So, Chuck Grassley wants to eviscerate the Estate Tax as the price for his cooperation with a jobs bill. Because you and I and everyone else just knows that the way to get the unemployment rate down is to let the Trustifarians keep more of mommy and daddy’s money when they die.
Now, in an alternate universe where liberals had all the money in the world to whip up public outrage, we’d be seeing some pretty merciless advertisements about this situation. But, we don’t have the money and the party doesn’t have the balls. Can hurt Max Baucus’s feeling, ya know.
“fight for real health reform”?
I STILL don’t know what kind of health care system he wants Americans to have.
Yeah, even if I think he knew what he was doing process wise for some of it, I don’t know wtf he wants; where will he draw a line?
I realize he doesn’t want to box himself in, but Christ…stand for something! I don’t know what he stands for.
u don’t know because you believe Politico and disbelieve the only Democratic President we have. I know what he stands for – it’s pretty damn clear.
Fill us in!!
He wants a reform that gets rid of insurance company scams and lowers entry costs. Doesn’t care much how.
Anyone can cut costs, just ask Paul Ryan. I need something concrete.
Ah, you want a 30 page mimeographed single spaced manifesto that won’t go anywhere.
it’s health insurance reform.
the current version of the senate bill is a give-away to the insurance industry, at the expense of those least able to afford it. granted, it may add 30 million people to the rolls of those covered by some kind of policy, and it may reduce or eliminate recidivism, and pre-existing condition clauses, but it comes with a federally mandated requirement to have insurance; failure to comply enforceable under penalty.
subsidies, or not, be damned, it’s a shitty bill and there’s been zero, nada, zip leadership shown by the wh to make it better.
the insurance company’s just had a banner year, and insured even fewer people…The five biggest companies covered 2.7 million fewer people last year but earned 56% more:
l don’t view that as a successful conclusion to the rhetoric of the campaign, nor is the recent call to arms re: this particul;arly noteworthy; other than they’re…the wh…running back to the volunteer
fire departmentbase, after kicking them in the balls for the past year while the house and senate burned down because of the lobbying pressure from the insurance companies.frankly, the lack of leadership is appalling. this isn’t change anyone can believe in.
Tell me what he wants; all I hear are the same 3-4 talking points.
What will he fall on his sword for? Do you know? He just praised the disgustingly worthless Baucus jobs bill that relies on supply-side shit.
Why is he adoption Republican fixes for the economy? Republicans aren’t the only ones who can be pro-business, I’d know, I’m one of the last people who is joining in on the Goldman hatred.
However, wtf is this? That bill is such a worthless POS. This isn’t an issue of the best we can get; we can do better.
Thank God Reid put an end to that sanity:
I don’t think falling on the sword is part of the plan. You fall on the sword if you lose and give up – I know that’s the preferred operating mode for the American left, but I don’t think Obama buys into that.
Actually, it’s not my preferred model. I want results. Like Booman, I didn’t expect much better than the Republican health care bill that we will inevitably pass. I thought they’d go reconciliation in the end for the whole thing and just give up on the regulatory stuff, but that was in my mind before they had 60 votes–back last January in 2009.
However, this jobs bill I will not accept. It’s a worthless waste of money, the Republicans will lambaste it as “Stimulus Number 2,” and when it inevitably fails because of how its structured and its size, we will have just kicked liberalism in the balls once again.
Good thing, then, that instead of “falling on sword”, they have allowed Baucus to humiliate himself and then dropped his Grassly entangled idiocy in the dumpster.
Eh? The Senate bill is mostly the Baucus bill, you know, whether he humiliated himself or not.
Never mind, you’re referring to jobs and not health.
And I don’t blame them. The GOP is using their 41 seat supermajority to make this country ungovernable. They’ve made the strategic decision last summer that their only road back to power in 2010 and 2012 is by betting that dem incumbents will pay a huge price if congress and the white house are unable to, well, govern.
So unless we change that dynamic, this is the way anything will have to get passed. The GOP will extract huge concessions, because the alternative, nothing getting done and unemployment continuing to be high, is not so horrible for them. In fact, they’re betting its the BEST way for them to take win seats this November.
Reid ripping the bill from the hapless Baucus was a very good sign that we’re going to actualy fight this dynamic, rather than be a victim of it.
‘fight this dynamic’?
Democratic leaders don’t know HOW to fight, are AFRAID to fight, REFUSE to fight, and do everything they can to AVOID a fight.
They are political pacifists.
The Democratic leadership ‘fighting’;
That bunny is a real killer, though lol!
There is one simple reason to return to the fight to pass Health Care now. I will hold my nose because it has been degraded into something nearly unrecognizable. But the reason to wade back into the fray is that if not now, the opportunity will certainly be lost for a generation and perhaps for much longer.
And yes I will agree (through gritted teeth) that if a Bill is somehow passed it allows for the opportunity to be revisited and revamped as an ongoing process.
they need to man the fuck up and grow a pair and shove this down his throat.