The Institute for Global Jewish Affairs did a study and found that Salon, Huffington Post and Daily Kos, large left wing blogs, were hotbeds of anti-Semitism! This belabored notion, that the left wing or the left wing blogosphere is anti-Semitic, of course, was immediately dismissed by Muzzlewatch, the anti-propaganda arm of Jewish Voice for Peace.
In contrast, however, it is also the case that left wing blogs like Daily Kos are being used by bloggers intent on plying Israeli propaganda in an apparent attempt to justify Israel’s occupation and colonial activity under the guise of being left wing writings.
In this example diary, which attempts to look reasonably left wing, the following themes, right out of Israeli hasbara (propaganda) play book, are evident:
Criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic
Criticism of Zionism is anti-Semitic
American left wing is anti-Semitic
Holocaust card
Goldstone report (Gaza atrocities) is biased against Israel
Terms relevant to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict like racism, occupation, colonialism, Apartheid, the basis of Israel criticism, are omitted at all costs. It is because we have freedom of speech in the blogosphere that such diaries are permitted and they should be. But observers also need to be cautious about accepting propaganda in the context of what otherwise looks like reasonable left wing discourse.
this has kind of an inflammatory title. What’s the rule at Big Orange Satan?
As the diarist stated: “Please Note: This is an opinion diary not a definite statement of fact, it is the diarists interpretation of the facts as he sees them”
This copout bypasses the rules, whatever they are. After that all you have to do is hedge…some left wing bloggers are anti-Semitic, for example.
Daily Kos has a variety of Zionist members, reflecting some of the diversity of thought in the Democratic Party. Some of their diaries actually provide opportunities for decent discussion. Unfortunately, far too many of them are just variations of the JSF simplified hasbara playbook:
Well, all I can say is, don’t expect VollyBoy or whatever his name is, who authored the proZionist/antiPalestinian diary to get reprimanded.
It just doesn’t happen. But I still see some of the survivors like Jon and Heathlander still active. Still trying to figure out the secret of their success.
They are surviving there just fine. In fact, an early version of that “study” singled them out (along with several marginal trolls) as part of the problem with anti-Semitism at Daily Kos. Heathlander wrote a thorough debunking of the study:
Perhaps that inspired its author to edit him and jon out of the current version.
Heathlander is too mindful and thorough to permit himself to be trashed by the right wing Likudniks, who seek to censor left wing blogs. I am waiting for them to attempt similar acts against Phil Weiss, Richard Silverstein, and Antony Lowenstein, just to mention a few.
Well, you have people like karmafish running around badmouthing dk:
Joined: 18 Dec 2009
Posts: 4
PostPosted: Dec 18, 2009
Post subject: Daily Kos anti-Semitism
More Karmafish:
Dec 18, 2009 22:49
Karmatroll continues to support outings of critics of Israel and organizing “troll squads” from Zionist sites in order to attack dailykos.
Who knows how many sites he has posted this shit to.
He all but called Meteor Blades, an anti-semite.
And the blog site in question outed one of the individuals karma is after.
If anyone should be banned, it’s people like him.
I think Karmafish ventured here a few times too.
But he otherwise seems to stay with Mary O’Connor, who gave her site over to right wing Zionist, the Likudniks of which Karmafish is one. There is virtually no IP on MLW, which is how they like to have it. It appears to have changed after Miss Manners anti-Semitic rant on leaving, and DHonig’s blast of MLW for hosting it. She eventually had to claim she was a right wing Zionist, in order to quell the beasts.
But that’s no matter. The site got so embarrassingly small, that Mary discontinued the site meter.
Zionist cultists panic when “any” blog is getting out of their control. And frankly, I don’t care what groupthink blogs they control as long as the truth continues to come out on the big ones.
Salon, dk and Huffington are now big targets.
They took you out because you promoted Jewish anti-zionists. And they took me out because I quoted Israeli newpapers that they could not logically dispute.
I used a mishmash of sources, but it was much more related to bringing forth the reality on the ground in the territories than anything else. IMO.
The Institute for Global Jewish Affairs did a study and found that Salon, Huffington Post and Daily Kos, large left wing blogs, were hotbeds of anti-Semitism!
Since he writes at Salon, does that mean they think Glennzilla is a self-hating Jew?
Most likely at least by inference, although I have heard people like Norman Finkelstein called anti-Semitic directly.
Absolutely! Greenwald’s column is the main example of “anti-Semitism” at Salon cited in the ICJA’s “study:”
This shoddy “study” was justly mocked on many progressive blogs when it came out in December.
Well, the Israeli government, by way of Livni, who sort of freeked out at the extent of criticism of Israeli on left wing blogs, invited administrators of these blogs including Daily Kos, and even Arianna herself from Huffington Post, but to no avail. But I never heard that Greenwald got an invitation at all.
Reminds me of Red Button’s complaint: “I never had a dinner,” you know, a roast. Too bad, but he lived a long life, if that is a good thing. Sometimes it’s not.
A few years ago, the Foreign Ministry invited American Progressive bloggers to take “the tour” of Israel. Several admins from some high profile blogs (and some not-so-high profile), including Kagro X from Daily Kos, got the royal treatment. I don’t remember seeing a diary from Kagro X after that event specifically about his trip, but he commented in I/P diaries a few times after that in the following months.
Arianna got a special tour arranged by friends in the LA Jewish Federation a few months ago. In one of the diaries in her series, she wrote about this wonderful multi-ethnic school, where sabra and recent immigrant Jewish children from around the world learned together. It was particularly ironic that this was written right around the time that news about Israel’s treatment of the teachers at Father Elias Chacour’s school was surfacing. Mar Elias Schools have educated Christian, Jewish and Muslim children together in Israel for decades, overcoming all sorts of obstacles erected by the State of Israel to do so. GOI had withheld the paychecks of the teachers for months.
Oh look at this shiny object over here!
Someone needs to diary this. Of course most of us already knew this from Clean Break Plan.