It never ends…they’re always wrong:
WASHINGTON — Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, a weekend bicyclist, might consider keeping his head down and his helmet on. A backlash is brewing over his new bicycling policy.
LaHood says the government is going to give bicycling — and walking, too — the same importance as automobiles in transportation planning and the selection of projects for federal money. The former Republican congressman quietly announced the “sea change” in transportation policy last month.
“This is the end of favoring motorized transportation at the expense of non-motorized,” he wrote in his government blog.
Not so fast, say some conservatives and industries dependent on trucking. A manufacturers’ blog called the policy “nonsensical.” One congressman suggested LaHood was on drugs.The new policy is an extension of the Obama administration’s livability initiative, which regards the creation of alternatives to driving — buses, streetcars, trolleys and trains, as well as biking and walking — as central to solving the nation’s transportation woes.
LaHood’s blog was accompanied by a DOT policy statement urging states and transportation agencies to treat “walking and bicycling as equals with other transportation modes.” It recommends, among other things, including biking and walking lanes on bridges and clearing snow from bike paths…
…The National Association of Manufacturers’ blog,, called the policy “dumb and irresponsible.”
“LaHood’s pedal parity is nonsensical for a modern industrial nation,” said the blog. “We don’t call it sacrilege, but radical is a fair description. It is indeed a sea change in federal transportation policy that could have profound implications for the U.S. economy and the 80 percent of freight that moves by truck.”
It was Congressman Steve LaTourette of Ohio who suggested that Secretary LaHood be drug-tested. Can we coin that ‘LaTourette Syndrome”?
I don’t get it. Do these assclowns think we are turning into China of the 1960’s? How does our economy ever operate with clowns like these?
“It is indeed a sea change in federal transportation policy that could have profound implications for the U.S. economy and the 80 percent of freight that moves by truck.”
Now that’s a good point. Time to get that freight off the trucks and onto something efficient. I trust the NAM will join us in making rail freight the default shipping mode.
“It is indeed a sea change in federal transportation policy that could have profound implications for the U.S. economy and the 80 percent of freight that moves by truck.”
What does this even meant? Does he think the administration is going to start moving freight by bicycles? I don’t think NAM thought through their objections.
NAM doesn’t think, and neither do most of its multi-million dollar members. The idiocracy is not in the trailer parks and cabins as we like to think. The idiocracy is in the corporate boardrooms.
Go Ray, always wanted to get me one of these!
I just knew when those Hummers came out that we would never see them regain their sanity.
Not to mention the potential benefits for an obese nation.
you up? Don’t want to wake anyone…
Good, you got my message. It’s too late to call. It’s like a definite 10pm cut-off on the phone calls. I’ll talk you soon.
l think this one’s more apropos…
Gee, I think I’ll start walking the 18.5 miles to work. Or biking.
Why don’t I move closer? I can’t afford to buy or rent in that town. Usually, only upper managers can afford to live near work. The rest of us have to move into the boondocks.
The problem tends more to be that the businesses themselves are in the boonies. Yet more Magick from the Free Market. Wouldn’t want us no socialist planners telling us what to do.
Even in the boonies, the office areas tend to be in expensive areas. CEO’s don’t like to travel far. That’s for us peons.