Probably the saddest thing of all is living in your mother’s basement and feverishly blogging for Exxon/Mobil without even getting paid for it.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Instaputz is now hosted on a religious affiliated site? Oy!!! Hasn’t the Pope spoke out about the need to curb global warming?
If Christians preach care about your neighbor, why are Conservative Christians against all the care for neighbor policies like global warming and public healthcare. I believe Christian Conservatives are taking a very hypocritical position or just fulfilling the sinful desires of their corporate sponsors.
Right-wing Conservative Christians are only in it for the “Holier than their neighbors” aspect, I guess…
I’ve had a couple discussions about this over at the Orange Place a few years ago:
And here are a couple pieces that I wrote regarding my overall view:
“I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. The materialism of affluent Christian countries appears to contradict the claims of Jesus Christ that says it’s not possible to worship both Mammon and God at the same time.”
From prosperity theology
Prosperity theology is a religious belief found among “tens of millions” of Christians centered on the notion that God provides material prosperity for those he favors. It has been defined by the belief that “Jesus blesses believers with riches” or more specifically as the teaching that “believers have a right to the blessings of health and wealth and that they can obtain these blessings through positive confessions of faith and the ‘sowing of seeds’ through the faithful payments of tithes and offerings.
Pat Robertson calls this theory the “Law of Reciprocity” on his show, The 700 Club.
Simply put: the rich, white man’s religion befitting righteous Republicans of the US in the era of Neocon imperialism.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Offf – did you see the comments? The stupidity of those posters really hurt. A crew of nincompoops…
The state of those comments is really sad. I’ve seen brighter bulbs on myspace.
LOL!! 😉
Sheesh, the ones who call him stupid. Seriously?
And they all think they’re some of the smartest creatures ever. They caught Obama in a “lie” because he admitted he can’t control earthquakes. Seriously, where do these people come from? I just never run into anybody THAT dumb — it’s like some kind of satire or something.
I recently ended up on the Gateway Pundit site and was pretty appalled at some of the rather “unChristian” comments on a blog that is associated with a Christian publication – First Things. I noted as much in a comment, and was essentially attacked rather nastily for calling them on their lack of charity. Here’s the link if you’re interested: