When was the last time DSCC Chairman Bob Menendez produced encouraging news?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I didn’t even know he was DSCC Chairman. I wonder if he knew. Someone should tell him.
He knows.
Coons running Delaware on February 3rd.
If you consider good hit jobs “encouraging,” you could go with the Dan Coates video on February 5:
I’m glad that Coons is running. I think he has just as good of a chance as Biden had.
Lets face it. He’s been very underwhelming as DSCC chair. Then again, the DCCC hasn’t been any better.
the real challenge is name the democratic chairs, committee or otherwise, that have been overwhelming…or even marginally successful… in accomplishing things.
it’s a damn short list.
the leadership, based on seniority, is a bunch of old school cetrist oriented hacks, and the consequences were/are predictable.
the peter principal in action, eh.
Isn’t the DCCC Chair Chris Van Hollen of Maryland? When I’ve seen him interviewed on C-Span and such, he seems to have a good feel for how things are really going.
Last I knew, he was DCCC chair.
The DCCC chair has been quite good all things considered. While there have been a few retirements, there is nothing like the ’94 rush to the exits, and the money is still coming in relatively well. Also I think the DCCC has won something like 4 special elections in a row. Van Hollen is in a tough spot here, the Dems are going to lose seats, but his challenge is to limit the loses. The DSCC though has been a failure thus far. Yes, they have their preferred candidates in MO, NH and look like they will get their guy in OH they have been totally blindsided and stupid in other cases. The Bayh retirement, not getting Biden in the race in DE, not getting Madigan in IL, and not to mention losing MA. Its just been awful. I want Schumer back.
Lee Fisher stinks. If you think he’s your savior in OH .. you are kidding yourself
I have no personal preference, I’m just saying that it looks like the DSCC has their man.