Well, I woke up, read my email, checked around the intertubes, read the mainstream articles in the Times and Post, and I know nothing more than when I went to sleep. All I can tell you is that they still haven’t secured the 216 votes they need, and that the Stupak bloc is still relevant. Use this thread for any updates you can find.
Update [2010-3-20 11:22:9 by BooMan]: Caveat Emptor::
Stupak is ‘Finished with Pelosi’ [Robert Costa]
Two pro-life GOP members close to Stupak tell NRO that any Stupak deals are off. They just spoke with him and they said he’s finished with Pelosi. They rejected his enrollment corrections proposal.
Aren’t Pelosi and Stupak having separate press conferences in an hour? If they were together it would be good news. Separate makes one anxious. I want it to pass with 10 to spare instead of a one vote defeat or win. Damn, the Speaker of the House position is incredibly difficult with all these egos and idiots. It’s not much different than trying to get a roomful of two years olds to behave.
Stupak just cancelled his 11am press conference.
ABC News’ Jonathan Karl reports: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was asked about Bart Stupak‘s suggestion that there could be another bill to address abortion funding and she said, “I haven’t heard any of that.”
“If you don’t want federal funding for abortion… and you want to have a health care bill,” she said. “This is it.”
She said members may be talking about various things and dismissively mentioned Stupak’s name, adding, “But right now we are just getting votes to pass a bill.”
“This bill is about health care and not about abortion,” Pelosi said. “There will be no further changes in the bill.”
Health care overhaul fight exposes Catholic rift
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
That’s yesterday’s story, and so about 1000 years out of date.
How many of these peckerheads are actually concerned about abortion, and how many of them are looking for a clean way to kill a bill they can’t stand because they’re basically Republicans and the very idea of social provision pisses them off?
I believe the count is 30 peckerheads. 🙂
26 and counting.
Fuck Stupak. I hope Pelosi told him to go down to the town clerk and change his party affiliation.
I wish the Bluedogs would do that, I don’t understand why they are in the Democratic party. Plain and simple.
Pelosi confirms that Stupak can go fuck himself.
Stupak is as Stupak does! (Forest Gump reference)
Our blue dogs say they’ll vote yes!