Happy Sunday everyone!!! I haven’t been around because of computer issues but the dang thing seems to be working fine this am- go figure. LOL I have also been adjusting to new levels o9n meds and have an appointment Monday to adjust some more of my meds. Oh joy, nothing like taking weird doses or possibly new meds to screw with your body. I also have an MRI scheduled for Tuesday to see if I have a bubble in my spine core. After insisting to find out what they were looking for, I was so freaked out I forgot to ask what the treatment was if there was one. Keep me in your thoughts for that one.
There is some good news believe it or not. LOL I am going shopping today for a laptop and a camera. Don’t ask what happened to the last laptop- too long a story and one I would rather forget. LOL As far as the camera goes, I am planning on a digital one but one where I can add lenses and flashes and that type of thing. Can you tell I got my back pay on SDI? They only give you a limited time to spend it without it affecting your future checks. I am not planning on being stupid with it but I think a few nice things for myself are worth the price especially after the abysmal last year and a half. LOL
Well, YAY for back pay!!! Have fun shopping. I know about the meds adjustments, having been through years of them with a family member as their support person. Hang in there and eventually you’ll find a mix that works well. Sometimes it seems as if there’s new ones out there almost every day. Don’t be afraid to get second, third, etc. opinions on doctors, either, especially if you feel doped up all the time. We found we needed a good pharmacist/chemist more than we needed a doctor, but it took a while.
I plan to have lots of fun but also not lose my mind. LOL I have a good friend going with me who can reign me in if I get too crazy.
I always take all of my med bottles with me to any doctor and also to my favorite pharmacist. The pharmacist has actually been more helpful sometimes than the doctors.
Sounds like you’re thinking about a semi-pro high-end SLR, rather than the typical point & shoot with a fixed lens. So naturally you’re going with something relatively pricey.
I don’t know what kind of photo experience you have, but here’s the question: do you really require all the fancy bells & whistles for what you plan to do?
Further, tho’ you look forward to purchasing said bells & whistles, have you actually looked at what they cost? Does it make sense to devote that much of your check to this sort of investment? The check won’t last for as long as you think it will. Trust me — been there, done that. It’s amazing how fast it goes.
On cameras specifically: when I was ready to try digital photography, I got the advice of a friend who has actually done consumer reviews for photography mags. He strongly advised buying Olympus because of the quality of their lenses, the most important part of the camera.
In any case, I wish you good luck with all you’ve got to deal with, both fun & not so fun.
Also bear in mind: once you do spend a good bit of your once-in-a-lifetime check on your fancy camera — most especially if it’s the latest model — the technology will probably be obsolete in about a year.
If you do want the fancy bells & whistles, I’d suggest finding the oldest camera you can that still gives you what you need, rather than the latest, which may feature all kinds of stuff you’ll never use.
Y’know, rf, here in NY a willingness to undergo psychological treatment with medication was the determining factor as to the viability of my SSI case, according to the a legal advisor I spoke to.
I spent over 30 years self-medicating before recovering completely, outside the recovery paradigm. While active I nearly died more than once & my health is still awful. Now they tell me I have to submit to more drugs in order to qualify for financial help?
As for now I think, well, bag that.
The road not taken, as you describe it, has been of great help to me in understanding the public assistance process. Thank you.
SLRs give a lot of flexibility if you have the lenses. There are some great point and shoots you might want to consider. Andi uses a Canon G9 (two generations behind the current model) and produces wonderful shots.
I went with the Nikon D3000. It had the features I wanted. I also got a zoom lens and tripod to go with it. I will start experimenting later tonight and also this coming week. I will share some photos with you once I have them taken and uploaded to photobucket. I am sure it will be later in the week before I post any. LOL
Anyone spending all day at home slaving over matzoh ball soup? I’m elbow deep in it right now.
I promised to make it for all my demanding, non-jewish friends :). Opps – got to run out to get some parsley.
Morning all. I wonder if Lily’s frequent use to the water bucket this morning has anything to do with all the wasabe peas she ate last night? I fed her one as a bit of a joke and she kept begging (as in really begging) for more.
Glad to hear she’s ok. But chili peppers
and wasabi? Not food for doggies – they
can’t even appreciate the tastes – just
something else to fill those tummies.
Not too worry, we scrupulously avoid all the foods on the doggie “do not eat” list, like chocolate and onions, etc. As for the rest, considering what she finds and eats outside (rotted road-kill for example), I think she has the proverbial cast-iron stomach. Besides, ‘dog logic’ is “eat it, you can always throw it up later”.
You left out step 2 in the throw-it-up cycle, go indoors. I won’t repeat some of the things we found on the floor after our last dog would return from her romps around the neighborhood.
There’s a food store in Hobart that sells salmon frames (head, spine and tail) for less than a dollar a pound. People use them to make fish stock, or in my case, feed them to the dogs. I just got back from shopping and had one 18″ fish frame for each dog. It takes Lily about 30 seconds to eat hers, skull and all. Luna takes another minute of so, being a dainty eater.
