Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to speak to your community.  

I’m traveling all across the state getting to know Floridians and telling them about my story.  I can’t talk to everyone personally, though, and since I’m running for U.S. Senate Americans outside of Florida may be interested in who I am as well, since the important work of the U.S. Senate affects all Americans.  

Our campaign produced this video to help introduce people to me, my background and where I come from.

We know this is a competitive election, but we have a real chance to bring progressive change to Florida and Washington, D.C. and we need your help getting the word out.  

You’ve heard a lot about my opponents and you’ll hear a lot more about them as they continue to fight a divisive primary over ideology and partisanship.  I’d rather spend my time working hard and fighting to bring jobs to Florida, help our economy recover and continue to pursue the progressive platform of the Democratic Party.

P.S. Not on our mobile list yet? Make sure to sign up today by texting JOIN to 35736. Text messages are a great way to stay updated – no matter where you are – with everything happening on the campaign!


Originally posted at