hour school delay (nice because I got a little more sleep out of the deal), so I think we still have more winter coming our way.
Finn is a sweetie, getting bigger and more alert by the day. And his baby acne seems to be getting a little better finally. He’s had it worse than either of the CBs did.
He’s funny; we were at my mom’s this afternoon, and he had his eyes nearly closed most of the time, as he does whenever he’s somewhere other than home. But they were open just enough that we could see him tracking me when I moved. Silly boy, thinking he could trick us into thinking he was asleep. 🙂 Tomorrow we’re off to catch up with friends from my last job over lunch – they’re excited to meet him finally.
Good on you for the snow delay! We had the same this morning. No doubt we’ll have winter ’til mid-April up here, as usual — but I’m always keen to shifts. This winter started very early up here on the hill. We had single-digit temperatures in November! Quite rare.
But, of course, this winter has offered one very special blessing. So glad to hear about the acne clearing up. I s’pose it’s just a matter of acclimation to life ..
I’m not surprised at all that he’s playing the trickster. I remember that Real History Lisa read his birth chart & saw a great sense of humor.
Judging by his photos, he also seems highly sophisticated for his age. Really self-possessed — the type once called ‘an old soul’.
Imogen and I got to meet our “ungodly” daughter this weekend when we went to Canberra. Since none of us are religious, we decide that Im and I would be her Ungodly Mothers.
Six weeks. She’s a fairly happy kid. only really squalled once in the two days I spent with her and mum.
I went to the grocery store a short time ago and on a whim picked up a bag of “lamb off-cuts” for $3 for the dogs. Now I’ being subjected to “meat breath” on both sides. Note to self: only buy meaty bones for dogs when they will be outside all day.
Given the sprog’s mum’s checkered past, she’s probably not going to take much leading. And, you’re welcome. We had a lovely walk around the sculpture garden before the museum opened.
I’m excited. I had the biggest crush on him in high school. I know he is straight and married but we also had a great friendship. LOL We were in band together for years. He was in town a couple of months ago but that was when I was still on the walker and not going out much. Seems he comes to Austin quite often for work.
Well, like my chatting on line, I am very seldom lost for words. LOL It will be nice to catch up and I hope not to uncomfortable. I am stunned at the number of “lost” friends I have reconnected with on facebook. Another High school friend is going to be in Houston and was asking how far it is to Austin. Who knows I might catch up with her also. LOL
I enjoy facebook except for all the applications where people want to send me gifts that force me to sign up for the same application. I have gotten so I block most of them. LOL
Oh, have fun! I found my old high school friend on facebook, and then ran into her in December at Whole Foods, and it was really great to catch up, even just for a half hour.
I won’t mind…I’m just getting the hang of changing it when I have time and I’m awake, since it’s anybody’s guess what I’ll be doing in the early am these days. The boy is definitely a morning person, and he keeps me busy.
CG, you & RF describe one of my personal worst-case scenarios — reunion with folks who knew me in my youth. I can imagine what I’d say: ‘Well, let’s see — I spent a few decades scrambling my own brain & now I’m a hermit monk who talks to squirrels! How about you?”
We were supposed to wake up to sleet and snow but instead it’s just raining. They’re still saying 3-5 inches of sleet and snow is coming though and so Jim’s school has already closed. Could be really bad for the superintendent if the bad stuff doesn’t happen.
Wow! The county commissioners declared an emergency. The office staff waited all day for this and they didn’t get it together until after closing. Poor sports, the commissioners.
Whereas, Brown County, Indiana has been impacted by or is immediately threatened by the following emergency conditions:
February 5, 2010 at 6:00pm is experiencing heavy snow, slick and hazardous roads expected to last until February 6, 2010 and:
Now, therefore, we the Brown County board of Commissioners, declare that a local emergency exists for not more than seven (7) days.* in the county and that we hereby invoke those portions of the Indiana Code which are applicable to the conditions and have caused the issuance of this declaration to be in full force and effect in the county for the exercise of all necessary emergency measures necessary for the protection of lives and property and the prompt restoration of local government services.
Going out to dinner with my old high school friend last night was a blast!!! We caught up on each other and talked about old school chums. After a few minutes it was like the 30 odd years had never happened. It was thrilling to find out he was married to his high school sweetheart and they had two kids. LOL
Woke up at 4:30 but decided that was insane and went back to bed. LOL I have my appointment with my surgeon today to check on my ankle so wish me luck!!!
I found out via FB that my best friend from high school (who “found the lord” 15 years ago) joined the group “Require Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients”…ugh. How Christian of her.
And then there was the guy who admitted in his status today that they have been keeping a log of their 1 year old’s every intake and out put for the past year to monitor his health (ie, every urination and bowel movement), and now that the book was full, they would dispense with that particular mode of record-keeping. Oy. TMI, anyone? You thought your parents showing your baby pictures to your high-school sweetheart were embarassing, they can do that one better…
That is just too scary!!! Both friends. LOL Mine all seem normal except a few who have gone off the religion was in a big way but luckily not the one I saw last night. LOL
I fell asleep at 7:30…I must be a geezer now.
