I thought there was something about the Clintons that made people on the right crazy. At the time, the press reported this as some kind of generational thing. Clinton was the first president too young to have served during World War Two, and this was supposed to be a big deal. Other accounts focused on Clinton’s humble beginnings in Arkansas as a reason the snobs didn’t accept him in DC. A last explanation was that Clinton had some moral shortcomings (mainly with the ladies) that offended the morally upright. Whatever the cause or blend of causes, it is now clear that the crazy response to Clinton was at least partly due to the mere fact that he wasn’t a conservative Republican.

I think we can expect from now on that whenever a Democrat is elected president, that the far right will simply not accept it and will begin agitating for state’s rights. The second a Republican in elected president, they’ll fall mute. The pattern is established, and I don’t think it will change any time soon.