The Tea Baggers are really doing themselves proud, calling Barney Frank a faggot, spitting on Emanuel Cleaver, yelling ‘nigger’ at civil rights hero John Lewis and Rep. Andre Carson, and generally being disrespectful towards any congressperson they encounter. This is the face of Palinism, folks. This kind of stuff may be present below the surface at all times, but the McCain-Palin campaign gave them a pathway to get organized and the nod and the wink to give them permission to be open about it.
I think Jim Clyburn put it all in perspective:
“A staffer for Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) told reporters that Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-M.D.) had been spit on by a protestor. Rep. John Lewis (D-G.A.), a hero of the civil rights movement, was called a ‘ni–er.’ And Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) was called a “faggot,” as protestors shouted at him with deliberately lisp-y screams. Frank, approached in the halls after the president’s speech, shrugged off the incident.
But Clyburn was downright incredulous, saying he had not witnessed such treatment since he was leading civil rights protests in South Carolina in the 1960s.“It was absolutely shocking to me,” Clyburn told the Huffington Post. “Last Monday, this past Monday, I stayed home to meet on the campus of Claflin University where fifty years ago as of last Monday… I led the first demonstrations in South Carolina, the sit ins… And quite frankly I heard some things today I have not heard since that day. I heard people saying things that I have not heard since March 15, 1960 when I was marching to try and get off the back of the bus.”
“It doesn’t make me nervous as all,” the congressman said, when asked how the mob-like atmosphere made him feel. “In fact, as I said to one heckler, I am the hardest person in the world to intimidate, so they better go somewhere else…”
Remember John Lewis:
I’d like to meet the people who called him a ‘nigger’ today.
At least they’re showing their true colors. And I’m pretty sure black is not one of them.
And, really, did anyone think this was about health care reform in the first place?
The Right, including the Republican Party, is finally taking the mask off in its drive to re-enact Krystallnacht. Who would have thought that a health care reform effort would become the excuse for all-out culture war?
If you read TPM’s coverage, apparently there were so many teabaggers in the halls of Congress who were acting nasty that the Capitol Police tried to get them to calm down. The teabaggers had a confrontation with the Capitol Police and the Capitol Police backed down because the teabaggers were recording the confrontation with “high-end video cameras”.
Why is this not a security risk?
Interesting, considering they ALWAYS get Mike Stark off the capitol with the police because of him being a “security risk.”
It’s a good probability the Tea-Baggers were better armed than Mike Stark, at the very least, and (I’d bet) probably better-armed than the Capitol Police.
Smart man falls back to better defenses….. Next time, station snipers with Barrett .50’s just in case…
Worked for Lincoln’s Inaugurals….why not here?
The HCR bill has NEVER been about Health Care Reform. His imperial behindness Russ Limbaugh declared at the very outset of Obama’s Administration what fight the racists should pick to oppose Obama. He chose the HCR bill and he said, “I hope he (Obama) fails”. The Limbaugh broadcasts set the stage to bring out the racist mobs to the Town Hall meetings last summer. This racist mob has been branded a “third party” movement by the MSM, but it still remains a mob. The HCR lobbyists quickly recognized that the staged riots performed by these mobs were getting more news coverage than their all of their anti-HCR Ads put together. However, the lobbyists wasted no time providing funds and buses to facilitate so called Tea Party rallies.
The original racist mobs that created mini-riots last summer are still driven by their hatred of the idea of a Negro as POTUS. It is the media that is putting other well known anti-government protests (such as the size of the Federal Government and excessive taxation)in the mouths of Tea Party members. In its effort to make the Tea Party mainstream, the MSM set out a major campaign to completely obscure the obvious racist placards and language that energized the Tea Party members. But as the old saying goes, “if it looks like a pig, walks like a pig, and smells like a pig, it must be a pig.” This saying especially applies to the Tea Party.
I enjoyed the rude one’s take on it.
Ok, we need footage. What’s the best way to get word to staffers and such to start filming everything these folks do so we can get someone on camera spitting, yelling “nigger” or somesuch. What are the legalities of hidden camera on DC, and would anyone risk a bust as an act of civil disobedience if it is prohibited (yes, I know that brings up a host of issues)? Only with footage is this likely to get much play on CNN or CBS. If it’s all over YouTube, they can’t ignore it. Does anyone have any insight how to make this happen quickly? My guess is that the ones who are inside the Capitol building are on surveillance video anyway? Could that be released? With a FOIA request perhaps?
