Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Actually, from the start that’s the camp I’ve been in. It’s painful, but I think it would be the best path forward for the country. “Looking forward not backward” was probably the worst position to take.
But you should see the document dump that comes with it. There are three drafts of the report (appropriately redacted to suit the CIA) – first, second, final. The responses of the lawyers for Yoo and Bybee to the first and second drafts. And the memorandum from Margolis that argues for no legal consequences–with his name on the memo unredacted.
See Emptywheel for details. They’re having a document reading party tonight.
Also in today’s dump are the Ameranthrax (sic) investigation report and a whole bunch of highly redacted documents to fulfill a FOIA request. Details also at Emptywheel.
it’s not my dismissal that’s problematic, it’s the doj’s.
the net result of this, now official, cya finding is that no one, anywhere, will be challenged to defend their actions in a court of law, or a hearing defending why they shouldn’t be disbarred and impeached. covering the asses of yoo, bybee, etal, just assures that those higher up will never have to fear any prosecution for their crimes…at least in the u.s.. however, they may want to continue their curtailment of travel outside the country…but yoo is free from any repercussions and can continue his tenured professorship at uc berkeley, and bybee gets to keep his lifetime appointment to the federal bench.
clearly, the concept of the rule of law has been rendered as quaint as the geneva conventions by this action.
but go ahead and knock yourself out. l have better things to do than wade through a document dump when the outcome is a fait accompli.
a poster at the orange place suggested re: Spanish Judge Baltasar Garzon convening an investigation of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity allegedly committed by U.S. government officials and others during the Bush administration, beginning feb 15 that Garzon’s inquiry can only move forward because our Justice Department won’t do even a cursory investigation. “According to international law, that would supersede any other jurisdiction…”
Published: February 19, 2010
Filed at 8:00 p.m. ET
WASHINGTON (AP) — Justice Department lawyers showed ”poor judgment” but did not commit professional misconduct when they authorized CIA interrogators to use waterboarding and other harsh tactics at the height of the U.S. war on terrorism, an internal review released Friday found.
The decision closes the book on one of the major lingering investigations into the counterterrorism policies of George W. Bush’s administration. President Barack Obama campaigned on abolishing the simulated drowning technique of waterboarding and other tactics that he called torture, but he left open the question of whether anyone would be punished for authorizing such methods.
“Closes the book”.
On take-out-the-fucking trash-Friday.
Just like Bush did with the stuff he was ashamed of.
Interesting discovery from the document dump. The first thing that Yoo had his assistant research was the statute of limitations on torture prosecution.
Amen!!! I am so sick of hearing about Tiger Woods and his prowess at banging everything alive. I do hope he can get his second head back in his pants and keep it there most of the time but really could care less.
DOJ rules no legal consequences for authorizing torture. Sveeet. I’m thrilled.
Now watch this drive.
I’ve been in this camp for a while regarding this:
Actually, from the start that’s the camp I’ve been in. It’s painful, but I think it would be the best path forward for the country. “Looking forward not backward” was probably the worst position to take.
But you should see the document dump that comes with it. There are three drafts of the report (appropriately redacted to suit the CIA) – first, second, final. The responses of the lawyers for Yoo and Bybee to the first and second drafts. And the memorandum from Margolis that argues for no legal consequences–with his name on the memo unredacted.
See Emptywheel for details. They’re having a document reading party tonight.
Also in today’s dump are the Ameranthrax (sic) investigation report and a whole bunch of highly redacted documents to fulfill a FOIA request. Details also at Emptywheel.
this was a done deal nearly 3 weeks ago. but, like tarheeldem said, at least we’ll get to see the redacted documents…whoopee.
another blunder.
Take a gander at what’s out there before you automatically dismiss them. There is a heck of a lot that is unredacted.
it’s not my dismissal that’s problematic, it’s the doj’s.
the net result of this, now official, cya finding is that no one, anywhere, will be challenged to defend their actions in a court of law, or a hearing defending why they shouldn’t be disbarred and impeached. covering the asses of yoo, bybee, etal, just assures that those higher up will never have to fear any prosecution for their crimes…at least in the u.s.. however, they may want to continue their curtailment of travel outside the country…but yoo is free from any repercussions and can continue his tenured professorship at uc berkeley, and bybee gets to keep his lifetime appointment to the federal bench.
clearly, the concept of the rule of law has been rendered as quaint as the geneva conventions by this action.
but go ahead and knock yourself out. l have better things to do than wade through a document dump when the outcome is a fait accompli.
That just sucks. What kind of country have we become??
What kind of country have we become??
A banana republic.
But who did he have sex with, how many, where, and why is he not sorry enough?
The biggest issue as always, why won’t Tiger answer the media’s questions?
The biggest issue is this: who the f*** cares?
we should all follow Julia Mancuso’s lead and “rock the tiara”.
a poster at the orange place suggested re: Spanish Judge Baltasar Garzon convening an investigation of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity allegedly committed by U.S. government officials and others during the Bush administration, beginning feb 15 that Garzon’s inquiry can only move forward because our Justice Department won’t do even a cursory investigation. “According to international law, that would supersede any other jurisdiction…”
to get a real investigation to happen let Balthasar Garzon do it
the “Theme for the Day” should be:
“Closes the book”.
On take-out-the-fucking trash-Friday.
Just like Bush did with the stuff he was ashamed of.
Stop playing golf and get your life together.
Golf is for elitists.
The Nuremburg defense finally has a home at DOJ. “Just following orders.”
Interesting discovery from the document dump. The first thing that Yoo had his assistant research was the statute of limitations on torture prosecution.
Keep you putter in your hand and out of the holes…
Nice topic;
Play golf if you want, don’t play golf, I don’t care as long as you just shut up and go away.
Amen!!! I am so sick of hearing about Tiger Woods and his prowess at banging everything alive. I do hope he can get his second head back in his pants and keep it there most of the time but really could care less.