Here’s some video I shot today of the FinnMan showing his dissatisfaction with his circumstances. Loading it to YouTube pretty severely degraded the quality of the video. Maybe I’m just a novice.
After I shut off the camera, he got his lunch.
Update [2010-3-13 18:19:28 by BooMan]: Here’s some bonus footage. He plays with his rattle. He was actually holding it in both hands and having a little tug-of-war, which is why I went and grabbed the video in the first place. Naturally, I wasn’t fast enough to capture that, but I think this is cute anyway.
I also have to say that there is basically a waterfall in our basement today, and the house is about ready to float away. Less rain, please.
I blame Rahm for the mobile breaking and the rain. Finn is a doll.
Here’s an older one, with some hilarious coincidental music that proves Rahm controls this mobile.
He looks like his mom. Sorry BooMan.
You gave CG a big smile with that one.
That’s funny, I was thinking he looks like BooMan!
That’s so fascinating about kids, the way they combine parents’ traits.
Thanks for the videos! I like hearing parent voices too having never met you in person.
He totally looks like BooMan -especially the blue eyes and hair color. Although he also looks quite bit like CBtY did at the same age through the cheeks and mouth.
I think he’s a pretty good blend of the two of us.
Great, so I play the YouTube, Satchmo hears a baby crying and is now tearing the house apart trying to find him, he’s so worried he is beside himself. Books coming down off shelves, clothes hamper upside down, ahh looking under bed now….
Sorry about that. Natural nursemaids, aren’t they?
Our dogs show concern, but nothing like a Newf would display.
I could tell immediately that he was one hungry baby. They gnaw on those little fingers like there’s no tomorrow, and the fussy cry says, “C’mon, you tall people! Feed the baby!”
My oldest son, who’s twenty-two and has no desire for starting a family, heard the video playing and said, “What is that, Mom?” I said, “It’s a cute little baby in a swing” and he said, “Well, don’t get any ideas”. I don’t expect to be a grandma for a long, long time.
Life can change in a flash. You never know.
Kid’s got some lungs on him.
I’ve been known to make the same observation.
O no! I couldn’t watch all of the second one; it made me motion sick. The first one was… well, you know he’s adorable, right?
Aw, such a hungry little cutie.
Great PJ’s.
Is it just me, or did anyone else think he’s dressed like a little convict? Just me then.
But who am I to judge infant couture these days?
Yes, finger and hand gumming and eating is rife during t baby’s first couple of months. They’re finding that fingers and thumbs are not enough for that empty tum-tum.
He’s getting to be quite a big boy, Booman. He looks like one of those high-priced infant dolls at FAO Schwartz. Except that he’s the real deal and perfect. And you’re a proud daddy.
Let me know if that lung power is Finn training to be the next Johnny Mathis or Placido Domingo, huh?
Freakin’ hilariously cute!
he’s so cute.