I can’t believe it’s only Tuesday-almost-Wednesday…
I’m watching Parenthood (ooh, look, teenagers misbehaving and meetings with the teacher and all the really fun stuff of parenting) and waiting for my granola bars to cool.
Finn is sleeping of course. He’s been getting fussy around dinnertime every night and then sleeping for hours at a stretch. Which is cool when I’m ready to fall asleep with him…
I thought it looked pretty good, but I can’t stand Lauren Graham. I watched the first 15 minutes and it was kind of awful, so I switched over to The Good Wife, which is just mediocre. I seriously wish they’d just show Love American Style and Bonanza and all of those other old shows, if just for their comedic/nostalgic value. Network shows are just crap now.
Where I live we got about a foot or so of snow. Things weren’t too bad. But here in Orange where I work the county was under a state of emergency from Thursday evening onward. 31 inches in Monroe!
You must have gotten a fair amount of snow. How’d you make out with your power?
Morning all!!! I have a busy day ahead with picking up medications and an appointment to renew my MAP(medical assistance program) card. I am happy to say I survived the Texas primary and over 90% of the candidates I was supporting won their races. Now I have to start wrapping my mind around the Nov. election. LOL
Parenthood was okay but not what I expected. I will give it another couple of tries. It as funny and sweet and I am hoping more funny comes out.
I’m OL today after 6 days without power due to historic snowfall (about 4′ total). No indoor water, no heat aside of 1 room with wood/coal, no light aside of candles & oil lanterns, no phone. My 85 year old housemate was despondent & cold. She tells me she’s never experienced anything like it. Lucky lady!
Today we’re basically back to normal, but I still must shovel.
I’m not unhappy about having had the experience, Andi. Anything that shakes up the comfort zone is good. How bad could it be to know we’d eventually have power, when so many around the globe suffer so much more without hope?
I can only hope that my housemate hasn’t contracted illness because of it — but she is tough.
Well you’re a better one than me. The longest we’ve gone without power is three days and I hated it and complained to whole time (actually I grip every time we lose power for more than a day).
Lost power again for about an hour this afternoon. Slipped very easily back into Settler Mode & considered the possibility of Albany Psy Ops .. an attempt to convince a doubting community to stop bitching about natural gas development ..
I remember the mess we were in when we got 2 feet of snow dumped on us in a day. I can’t imagine 4 feet, and I don’t want to. Glad you’ve got the power back. Take it easy on the shoveling.
To hear my aunt tell it, four feet is nothing (like the time she told me about having to find her house by counting streets and then counting tunnels to the front doors, because the snow was above roof level). But then Alaskans are crazy.
Glad you made it through okay. The worst I have ever dealt with was 3 ft of snow in eastern NC. Was snowed in twice with my Mom about 20 years apart. Power was fine and lots of food but I complained the entire time. LOL
Hi CG! Life is treating me well. Spring is in the air which has my spirits lifted. I’ll get back to complaining when it feels like the air is on fire 🙂
We seem to be getting into a little routine here now, which is nice. The little man spends most of his day awake, but he’s ready for bed by dinnertime and sleeps for a good stretch at a time when he finally goes to sleep at night. I was just thinking he’d take a nice long afternoon nap while I worked here at home, but I guess this works too. 🙂
Hope everyone is having a good week, recovering from their power losses and whatnot. See you all this afternoon!
I showed it to my kids at school today before they took the state mandated science test. We talked about tranfer of energy, & potential & kinetic energy. That video is a physics course all on its own. They could have watched it a dozen more times. Next Friday before spring break, they may.
Howdy Froggies!!! Been fighting with wi-fi for a couple of days now. Guess I cannot complain too much since I am using someone’s unsecured service. LOL Have an appointment with the surgeon about my ankle today and am sure it will go fine.
Several large vees of Sandhill Cranes flew over this afternoon. I’m guessing there were over a thousand of the big birds traveling together. Always I hear them coming long before they’re in sight. Another welcome sign that spring is nearly here, as you’ll see over in the Foto Flog.
Possibly my favorite birds. When I lived in NM the Sandhill cranes and the Snow geese would greet each winter sunrise by flying in cacophonous circles over our house near the Rio Grande.
I enjoy hearing their trilling calls this time of year. I’ve got to sneak out to the bird sanctuary at Lake Monroe and see if they’re stopping by on the way north. Often their vee patterns break up when they’re nearby and they circle around for 5 or 10 minutes, then form a new vee and continue on. That’s what I saw them doing this afternoon.
I got a picture of cranes flying overhead and I was going to post it until I got it downloaded and saw that it’s pretty much just tiny dots in the sky.
Good morning!!! Hope everyone is enjoying their java as much as I am. LOL Saw the surgeon yesterday and was released. No more visits or x-rays!!! The plate and screws will be left in because of my age unless they start bothering me. He said I might set off metal detectors but I can explain and they will wand my ankle to make sure I am not a terrorist. LOL
No great plans for today but will get out to run a few errands just for the exercise.
