Earlier this evening while CabinGirl and I lay blogging in bed and the FinnMan discovered her earrings, she mentioned that the Washington Post had won four Pulitzer Prizes. “Doesn’t that, you know, cheapen the prize,” she asked. I distractedly responded, “Yeah, I can’t think of anything they did in 2009 that warranted a prize.”

That was that. Just a casual exchange of thoughts on a matter neither of us gave a shit about. But, Kathleen Parker? Why? Because she had the temerity to point out that Sarah Palin is an embarrassment to professional women everywhere? Is that all it takes? Can I haz prize, too, if I just say ‘vaginaism’ and “hirsute abyss of God’s little oven.”

I think I’m not flattering myself when I say that if I were using my limited talents for the Republican cause, I’d already have some trophies, and a slot on cable news. The talent disparity between right and left is so vast in every creative endeavor that it’s a walk in the park to make a living on the right. They’ll hire anyone who can take dictation.