Guess that means I better put up a new cafe while I’m still awake. 🙂
Glad you’re catching some winks, CG.
(Aside: you might want to double-check your intro up top.)
Thanks, ww. How are you doing this fine evening?
Doing well, thank you, CG. Stepped outside today & it seemed something had definitely changed. The air has a new softness to it. I do believe we’ll see spring one more time.
How about you? How is Finn?
We woke up to 2 inches of snow on the ground this morning and a 2 hour school delay (nice because I got a little more sleep out of the deal), so I think we still have more winter coming our way.
Finn is a sweetie, getting bigger and more alert by the day. And his baby acne seems to be getting a little better finally. He’s had it worse than either of the CBs did.
He’s funny; we were at my mom’s this afternoon, and he had his eyes nearly closed most of the time, as he does whenever he’s somewhere other than home. But they were open just enough that we could see him tracking me when I moved. Silly boy, thinking he could trick us into thinking he was asleep. 🙂 Tomorrow we’re off to catch up with friends from my last job over lunch – they’re excited to meet him finally.
Good on you for the snow delay! We had the same this morning. No doubt we’ll have winter ’til mid-April up here, as usual — but I’m always keen to shifts. This winter started very early up here on the hill. We had single-digit temperatures in November! Quite rare.
But, of course, this winter has offered one very special blessing. So glad to hear about the acne clearing up. I s’pose it’s just a matter of acclimation to life ..
I’m not surprised at all that he’s playing the trickster. I remember that Real History Lisa read his birth chart & saw a great sense of humor.
Judging by his photos, he also seems highly sophisticated for his age. Really self-possessed — the type once called ‘an old soul’.
I’m also glad to hear that Mr. Social Butterfly will be widening his circle of fans even more.
I hope you do get an early spring.
I’ll have to post some more Finn pics tomorrow, I think.
And with that, this geezer is off to bed to catch a little sleep before the next feeding time. Good night!
Have a good night, CG.
I’m off soon, too.
Imogen and I got to meet our “ungodly” daughter this weekend when we went to Canberra. Since none of us are religious, we decide that Im and I would be her Ungodly Mothers.
She’s a lucky girl!
We love being bad influences on other people’s kids. 😉
Every child deserves at least one.
Said Sprog.
What a great pic! She looks like a very happy, wide-awake kid. Super cute. How old is she?
Six weeks. She’s a fairly happy kid. only really squalled once in the two days I spent with her and mum.
I went to the grocery store a short time ago and on a whim picked up a bag of “lamb off-cuts” for $3 for the dogs. Now I’ being subjected to “meat breath” on both sides. Note to self: only buy meaty bones for dogs when they will be outside all day.
Six weeks! Seems like she’ll be a big, strong girl. Good for her!
Condolences, however, on the stereophonic dog-breath.
Alas, time for bed here. Hope to see you later today.
I keep saying that all she needs is a peaked hat, a fishing pole, and a concrete pond, and she’ll easily get work as a garden gnome.
She looks cute! And only a week older than Finn. Was she a Christmas baby?
A few days before.
Good timing on her part. For some reason, I think it’s fun that Finn came on New Year’s Day, but really didn’t want him to be born on Christmas.
How cute!!! Have fun spoiling her to death. LOL That is what I did with my niece and nephew back in the day. LOL
I saw these (plus two studies) this weekend.
Another view.
Aren’t they wonderful.
I particularly like the gesture of the one on the left.
Thanks for sharing your artistic travels. It’s been quite a while since I’ve shared space with a Rhodin.
OK, bed now. Later ..
And all its typos:
“Sumo champ retires after brunken brawl”
brunken brawl: a fight among drunks during which many bottles and glasses are broken.
Hi CG, WW, and keres.
Your Ungodly daughter, keres, looks like she’ll be a great kid to lead down the wrong path. 😉
Also, thanks for the posting the Burghers photos.
Given the sprog’s mum’s checkered past, she’s probably not going to take much leading. And, you’re welcome. We had a lovely walk around the sculpture garden before the museum opened.
Well I’m sure you’ll have fun doing it. And instead of the wrong path, you can lead down the sculpture garden path instead. 🙂
We’re getting a lovely rain at the moment (and I only had to run out and move one 40kg bag of feed undercover).
There’s a very happy frogy chirruping away in the front pond. And, I don’t have to water the veggie garden in the morning. Go rain!
Hi Miss Andie and Keres!! Having my predawn coffee and planning out my day.
Turns out a High School friend I have not seen since 1978 will be in town tonight and we will go out to dinner. I am sure it will be surreal. LOL
Sounds great.
I’m excited. I had the biggest crush on him in high school. I know he is straight and married but we also had a great friendship. LOL We were in band together for years. He was in town a couple of months ago but that was when I was still on the walker and not going out much. Seems he comes to Austin quite often for work.
With that big a gap, at least you won’t have any trouble finding things to talk about.
