We really have a remarkable political system where one senator can tell an entire nation of unemployed people tough shit on getting any checks and then complain about his personal filibuster causing him to miss a basketball game.

Of course, Jim Bunning is retiring, so he doesn’t care about the fact that the Senate recessed for the week without addressing any of this:

The extension of jobless benefits was included in a bill that the House passed earlier Thursday by a voice vote. The bill would also extend federal subsidies to help pay health premiums for people who have lost health insurance along with their jobs.

In addition, the bill would extend current Medicare payment rates for doctors through March 31, sparing them from a 21 percent cut. The cut is scheduled to take effect on Monday.

The bill also extends programs providing flood insurance, small business loans and the copyright license used by satellite television providers – – all through March 28.

Mind you, this bill is so uncontroversial that is passed the House on a voice vote.