Does anyone else think there is some strange irony that Bart Stupak and his small gang are basically on speed-dial with the U.S. Bishops trying to get permission to vote for health care for those who lack it, while the Pope is issuing inadequate apologies for decades of child-rape by his church?
It just seems like a bad day for the Catholic Church. The fact that there isn’t any federal funding of abortions in the bill to oppose just makes the spectacle more unseemly. It just goes to show you, the Republicans will accuse you of anything they can think of even if you aren’t doing it, so it’s stupid to worry about what they will say. And we can rely on some stupid Democrats to echo their lies. Que sera sera.
I think they’re related – Catholic hierarchy on the run is striking back. pitiful.
And I didn’t even mention Stupak’s sexual abuse of goats. Forgot that.
Pleased to see Michael Moore now has it in for Stupid and he’s in his district. already so late to a meeting will have to link to his diary on orange later – but maybe we’ll see a doc on The Family before too long.
Has Moore finally decided that the bill is worth passing, or is he just appalled at his choice in allies at defeating it?
It’s a pattern – as I’ve mentioned before, their 15th and 16th century adventures in the Americas coincided with losing ground in Europe to the Reformers (Martin Luther, Calvin, Anabaptists and of course Elizabeth’s England).
With some sorrow, I lately find myself wishing the Romans had had more lions.
No wonder they’re insane.
My husband has already been in a email back-n-forth with a former co-worker; for convenience, let’s call his friend, “Bob.” It started with Bob mass-forwarding an outrageous email screed from AFA full of hysterical, blatant lies about the imminent “government takeover” of health care. While Hubby drafted his first reply off the top of his head, he had me Google the American Family Association to find out who they are. Rev. Wildmon… Tupelo, MS… need I say more?
They are currently in Round 3 of their argument wherein Hubby provided links proving that “American health care” is NOT “the best in the world,” imploring his friend not to be a stooge for health industry corporations and to stop being such a willing sucker for disinformation that has a “Christian” label slapped on it. He ended with a flourish of quotes from Jesus!
Tomorrow being Sunday, I reckon Bob will seek guidance from his pastor to fuel his reply, if he bothers at all. Some people are so in love with their delusions they refuse to see reason or facts.
Good luck with that. People like Bob hardly ever change their views because of facts, because facts never entered into the decision in the first place. It’s all about tribal identity and prejudices of various kinds.
Perhaps now that the curtain has been drawn back by the Health Care debate we are indeed seeing the real power struggle of our politics, our culture and our history.
Americans have more religion in their lives that any other European counterpart. We assume because it was declared by our Founding Fathers that there will be a separation of church & state, that the practices of intervention and control by any religion would cease and desist. Apparently all that did was to drive them underground.
And now with the front page screaming at the Pope, it looks as though they are having the moral high ground they tend to preen themselves with seriously jeopardized.
This looks to me like a much larger battle than health care and the tipoff is that the anti abortion crowd is not talking right to life, just grabbing at power.
Karma remains undefeated, Booman.
There’s an old bit of political wisdom that goes back to John Kennedy’s presidential campaign, that the US Catholic bishops are mostly Republicans, but the nuns are mostly Democrats.
Overall that’s a good thing for Democrats because there are a lot more nuns than bishops, and they have a much more profound impact in shaping the lives of ordinary Catholics.
On speed dial with:
All makes you wonder about his stay at that C Street “religious” frat house.
Who did he do?
No strange irony at all. They’re religious, which means they’re liars, just making up whatever shit they feel like at any given moment.
lol – the very notion that consistency is of any interest to religious folks is fail.