Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Week’s Theme: Red
Website(s) of the Week: Slate Slideshow of Abandoned Buildings.
AndiF’s Red
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Red Around the Corner
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Would you like some beer with your red?
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Escaping Red
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olivia’s red
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Next Week’s Theme: Rails, Trails, Roads
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Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Beautiful pictures!!! I think my favorites are the Red around the corner and red flower.
Wonderful flog last week, here’s to another, cheers!
I LOVE that second shot! That’s an awesome piece of public art!
It’s a piece in the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden. Neat place.
I love the fire works!!!!
Echoing stand strong — both the sculpture and your photo of it are great. But also agreeing with RF on the fireworks (they look like some sort of picture blood flowing through a body). And that’s the best “red eye” photo I’ve seen. 🙂
Bob, your first image resonates with me tonight. I’ve been working on a musical composition where a rhythmic blip + the sounds of the Pacific near San Francisco become fireworks in a summer sky.
Beautiful shot.
Love the cherry shot – even more b/c of the blue sky and green grass.
I have to choose the bird as my favorite — so alive and glowing in the light.
Fabulous flaming fireworks, you frumious photographer!
Too much pot will give you red eye liner. Great bird shot.
I love the cherry shot also.
Well, there’s some red here in this decidedly different application of HDR photography.
I had just finished cleaning our living room. Wiped everything down, vacuumed, mopped, etc. Everything being neat; clean and in order, I decided to pop off a few frames and make an HDR of an otherwise mundane scene.
This is what a true HDR actually looks like, as opposed to some of the other work that I’ve done. Essentially, it shouldn’t even look touched up and you’ll find that a lot of architectural pictures are actually HDR images meant to balance out lighting contrast issues to provide a well-lit, bright image of an environment.
What a beautiful room. While looking very stylish and well put together, it also looks cozy and warm.
It beautifully done (plus I’m jealous of how clean it is) — the slight off angle view does a great job of taking our through the room the toward the windows. The “accent” of the tv reflecting the windows is a nice touch as well.
I wanted to try and get as much of the room in as possible. I also was trying to get my house-mate’s dog to sit on the seat and just lay down as it would’ve added to the warmth of the picture but “someone” decided she wanted to play instead and didn’t make the shot.
Stand strong,
For Architectural Digest shots like that, it`s best to rent a “set” dog.
Great shot.
This is a great representation of HDR. Well done.
It looks nice – really nice.
I am totally charmed by the bears.
Strange juxtaposition of a “No BBQ” sign & a crow`s nest.
Very nice set.
I love the lighthouse one best.
I love lines and edges so of your sets this one is my favorite. And given that love, it probably won’t be all that surprising that my favorite photo in the other sets is the second flag photo.
The St. Gallen – Stadtlounge and the Mannheim – Werkhaus Nationaltheater definitely benefit from being viewed at the larger sizes.
In agreement w/ Andi – love the lines here.
Esp intrigued by the ‘Altenrhein – Markthalle’ photo.
The benches and tables with snow are so cheery and optimistic. I also like their rounded edges, a softening of a very angled building. The benches might even be comfortable to sit on.
Fascinating treatment on the red frames of the porthole windows.
I was checking it out in “original” size.
all my photos can be viewed here.
I gotta say that tomato isn’t making me think of a tomato but I blame on the Olympics and a lot of red lycra.
I want to reach through the screen for those beautiful strawberries.
That tomato looks huge!
That tomato looks hugely like an old girlfriend of my uncle`s.
Anenomies, Maria Island
Eastern Rosella, Tasmania
Sturt’s desert pea, Western Australa.
Great red choices. I love the anemones — the setting is wonderfully otherworldly.
Those red anemones are incredible.
The green ones below those, I`m quite familiar with as they are in the tidal pools right here at my local beaches.
Do you know anything about those red ones?
Are they always found in close proximity to each other?
They are very bright. Amazing color, & RED.
Those are the “Mulberry anemone” or “Bubble anemone” Phylctenanthus australis, they permanently attach to rocks in inter tidal pools. They seem fairly common in the colder waters of Australia. I’ve seen them less tightly grouped, but usually still near each other.
I have to admit that I still stick my fingers in open anemones just for the fun of it.
w/ Andi and Head on loving the anemone shot. They’re amazing.
Piling on in choosing the anemones as my favorite — and they can be touched — wow!
Yes, & I can never resist either.
As soon as you touch them, they pucker up.
I should stop at this point.
What truly great shots we have this week! It’s getting harder all the time to meet the standard ..
About our gracious hostesses: I adore Andi’s ‘red around the corner’ (great color plus perspective) & Miss Olivia’s flower center is a mighty turn-on. Thank you both!
I red the news today, Oh boy!!