Good morning rf! We’re currently hooked on Peruvian Organic (coffee) which is full-bodied, as they say, but a little smoother than my beloved dark French Roast. Lucky are we, since Mrs. ID has two coffee sellers for clients and they slip us the good stuff;-)
Great news on the healing! We have a younger friend with similar ankle hardware and it doesn’t bother him at all.
I can’t believe it’s only Tuesday-almost-Wednesday…
I’m watching Parenthood (ooh, look, teenagers misbehaving and meetings with the teacher and all the really fun stuff of parenting) and waiting for my granola bars to cool.
Finn is sleeping of course. He’s been getting fussy around dinnertime every night and then sleeping for hours at a stretch. Which is cool when I’m ready to fall asleep with him…
Was Parenthood any good? I love Lauren Graham but the bits of it in the commercials during the Olympics looked pretty bad.
I’m sure I don’t have to ask if the granola bars were good.
I enjoyed it, but I wasn’t looking for anything too spectacular.
I may require an intervention for the granola bars…they’re just so much better that the ones from the store.
What are you up to today?
Repeatedly cleaning muddy dog feet.
I thought it looked pretty good, but I can’t stand Lauren Graham. I watched the first 15 minutes and it was kind of awful, so I switched over to The Good Wife, which is just mediocre. I seriously wish they’d just show Love American Style and Bonanza and all of those other old shows, if just for their comedic/nostalgic value. Network shows are just crap now.
I’m waiting for the next Season of Weeds, or for FlashForward to come back on, or something. Teevee is pretty lame lately.
I miss Dollhouse.
click for larger
And this is a hump day with meaning for me…I am looking forward to a lazy Saturday morning. Well, maybe with some yoga thrown in.
Why is this Saturday lazier than all other Saturdays? 😉
(Too bad the Passover seder isn’t on a Saturday this year so I could use that line.)
You must be the wise daughter of the 4. 😉
How’d you make out this week, b2?
Good to see you present & accounted for.
Thanks! Good to see you ww.
Where I live we got about a foot or so of snow. Things weren’t too bad. But here in Orange where I work the county was under a state of emergency from Thursday evening onward. 31 inches in Monroe!
You must have gotten a fair amount of snow. How’d you make out with your power?
Heh. See my post at 12:56.
So glad you made it through without hassle. For us, I think a foot will look like a dusting from now on.
But I want to be the one wicked one!
Morning all!!! I have a busy day ahead with picking up medications and an appointment to renew my MAP(medical assistance program) card. I am happy to say I survived the Texas primary and over 90% of the candidates I was supporting won their races. Now I have to start wrapping my mind around the Nov. election. LOL
Parenthood was okay but not what I expected. I will give it another couple of tries. It as funny and sweet and I am hoping more funny comes out.
Great picture Miss Andi!!!
I’m hoping for more funny…Lauren Graham can be kind of annoying.
Hey, kids!
I’m OL today after 6 days without power due to historic snowfall (about 4′ total). No indoor water, no heat aside of 1 room with wood/coal, no light aside of candles & oil lanterns, no phone. My 85 year old housemate was despondent & cold. She tells me she’s never experienced anything like it. Lucky lady!
Today we’re basically back to normal, but I still must shovel.
Hope everyone’s having a good week so far!
Wow, glad your power is back on and everyone is okay. Four feet – ayeyiyi!
Thanks for good thoughts, CG. May you never see this much snow again ’til Finn is old enough to shovel.
Wow! That’s amazing and awful and scary. I’m glad you came through it okay but sorry that you had to go through it at all.
I’m not unhappy about having had the experience, Andi. Anything that shakes up the comfort zone is good. How bad could it be to know we’d eventually have power, when so many around the globe suffer so much more without hope?
I can only hope that my housemate hasn’t contracted illness because of it — but she is tough.
Well you’re a better one than me. The longest we’ve gone without power is three days and I hated it and complained to whole time (actually I grip every time we lose power for more than a day).
Don’t worry — we did our share of kvetching too.
Lost power again for about an hour this afternoon. Slipped very easily back into Settler Mode & considered the possibility of Albany Psy Ops .. an attempt to convince a doubting community to stop bitching about natural gas development ..
</tinfoil hat>
You can take that hat off — it’s impossible to be too suspicious of utilities.
True, which is why Wench should put the hat back on (they’re bombarding us with microwaves).
I remember the mess we were in when we got 2 feet of snow dumped on us in a day. I can’t imagine 4 feet, and I don’t want to. Glad you’ve got the power back. Take it easy on the shoveling.
Thanks, Jim. After today I think maybe I’m done with shoveling for a little while. Ack!
To hear my aunt tell it, four feet is nothing (like the time she told me about having to find her house by counting streets and then counting tunnels to the front doors, because the snow was above roof level). But then Alaskans are crazy.
You betcha.
I like how Alaskans refer to everything outside the state as “outside”. As in, “I haven’t been outside for decades” (actual quote).