Well, like my chatting on line, I am very seldom lost for words. LOL It will be nice to catch up and I hope not to uncomfortable. I am stunned at the number of “lost” friends I have reconnected with on facebook. Another High school friend is going to be in Houston and was asking how far it is to Austin. Who knows I might catch up with her also. LOL
I guess some day I’m going to have to make some use of facebook. I tend to forget it exists most of the time.
I enjoy facebook except for all the applications where people want to send me gifts that force me to sign up for the same application. I have gotten so I block most of them. LOL
Other than friend requests, I just mostly ignore everything that comes my way. I think have an allergic reaction to the concept of social networking.
I like keeping up with my brother and friends that way. I tend to think of it as somewhat limited circle blog commenting.
I am the same. I have also been able to keep people up to date on my situation. I never realized how many people wanted to know all the details. LOL
I’m guessing ‘gifts’ is their term, not yours.
Oh, have fun! I found my old high school friend on facebook, and then ran into her in December at Whole Foods, and it was really great to catch up, even just for a half hour.
Guess you really are excited for me. LOL I will fill y’all in on the details tomorrow.
When I typed this your post showed twice. LOL
I had hit post twice…had to use my magic powers to wish the extra away.
and here I was thinking I had lost my mind this morning. LOL Of course, it isn’t hard for me to do that on any day. LOL
I guess now that I am back more often you might have to change the cafe more often. LOL
I won’t mind…I’m just getting the hang of changing it when I have time and I’m awake, since it’s anybody’s guess what I’ll be doing in the early am these days. The boy is definitely a morning person, and he keeps me busy.
CG, you & RF describe one of my personal worst-case scenarios — reunion with folks who knew me in my youth. I can imagine what I’d say: ‘Well, let’s see — I spent a few decades scrambling my own brain & now I’m a hermit monk who talks to squirrels! How about you?”
ROTFLMAO!!!! I am not to sure what David and I will talk about but I am looking forward to it as well as the Cajun food we eat tonight. LOL
The boy was a little better sleeper last night, so here I am this morning. Maybe it was the falling asleep at 7:30 that did it. 🙂
Morning!!! Glad the baby is sleeping better and you are catching up on your sleep as well.
Had to share this photo this am
That is funny, except for the fact that it’s true. :/
I haven’t slept straight through the night since the b2 boy was born, some 11 years ago.
Ouch. I had a long stretch of people coming and climbing into bed with me, but it ended around 12.
I’ve had the same, but it ended at around 35.
I’m sorry. Mine seems to be ending at 50.
Nah, it’s probably just hibernating for the winter.
My string’s been well and truly strung. But as I like where I’m at and who I’m with I can hardly complain.
Must. Clean. House.
Heh. Sometimes hibernating with a good book is preferable to the alternatives…
I meant people who are related to me by birth. The other hasn’t ended yet…thank goodness. 🙂
Braggart. 😉
Given recent events, I figured I was stating the obvious…
Note to self: no more lame attempts at humor while sleep deprived.
But it was totally worth it — otherwise you would have deprived us of Wilderness Wench’s brilliant comment. 😉
That was brilliant. 🙂
Anyway, what are you up to today? I’ve woken up with a bit of a sore throat, and we’re expecting mucho snow tonight.
We were supposed to wake up to sleet and snow but instead it’s just raining. They’re still saying 3-5 inches of sleet and snow is coming though and so Jim’s school has already closed. Could be really bad for the superintendent if the bad stuff doesn’t happen.
They were threatening us with an early dismissal today, but haven’t made the official call yet. Just put all the parents on alert.
All this silliness over some snow.
I think the combination of sleet and snow and the hilly country roads were the cause the cancellation here but right now it’s looking very premature.
Wow! The county commissioners declared an emergency. The office staff waited all day for this and they didn’t get it together until after closing. Poor sports, the commissioners.
Followed by copious additional blah, blah…
This week’s theme is Walls, Fences, and Fields. Click here for the diary.
Looking forward to it!
Going out to dinner with my old high school friend last night was a blast!!! We caught up on each other and talked about old school chums. After a few minutes it was like the 30 odd years had never happened. It was thrilling to find out he was married to his high school sweetheart and they had two kids. LOL
Woke up at 4:30 but decided that was insane and went back to bed. LOL I have my appointment with my surgeon today to check on my ankle so wish me luck!!!
Good luck today! And I’m glad you had fun.
I found out via FB that my best friend from high school (who “found the lord” 15 years ago) joined the group “Require Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients”…ugh. How Christian of her.
And then there was the guy who admitted in his status today that they have been keeping a log of their 1 year old’s every intake and out put for the past year to monitor his health (ie, every urination and bowel movement), and now that the book was full, they would dispense with that particular mode of record-keeping. Oy. TMI, anyone? You thought your parents showing your baby pictures to your high-school sweetheart were embarassing, they can do that one better…
If they were really good parents they would save all of the bowel movements. They’re slacking.
Maybe have them bronzed to prove their devotion?
They should be awarded the Golden Diaper Pail (authentic knock-ya-down odors included)!
That is just too scary!!! Both friends. LOL Mine all seem normal except a few who have gone off the religion was in a big way but luckily not the one I saw last night. LOL