Normally, this award goes to some ass-clown like Frank Gaffney or Michele Bachmann, but McDonald’s just told me that Chicken McNuggets are a favorite food of the Winter Olympians. I think most Olympic coaches would strangle their athletes if they caught them eating McDonald’s food.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
LOL – saw that commercial a couple of days ago and my thoughts were in line with yours. Imagine the amount of crap that McD’s (and other fast food chains) dump in all their menu items.
No one should eat the stuff – and certainly not top athletes.
Did you see that thing on the McItaly line of food in Italy?
Shouldn’t it be McItalia?
In Massachusetts I had a McClaw Lobster sandwich. I just had to buy it.
McDonald’s parlo L’Italiano? Parlo THIS, McDonald’s!
No doubt that the team is getting McNugget happy meals for the Star Wars toys currently being offered.
When did they make diabetes and cancer Olympic events?
…or read in press releases:
How much money would it cost Philip Morris to buy Marlboro as the favorite cigarette of the Olympians, and make similar claims that athletes reportedly like to cool their nerves with a smoke before breaking world records?
Do You Believe … out of the blue VANOC could
petition the court for an injunction to shut down
the folksy little Olympia bistro on Denman St,
maybe just as Canada’s 2010 Olympics start.
IOC a total control freak on protecting its trademark
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."