IANAL, but it’s hard to see how there could be any privacy argument about actions designed to get publicity. I get the impression that the worst assaults were in public spaces, so there would be no need for surveillance cameras. A handy cellphone or camera would do just as well. Maybe we need to organize camera-carrying participants to make sure these actions are recorded and distributed.
For God’s sake, Booman!
Do you not go out of the house?
Do you not spend hours on the tube? On the jitternet?
“Meet” them? They’re fucking everywhere!!!
You cannot walk down the street of a small town or a small or large city in America without “meeting” them. You cannot turn on Fox News or look at the latest Drudge Report filth, you cannot even look at the feeds from any legislature in the country (the smallest or the largest) without “meeting” them. You cannot listen to the CIA/FBI/Military/Intel spokesmen without meeting them. You cannot read the op-eds without meeting them. You cannot listen to the spokesmen of Big Pharma, Big Oil or Big Money/Big Insurance without meeting them.
Wake the fuck UP, goddammit!!
The whole system is broken.
I had to buy a new laptop this week. I am committed to Mac products because I travel a great deal and cannot afford the time and hassle of dealing with cross-system configs. Macs have been fairly foolproof through the last decade. Plug it in, mess around a little and there y’are.
No more.
Even the most leftiness of corporations has gone rotten. It took me ten hours of computer hell to even begin to get this new laptop talklng to my desktop system. I patiently…and not so patiently, eventually…climbed up the Apple ladder from know-nothing college kids reading out of manuals to (Finally!!!) a “senior representative” who actually knew enough to be able to essentially say “Yup. The system’s broken. This shit is not working. Time to go the the sneakynet.” He actually used that world.
A “senior representative” who sounded all of about 30 years old.
And ten minutes later it was working. Not by the book,. By hook or by crook. Which is the only way that anything works here now.
Because the system is broken.
Totally broken.
Wake the fuck up.
Those “nigger haters?”
They live down the block from you.
And they are going top win this next election.
We are one election away from Kristallnacht.
Only it won’t be the Jews who go down.
It’ll be the other minorities.
Helplessly self-deceiving leftiness clones at the top of the list.
They have your address, Booman.
Bet on it.
Clomp clomp clomp, up the driveway they will come.
Then you’ll get to “meet” some of them.
Up close and violently personal.
Bet on it.
No. They ARE NOT everywhere.
What the corporate media has done is amplify their antics to give the false impression that they’re a large, vocal presence in America but its the same lunatic fringe that has always existed on the margins of political discourse in this country. The only reason they get airtime now is because the media enjoys clinging to the idea that America will not accept a black man as president, even though 57% of the electorate already put one in the White House. We are witnessing a strange bipolar message being presented through our media airwaves: showing nearly all white hordes at rallies hysterically and irrationally claiming Obama is the “illegitimate president and seeing a lily-white GOP vigorously opposing everything he tries to accomplish, all while the media declares his election has led America into the so-called “post-racial” era.
Apparently, to the corporate media, “post-racial” means pretending obvious racist antics really aren’t.
It grew.
The Teabaggers and The Truth Of The Matter
Read it at your own risk.
The risk of your illusions, at the very least.
Bet on it.
How about a petition calling on Republican members of Congress to condemn those who spit at, assault, threaten, or yell hateful epithets(“nigger”, “faggot”) at Congressman? Not a call for censorship or legal consequences (let the courts hash that out), but just a call for condemnation. I think this puts the Republicans in a difficult position, as they don’t want to be seen either as attacking the teabaggers, nor as defending this sort of abuse directed at Congresspeople.
A friend brought up his reservations about HCR and I explained what I feel are the benefits and the next thing out of his mouth was “Yeah what about those people that snuck in to the White House? They could have been terrorists.”
I was a little shocked and just said flat out, “You got that straight out of The New York Post and you are living in a Right Wing propaganda bubble.”
I know that is where he gets his news and then just bs-ing I said, “Many people like and prefer living in a Right Wing cocoon — about 25% of people, in fact.”
He said, “No! I think it’s more than that.”
What good Christians they are.
Yesterday, there was nothing I could say about this on a public forum that wouldn’t get me put on a surveillance list. It made me that angry.
I’m sure that I’m already listed so I’ll say it – the next Civil War won’t be as neat and pretty as the last one…