Sandy- my childhood dog- at a hot pepper and spent 20 minutes running from her water bowl to rain puddles drinking as much water as she could get. I have never laughed so hard in my life. Luckily, my brother was the one who gave it to her since she refused to even get near him for a week. LOL
it’s a new cafe…
Happy Satruday everyone!
what is this? the fat albert show?
You gotta problem with that?
Hey, we’re on the same day of the week (it’s dinner time here, we’re having Thai food – Imogen’s making Nahm Prik Gung). How did that happen?
Nuthing wrong with Fat Albert.
Nice to know I get it right every once in a while. 🙂
Dinner sounds delicious.
“Right”, as in most things, being a subjective term.
I’m just used to you all saying “woohoo, it’s Friday” and the like, when it’s actually Saturday here.
I “lost” a day when flying from the US to Australia. It’s a strange concept.
And I lost a usual part of my morning because I slept all the way to 6;20 a.m. — a even stranger concept! 🙂
Good night to you.
And I’m glad to hear that Finn let you sleep in.
A good friend of ours is still on the three hour shifts with her three-month-old. It’s a good thing she’s still on leave.
And now, off to bed for real. See you all on the flip side.
Fortunately, Finn’s crying isn’t that loud. 🙂
(That’s what I get for horning in on a conversation — instant motherhood.)
From mother hen to mother in one comment!
Finn let me sleep in after our 4am visit this morning, and now he’s nodding off again. Does that count?
Right about now I’d trade Finn for Bebo — who is driving me crazy wanting to go for walk and it’s just now getting above freezing. 🙁
Poor Finn, though, when he found out just how much of a mother I ain’t. 😉
See ya later.
Finn would suck you right in, and you’d be scrambling to meet his every ridiculous need…just like his brothers. 🙂
Not above freezing? Not wort going out, IMO. We have sun here today, but it’s still cold.
Maybe. Maybe not. I’ve had lots of experience at baby-resistance and I’m pretty good at it. 🙂
It warmed up into a really nice day. Now it’s lots colder and raining.
But next week is looking good.
I heard it’s supposed to be in the 70s next weekend. Yay, because I’m taking a few days off and making it a 4-day weekend.
My SIL and niece are coming over today; I think my mom is too.
Yeah, pooh! No gardening today. I wanted to go across the street and buy up all the pansys.
Some of us will be lucky enough to witness this battle of wills very soon, no?
Yes … well I sure hope so.
But give Finn a couple of years and I’ll be all his — I’m a sucker for kids between the ages of 2 and 6.
Little did we know that he’d someday represent a role model for millions ..
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood,
A beautiful day for a neighbor,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
It’s a neighborly day in this beautywood,
A neighborly day for a beauty,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
I think it’s a chilly day here in our neighborhood. Brr…
Off through the woods to the inlaws’ house. Ugh. See yas later.
Happy Sunday everyone!!! I haven’t been around because of computer issues but the dang thing seems to be working fine this am- go figure. LOL I have also been adjusting to new levels o9n meds and have an appointment Monday to adjust some more of my meds. Oh joy, nothing like taking weird doses or possibly new meds to screw with your body. I also have an MRI scheduled for Tuesday to see if I have a bubble in my spine core. After insisting to find out what they were looking for, I was so freaked out I forgot to ask what the treatment was if there was one. Keep me in your thoughts for that one.
There is some good news believe it or not. LOL I am going shopping today for a laptop and a camera. Don’t ask what happened to the last laptop- too long a story and one I would rather forget. LOL As far as the camera goes, I am planning on a digital one but one where I can add lenses and flashes and that type of thing. Can you tell I got my back pay on SDI? They only give you a limited time to spend it without it affecting your future checks. I am not planning on being stupid with it but I think a few nice things for myself are worth the price especially after the abysmal last year and a half. LOL
If anyone has suggestions on cameras let me know.
Well, YAY for back pay!!! Have fun shopping. I know about the meds adjustments, having been through years of them with a family member as their support person. Hang in there and eventually you’ll find a mix that works well. Sometimes it seems as if there’s new ones out there almost every day. Don’t be afraid to get second, third, etc. opinions on doctors, either, especially if you feel doped up all the time. We found we needed a good pharmacist/chemist more than we needed a doctor, but it took a while.
I plan to have lots of fun but also not lose my mind. LOL I have a good friend going with me who can reign me in if I get too crazy.
I always take all of my med bottles with me to any doctor and also to my favorite pharmacist. The pharmacist has actually been more helpful sometimes than the doctors.
Yeah, the multiple drug interactions are not a whole lot of fun to figure out.
Good luck with the mri. I hope that it isn’t too long before you mess are correctly adjusted. From personal experience that can be a diificuly time.
Happy shopping! Nikon is always a good choice if it is within your budget.
Thanks!! I am sure everything will go okay but as usual the mind worries more than it should- or mine does anyway.
