The Sturmabteilung of the American right is ready to turn history on its head and become the aggressors in their own Night of the Long Knives.
“We need to purge the Republicans of the weaklings,” Tea Party Express 3 Chairman Mark Williams told CNN. “And we’re on a…RINO hunt. And we’re going to drive them to extinction.”
But I don’t think they’re likely to get what they want. Despite their championing of Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts, it is likely that Brown will vote quite often with RINO’s Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe. It’s also likely that RINO Rep. Michael Castle of Delaware will take over Biden’s old seat next year. In Illinois, RINO Mark Kirk has an even-money chance to win Obama’s old seat. If Rob Portman wins in Ohio, he’s not likely to turn out any more conservative than George Voinovich. And it remains to be seen who the Republicans will run in New Hampshire, but it’s possible that Kelly Ayotte will not prove to be a reliable movement conservative. It seems to me that one likely outcome of this year’s midterm elections will be to rebuild the moderate Republican bloc a bit after the losses of senators like Lincoln Chafee, Jim Jeffords, and Arlen Specter.
That doesn’t mean that those moderates won’t be under crushing pressure to vote in lockstep with the GOP leadership, but it does mean that more Republicans will be in office who need to demonstrate their independence from that leadership.
That doesn’t mean that the Tea Partiers can’t have some successes. They seem to have already succeeded in destroying the career of Florida Governor Charlie Crist, who would have been another RINO (defined as a Republican who is willing to vote with the Democrats at least one percent of the time). And Rand Paul looks like he’ll win the primary in Kentucky, which will be a real blow to Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Hell, maybe J.D. Hayworth will beat John McCain in the Arizona primary. I think the lunatic right will gain representation in both houses of Congress. But they won’t find a more united Republican Party to be the result.
And, in the House, at least, the Democrats are going to have a significantly smaller bloc of Blue Dogs, as they are the ones most likely to lose their seats. And that makes this kind of amusing:
The movement also advocates the defeat of Democrats. Tea Party activists hope to purge “the Democrats of the Marxists,” Williams said.
Speaking with CNN, Williams also claimed Rep. Bart Stupak’s, D-Michigan, decision not to seek re-election as a victory for the Tea Party movement.
But Stupak was the most forceful and politically astute (if dishonest) advocate for the anti-choice movement in the entire Congress. And I can guarantee you that not one Marxist will be defeated in November because there are no Marxists in Congress.
The Tea Parties think that they’re on the march, but no one suspects the Röhm-Putsch!!
The movement also advocates the defeat of Democrats. Tea Party activists hope to purge “the Democrats of the Marxists,” Williams said.
let’s just say that there WERE actual Marxists in the Democratic Party..
to be elected to Congress would mean that a majority of the Congressional district AGREED WITH YOU.
so, therefore, the tea baggers would have no effect.
I’m waiting for the teabaggers to attack Rep. Steve Cohen for what he said about them on Hardball this week.
so far, haven’t heard shyt about a teabagging response…because they know whatever they say doesn’t mean SHYT to his overwhelmingly Black -who can see their racist asses for who they REALLY are – district.
exactly. Anyone who might even resemble a Marxist in the teensiest little way is probably representing a district that votes over 80% Democratic. They’re aren’t going to eliminate anyone on the left of the Democratic Party, let alone actual non-existent Marxists.
maybe they’ll try to defeat Bernie Sanders! good luck with that!
to piggyback on what I said above, I thought, for sure,that you were gonna comment on some of the insane crazyness from those ‘Good Ole Boys’ in Rep. Cao’s disctrict.
let me find you the quote:
NOW, mind you, Cao only won because the BLACK FOLK in that district had had enough of ‘Dollar Bill’ Jefferson. And, I believe Cao’s ass should be thrown out FOR NOT SERVING THE MAJORITY INTERESTS OF HIS DISTRICT. And, if he is, then it will be the BLACK FOLK that vote his ass out.
like I said – they’re delusional with that shyt about doing ANYTHING to the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party, because the Democratic ‘base’ sees their racist asses for who they are.
Reminds me, Treme was excellent last night. I hope it eventually rivals The Wire for authenticity.
The opening with the Rebirth Brass Band second line was pretty cool.
Do you know anything about Juan LaFonta running against him? chances?
So the species closest in line to the tar pits of evolutionary change…Homo Non-Sapiens Teabaggus in this case…once again threatens to fight to the death with its back pressed against the precipice of extinction.
So it goes, just as it has always gone in the history of the evolution of life on this planet and most likely everywhere else in the multiverse as well.
And of course this makes them very dangerous.
Remember, leftinesses…remember Nazi Germany.
You reflexively reply “Oh…it can’t happen here!!!”
And I say:
And pursue them right into the tar pits of history.
If you do not, this situation is liable to start to resemble one of those slasher films where the villain is never thoroughly and finally eliminated.
A shape shifter.
First he was Nixon.
Then he was Reagan.
Then he was Bush I and most recently Bush II.
Every film series has to have an end, too.
In another couple of generations the people who are driving the Tea Party will be gone, never to reappear. Our grandchildren will ask “What’s a peckerwood, Gran’pa?”
Unless we get fat and leftiness-lazy.
It is we who must do the hunting.
This is war.
Culture war.
Societal war.
Evolutionary war.
Don’t be fooled by Mark Kirk, who voted with Dubya 90% of the time until he decided he wanted Obama’s vacant senate seat. And let’s not forget he went to China to criticize the president. He’s not a RINO.
He’ll vote like one if he wants to get reelected.
Please!! He’ll just lie about his record. It’s what Republicans do!! Speaking of voting his district, how’s Jim Gerlach working out for you? Do you know when is the last time a Republican Presidential candidate won his district? And yet he votes lock step Republican.