(My friend Matt)
(Mystery note)
I think you smoked the news today — you got some really freaky pictures in this set. But then again, you’ve got your wonderful girls — the flag picture is one of my all-time favorites.
I gotta agree with Andi, the Ice Cream Dream is a real standout.

Thank you.
Here`s another one from that set.
I had them running between the rows of flags while I tried to find & shoot them.
If you click on it you can go to more of the flags.
We`d gone for our weekly ice cream outing, saw all the flags commemorating 911, & decided to stop for a bit of fun.
This granddaughter, Jackie, turns 10 tomorrow.
I love those ones too. Happy birthday to Jackie! That first double-digit birthday is always so exciting.
Well please tell her Happy Birthday from another grandpa way out east! My youngest son had a birthday of his own today, so they are very close. He’s in his 30 somethings though.
When I`m not in the news, I smoke it. Then again, I`ve also been in the news for smoking.
My “girl” dreaming in the flags, & smiling at the end of the post, celebrates her birthday tomorrow, Sunday.
She`ll be ten years old.
Again, agreeing w/ all on the photo of Jackie. It’s a great moment captured. Send a few extra Happy Birthday wishes her way from all of us.
Thank you for the birthday wishes for Jackie.
She`ll be seeing them next Sunday at a party though her birthday is right now.
Lightfooted Dancer is a fun shot!
Just fooling around with my girls a few years ago.
I have to choose “Red Smile” as my favorite. It is timeless — that all young girls would be able to glow with such happiness!
I love them both.

Tampopo, have you clicked to see some of the other shots in that set?
You are right about the glow that all young girls should have. I can`t stand to see a sad little girl, or young boy for that matter.
Here`s my other granddaughter kissing a frog, maybe dreaming of a prince.
Beautiful shot, KH! A sweet image.
Very appropriate for the Frog Pond, too.
Boy on grandma’s bike

Training fire

16 years to finish

Bee Balm at first light

Oh man, that car is cherry. 🙂
Great theme set — you know your red. Well the flower might be heading a bit more toward the pink but it’s great anyway.
Love the perspective on the training fire shot – nicely taken.
Bee balm is an interestingly-shaped flower, isn’t it. Can’t wait for spring. 🙂
I really like the car photo — there is so much red, yet my eye went looking for more. 😉
What an interesting vehicle too.
Indianadem, what a nice set.
I see that young boy as a future “hog” rider, in the best sense of that expression.
I sure hope the firemen are not burning down that beautiful cabin for training.
That popsicle colored car has a flavor of it`s own.
Great hot rod.
And I`ve never heard of that flower, though I thought it was some kind of bromeliad for a second.
Bee Balm is an herb, aka Wild Bergamot and Oswego Tea, Monarda didyma. Its supposed to have many medicinal qualities and I hear the native peoples hereabouts used it for flatulence (to get rid of it, not to invoke it:). Its a hummingbird’s delight and they go to it first, before any other blossom in our yard.
Now that I know what it is, I`ll see if I can get it locally.
We have many hummingbirds to feed here as two species native to here winter over.
Thanks to everyone for the comments, another great week!
deadlate thanredtoo late!So glad I caught this, as I am waaay late too!
I really like the third photo — I can see how people enjoy imagining fairies and other magical beings in flowers and plants 😉
They’re really there, you know.
Good to see you, tampopo!
Of course they’re really there!
Good to see you as well — I caught hints of a gathering up your way. I would love to join in, though I must confess NYC causes a sensory overload in about 45 minutes.
Same here — & I lived there for 25 years!
Somehow I think it would be worth it, though. In my experience, it’s much better if you:
a) aren’t driving
b) stay focused
c) are fully equipped with strong sedatives.
If we can both stick to these simple rules, the post-Meetup luncheon photos can feature both of us with our noses in our plates.
Not late — just in time to make this gloomy day much brighter with all that gorgeous red (and the subdued red is very pretty too).
It seems like aeons since nature bloomed with color, doesn’t it?
Heard on the radio today that we’re only 4 weeks from Spring Equinox! (This from an admitted optimist).
Thanks for your encouragement, as usual!
I love #s 1 & 3. #3 looks like a fireworks just before teh big bang – a poppy ready to POP!
I never saw the resemblance to fireworks before. Cool!
Wilderness Wench,
I love the close up Lily.
The Poppy is beautiful.
I`ve just been taking shots of them these past few weeks.
I shot red ones orange & yellows, but I`ve never seen this color.
Don`t alert the authorities but I`ll be taking refuge in that shack till things cool down, if you don`t mind.
It has a quiet sense of isolation.
Is that Indian Paintbrush just above the cabin?
Thanks for your encouragement, KH!
The shack is actually a massive old 2 story barn, probably built around 1865. You’d have plenty of company in there — squirrels in winter, swallows in spring.
There is some Indian Paintbrush there (also called Hawkweed), lots of Steeplebush & various wild grasses.
This property was a farm for about 100 years — hence the hay-rake & lots of other farm equipment all around, as well as the outbuildings you often see in my pictures.
You can tell the damn authorities to buzz off. If it’s papaver somniferum you’re talking about, it’s perfectly legal to grow them & definitely legal to take their picture. You’re just not supposed to harvest the opium — but unless they’re examining the pods for scratch-marks, they’d never know.
So poo on them.
Beautiful shot on top and the third.
Thanks, Bob!
My world tends toward pink:
From the last snow, neighborly red:

I like the way you exposed the top shot — it gave the view from the window a slightly pink tinge as well. The overall effect is very nice — the feel of quiet and ease comes right through my monitor.
Seconded! It’s a lovely world.
I’m also intrigued by the conical shapes in your neighbor’s yard. Did the gnomes forget to book that flight to Bermuda?
A very warm feeling in the home with the roses on the blind.
The votive candle suggests a vigil for the room itself to be re-occupied.
Red Bird Singing in the Dead of White

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A Touch of Red

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A Whiter Shade of Red – (That would be pink.).

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You’re a very punny boy. But the Pack and I like you anyway. 😉
I always love a great bird shot, but your last image is the stand-out for me. I’m guessing that’s Andi. Where is she standing out at?
What a wonderful environment.
WW, that would be Andi standing in southern Utah after slogging up to the top of the largest sand dune in Corral Pink Sand Dunes State Park a few miles north of Kanab, UT.
See you in June in NYC; I hope.
At least it’s closer than Utah.
I think AndiF wins the award just like the Junior Farmer Of America, because she`s out standing in her field.
Don’t know if that’s a ‘field’, KH. I think Andi is just out standing.
May I add my compliments here on your beautiful images? Hope your girl’s had a great birthday.
Given the velocity with which that sand was pelting me, being out standing seemed like a bad idea at the time.
At least you weren’t mediocre.
Now who`s “punny”
Very nice bird shots JimF.
I just can`t get over the cold these beauties handle.
I love the untold stories in that cabin. The neon sign reminds me of the great sign in Flagstaff across from the train staition, “Grand Canyon Cafe – Chop Suey”
Olivia, #3 would make Caravaggio think he was using pastels. Wow!
The perspective composition of the red barn is terrific.
I had to twist my mind a little on the fire escape/staircase to see it properly.
It had me optically delusional for a second.
Both great shots.
(Optically delusional) is trademarked, sorry!
Thanks Head. BTW, that’s an abandoned house, not a barn, which somehow makes it more fascinating to me (I guess because I’ve seen barns slowly disintegrate many times but this is the only house).
AndiF — I was thinking, but apparently didn’t write how much I really, really like the fire escape photo. The colors and the mind’s eye puzzling are brilliant!
Thanks Tampopo. It was definitely one of those right places, right time photos. And I need to thank Jim for spotting the fire escape in the first place.
It looks like you`ve been pilfering my strawberries.
You know I thought you`d posted a 3D of the flags/banners.
I got a headache, thank you.
I love the painting of the flower on red velvet.
Very nice all of them.
And again, thank you & AndiF for another successful Flogging Fri.
I wanted to let you know how much I like the strawberry photo. At first I thought there was a bubble behind the strawberry. The larger photo allowed me to see this was a strawberry “in process.” Delightful.