I was thinking Nikon myself as I know they are great cameras and as this might be a once in a lifetime purchase I should go for a really good one.
Sounds like you’re thinking about a semi-pro high-end SLR, rather than the typical point & shoot with a fixed lens. So naturally you’re going with something relatively pricey.
I don’t know what kind of photo experience you have, but here’s the question: do you really require all the fancy bells & whistles for what you plan to do?
Further, tho’ you look forward to purchasing said bells & whistles, have you actually looked at what they cost? Does it make sense to devote that much of your check to this sort of investment? The check won’t last for as long as you think it will. Trust me — been there, done that. It’s amazing how fast it goes.
On cameras specifically: when I was ready to try digital photography, I got the advice of a friend who has actually done consumer reviews for photography mags. He strongly advised buying Olympus because of the quality of their lenses, the most important part of the camera.
In any case, I wish you good luck with all you’ve got to deal with, both fun & not so fun.
Also bear in mind: once you do spend a good bit of your once-in-a-lifetime check on your fancy camera — most especially if it’s the latest model — the technology will probably be obsolete in about a year.
If you do want the fancy bells & whistles, I’d suggest finding the oldest camera you can that still gives you what you need, rather than the latest, which may feature all kinds of stuff you’ll never use.
Y’know, rf, here in NY a willingness to undergo psychological treatment with medication was the determining factor as to the viability of my SSI case, according to the a legal advisor I spoke to.
I spent over 30 years self-medicating before recovering completely, outside the recovery paradigm. While active I nearly died more than once & my health is still awful. Now they tell me I have to submit to more drugs in order to qualify for financial help?
As for now I think, well, bag that.
The road not taken, as you describe it, has been of great help to me in understanding the public assistance process. Thank you.
SLRs give a lot of flexibility if you have the lenses. There are some great point and shoots you might want to consider. Andi uses a Canon G9 (two generations behind the current model) and produces wonderful shots.
Just something to consider.
I went with the Nikon D3000. It had the features I wanted. I also got a zoom lens and tripod to go with it. I will start experimenting later tonight and also this coming week. I will share some photos with you once I have them taken and uploaded to photobucket. I am sure it will be later in the week before I post any. LOL
Looking forward to seeing your photos.
Anyone spending all day at home slaving over matzoh ball soup? I’m elbow deep in it right now.
I promised to make it for all my demanding, non-jewish friends :). Opps – got to run out to get some parsley.
an ex girlfriend kept (mostly) kosher, and once made me that soup. Wonderful stuff.
Her parents frowned greatly at my presence, however, and that became the dateline: “Stop Stop Stop”
Matzoh Ball can be a Jewish girl’s secret weapon.
She must have been serious about you. Til mom & dad got involved.
But perhaps they split up over that most divisive of issues: sinker or floaters?
Hi Andi –
You’re absolutely right – that’s dangerous territory.
I’m a floater myself and have hard time associating
with the others.
Sinking matzo balls!?
Morning all. I wonder if Lily’s frequent use to the water bucket this morning has anything to do with all the wasabe peas she ate last night? I fed her one as a bit of a joke and she kept begging (as in really begging) for more.
Wasabi peas? Loaded with salt. You’re poor doggy – are her paws all swollen?
Nah, she’s fine. Although next time she asks for a chili pepper I might just let her have one – my little puppy-shaped garbage disposal.
Glad to hear she’s ok. But chili peppers
and wasabi? Not food for doggies – they
can’t even appreciate the tastes – just
something else to fill those tummies.
Not too worry, we scrupulously avoid all the foods on the doggie “do not eat” list, like chocolate and onions, etc. As for the rest, considering what she finds and eats outside (rotted road-kill for example), I think she has the proverbial cast-iron stomach. Besides, ‘dog logic’ is “eat it, you can always throw it up later”.
I’m always being surprised by what the dogs will eat — the most recent one was the woody ends of raw asparagus. All three dogs love ’em.
You left out step 2 in the throw-it-up cycle, go indoors. I won’t repeat some of the things we found on the floor after our last dog would return from her romps around the neighborhood.
Yep, I left out step two.
There’s a food store in Hobart that sells salmon frames (head, spine and tail) for less than a dollar a pound. People use them to make fish stock, or in my case, feed them to the dogs. I just got back from shopping and had one 18″ fish frame for each dog. It takes Lily about 30 seconds to eat hers, skull and all. Luna takes another minute of so, being a dainty eater.
Sandy- my childhood dog- at a hot pepper and spent 20 minutes running from her water bowl to rain puddles drinking as much water as she could get. I have never laughed so hard in my life. Luckily, my brother was the one who gave it to her since she refused to even get near him for a week. LOL
I’m sinker all the way but I try to open-minded about you deluded souls. 🙂
aha, now I know why you brought
it up – being that sinkers are in the minority ;).
But but but . . . that’d be like bobbing for pears.
(Pears sink, while apples float – for the less trivial minded)