OTOH, it is one of the most spectacular places on the planet, so I can sorta understand why.
With nature, there’s always a pay-off.
Glad to hear all is ok and things are progressing back to normal out there.
‘Normal’ up here is always relative.
Thanks for good thoughts, ID.
Glad you made it through okay. The worst I have ever dealt with was 3 ft of snow in eastern NC. Was snowed in twice with my Mom about 20 years apart. Power was fine and lots of food but I complained the entire time. LOL
In case anyone ever read his parody site, Jon Swift has died.
That’s a shame.
How are you doing, ManEe?
Hi CG! Life is treating me well. Spring is in the air which has my spirits lifted. I’ll get back to complaining when it feels like the air is on fire 🙂
Hope your week back to the office is going well!
I would love to be there with you in spring, Manny. It was one of our favorite spring trips and I can’t believe it’s been three years.
with all the rain this winter, our wildflower show is going to be spectacular. yes, there will be fotos 🙂
Lookin’ forward to flower photos.
Can you send the scent of creosote bush and desert after a light rain too?
Yay for wildflower photos! Can’t wait.
We seem to be getting into a little routine here now, which is nice. The little man spends most of his day awake, but he’s ready for bed by dinnertime and sleeps for a good stretch at a time when he finally goes to sleep at night. I was just thinking he’d take a nice long afternoon nap while I worked here at home, but I guess this works too. 🙂
Hope everyone is having a good week, recovering from their power losses and whatnot. See you all this afternoon!
We’re overdue for some new photos. 😉
OK Go This too Shall Pass
Watch it full-screen.
Fantastic! Also, the best music video evah (not that I paid any attention to the song).
Love that!
was awesome
I showed it to my kids at school today before they took the state mandated science test. We talked about tranfer of energy, & potential & kinetic energy. That video is a physics course all on its own. They could have watched it a dozen more times. Next Friday before spring break, they may.
While not as complicated, I do like OK Go’s previous “treadmill” video.
Fun! I sent to some of my teacher relatives. Thanks for the idea, Jim!
Today, Buzz Out Loud, a tech podcast I listen to everyday, had an interview with the creator/organizer/maker of the video.
Cool and timely.
This week’s is Random. Click here for the Flog.
Looking forward to it.
I will chefck it out since it is always so wonderful. I will also share it on facebook.
Howdy Froggies!!! Been fighting with wi-fi for a couple of days now. Guess I cannot complain too much since I am using someone’s unsecured service. LOL Have an appointment with the surgeon about my ankle today and am sure it will go fine.
Several large vees of Sandhill Cranes flew over this afternoon. I’m guessing there were over a thousand of the big birds traveling together. Always I hear them coming long before they’re in sight. Another welcome sign that spring is nearly here, as you’ll see over in the Foto Flog.
Possibly my favorite birds. When I lived in NM the Sandhill cranes and the Snow geese would greet each winter sunrise by flying in cacophonous circles over our house near the Rio Grande.
Sandhill cranes at sunrise. Bosque del Apache, NM.
Sandhill cranes feeding. Bosque del Apache, NM.
I enjoy hearing their trilling calls this time of year. I’ve got to sneak out to the bird sanctuary at Lake Monroe and see if they’re stopping by on the way north. Often their vee patterns break up when they’re nearby and they circle around for 5 or 10 minutes, then form a new vee and continue on. That’s what I saw them doing this afternoon.
Wow, the Bird Whisperer strikes again. What wonderful shots.
Yes, aren’t they? I was daydreaming of a long lens for the camera yesterday while watching the big birds pass overhead, sometimes barely within sight.
I got a picture of cranes flying overhead and I was going to post it until I got it downloaded and saw that it’s pretty much just tiny dots in the sky.
The best of my lot:
Wow, they weren’t anywhere near that clear to me. Either that or you’ve got one of those way cool NASA telescope type lenses.
Good morning!!! Hope everyone is enjoying their java as much as I am. LOL Saw the surgeon yesterday and was released. No more visits or x-rays!!! The plate and screws will be left in because of my age unless they start bothering me. He said I might set off metal detectors but I can explain and they will wand my ankle to make sure I am not a terrorist. LOL
No great plans for today but will get out to run a few errands just for the exercise.
Good morning rf! We’re currently hooked on Peruvian Organic (coffee) which is full-bodied, as they say, but a little smoother than my beloved dark French Roast. Lucky are we, since Mrs. ID has two coffee sellers for clients and they slip us the good stuff;-)
Great news on the healing! We have a younger friend with similar ankle hardware and it doesn’t bother him at all.
I am on an organic kick myself and enjoying a medium arabica. I usually prefer dark roast but this one is good.
I am sure the har4dware will do just fine. I actually like the idea of the support. LOL
I wear high top boots with ankle support anytime the terrain is rough or slippery. I think that old habit has saved my tarsi more than once.
Good news! I hope that FM makes out as well.