When will they ever stop? It’s gone way beyond death threats and vandalism at this point. I feel it is only a matter of time before one of these loons massacres a lot of innocent people because their insane delusions have been heated past the boiling point by the violent rhetoric of Fox, Beck, Limbaugh et al.
An East Texas man who federal prosecutors allege left explosive devices including pipe bombs in multiple area mail boxes, was motivated in part by anger at the government, Brit Featherston, first assistant U. S. attorney for the Eastern District of Texas tells TPMmuckraker in a phone interview. […]
They say that he was witnessed putting a pipe bomb in a collection box in Tyler Wednesday. Prosecutors say North distributed 36 devices in 23 locations, but he has not been charged beyond the possession count.
Luckily this time no postal workers or anyone else died, but how safe do you feel about dropping off mail at a postal collection box now. I do it all the time, but I’m beginning to think I’m playing a game of Russian Roulette. This time they caught the bastard in time, but what about the next one?
I’m sure apologies by the wingnut media and pols to Janet Napolitano are forthcoming.
(shrug) Until Americans care about white christian domestic terrorism, it’s pretty much guaranteed that they’ll kill more Americans.
As usual, IOKIYW.
Perhaps, one response is for the next victim or his survivors to sue Limbaugh, Beck et al for contributing to the violence. The language of money is one language that the talk show maniacs really understand.
That might work. Didn’t the Southern Law Poverty Office to something similar to the Klan?
I’ll bet that he’s getting SSD benefits, a program of the federal government.
I don’t mind dying at the hands of an extremist as long as liberty follows my passing. Geez, that sounds like self-prophecy, doesn’t it? Oy.
Anyway, the wingnuts were right that freedom isn’t free, insofar as they were sincere (as though it was them paying the price). They just didn’t understand it wasn’t freedom they were expecting others to defend. Now, though, for us, it may be. The best response to terrorism is no response at all. Only through our fearful reactions do they gain any power over us.
Ok. I’m getting a little weirded out now. At first these things weren’t much of a worry because of how inept these guys generally are. But with this and the guy who threatened Pelosi and those voice mails that John Lewis received … Are you really that upset over high-risk pools? Seriously?
No, they’re upset about a (n-word) imposing his will…
And a female Speaker of the House as well I suspect, though Obama is the main source of their animus.
Not sure why this guy is described as a “right wing” terrorist.
The TPM article states that he had received some funds from a lawsuit 20 years ago, had deposited them in an uninsured account at the local S&L, which then went belly up–and he lost everything.
The IRS is still hounding him for taxes on the money from the settlement.
And George Bush pardoned the president of the defunct S&L.
His anger at the government doesn’t sound particularly politically motivated.