President Obama spoke to the Senate Democratic Conference today and he pointed something out. Last year the Senate cast more cloture votes than were cast in the 1950’s and 1960’s combined. In other words, as he put it, the Republicans produced 20 years of obstruction in a single year. That’s a talking point I’d like to see repeated so often that even the most disengaged voter hears it and understands it.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
That’s a talking point I’d like to see repeated so often that even the most disengaged voter hears it and understands it.
What took ’em so damn long?!?!?
Good plan. But the most disengaged voter has no idea what cloture means.
well, use ‘filibuster.’
But most people don’t really understand that either.
They do understand what “obstruction” means and the line “Republicans produced 20 years of obstruction in a single year.” could be a powerful line for ads and such.
“Put up roadblocks to reform.” “Blocked another vote for reform.” “Brought the Senate to a halt because they thought the majority had the votes to win.” “Used parliamentary tricks to shut down the vote.” “Paralyzed the Senate with parliamentary shenanigans.”
I’m sure Dems could find plenty of good ways to say it. The problem is, that would expose the whole sham that the Senate has become. Their most effective move would be to launch an all-out campaign to end the filibuster, period, and explain why. But that would be too “populist”.
More of this, and more of this:
I saw that this morning. I was watching it live on MSNBC and they stayed with it until he turned on them and all of the other cable channels, telling people to turn off the cable channels because they’re all nasty who’s-up, who’s-down politics all the time. Just turn it off and go out and talk to real people like yourselves. After that, like clockwork, David Schuster came on with a couple of political hacks to yell at each other about what Obama’s saying instead of letting us watch for ourselves. I switched to CNN and caught the rest of Obama’s Q&A session.
It may take a few minutes for the significance of that to sink in (today’s GOP surpassed the efforts of the 50’s and 60’s racists) but it will hit some eventually.
…that reptilian ConservaDem threats to filibuster with Republicans are also intolerable obstructionist tactics.
It’s one thing for Democrats to vote against in a final vote, within the acceptable margin, but not to help Republicans obstruct the Democratic agenda by threatening to delay, filibuster or kill legislature.
FYI if anyone doubts that fact – send them to CNN’s fact checker re this here: