Lol. Ah, the poor-long-suffering-look perfected by dogs the world over. Which occasionally backfires on them in that we find it so darned cute we actually go out of our way to humiliate them.
Sweater, aka a sleeve cut off one of my sweatshirts. It’s been getting down to the high 40’s at night, so I wanted to make sure she didn’t get chilled – especially since she’s a little bit on the small side.
Dad is white and brown, so I’m still trying to figure out if she’s going to be black or dark brown. Black is actually recessive in alpacas, so we weren’t expecting a black from this breeding.
My mama’s bigger than your mama.
For a newborn baby, she does I’m-too-cool-for-you pose really well. Only seems to work when she’s sitting down though. 😉
Alpacas are born poised.
And that there’s lots less Lily since she’s shed all of her undercoat.
or Statue of Liberty. Either way, she looks the opposite of happy about this.
Lol. Ah, the poor-long-suffering-look perfected by dogs the world over. Which occasionally backfires on them in that we find it so darned cute we actually go out of our way to humiliate them.
Poor Emma. Good thing she loves you all bunches … otherwise she’d have to kill you (or at least attack the trash again).
Love her sweater. 🙂
Sweater, aka a sleeve cut off one of my sweatshirts. It’s been getting down to the high 40’s at night, so I wanted to make sure she didn’t get chilled – especially since she’s a little bit on the small side.
Dad is white and brown, so I’m still trying to figure out if she’s going to be black or dark brown. Black is actually recessive in alpacas, so we weren’t expecting a black from this breeding.