An opinion from the coal fields-

” Referring to mine owner Massey Energy, Obama said, “Owners responsible
for the conditions in the Upper Big Branch mine should be held
accountable for decisions they made and preventive measures they failed
to take.”

He ordered Solis to work with the Justice Department on the
investigation, suggesting a review for possible criminal charges. “

Don Blankenship went from a mine superintendent (who no doubt out
performed others by producing more at less cost- as in safety measures)
to CEO.  ……
Along the way he has protected his position, the company and
his FAT paycheck by pouring money into the GOP plus spouting right wing
bullshit.  Buys judges so they can render friendly decisions, bankrolls
legislators, and promotes anti-union organizations.

Everyone in the coal fields KNOWS Massey mines are dangerous.  But
complainers are blackballed and can’t find work in small communities or
the network of coal operators: so they shut up.  Congressman Rahall has
said miners came to him privately to tell him about the conditions in
the mine.

Blankenship’s best stunt, aside from taking a WV Supreme Court Judge to
the French Rivera to ride around on a boat with girls….while the
judge was hearing a case concerning Massey driving another coal company
out of business….. was to hold a right wing/pre-tea party rally and
concert in Holden, WV with Sean Hannity and Ted Nugent.  Cost over
$1mill. This was during the campaign and was touted as a concert for
“Real Americans”. Then the following Monday sent out pink slips and laid
off hundreds of miners.

Thing is, coal mining is inherently dangerous.  Unfortunately accidents
will happen, but you can mitigate the risk by following regs and have
both company and miners watching each other’s back.  that is the system
in union mines.  Not at Massey.

So when something does happen, it helps to have others in your corner,
politically.  If it was a union mine with union safety committee, then
would be a lot less finger-pointing.

Also by giving money to both parties, you are covering your bets.

But by being who he is and giving only money to the GOP, he will have NO
friendly faces on the other side of the table.  He and Manchin are
already deadly enemies by Blankenship pumping thousands of $
against Manchin and his political allies.  The WV legislature is no help
as its a regulatory enforcement issue.  Plus there is blood all over
the money they have already accepted.  

And with the change in Admin, Don has NO friends in DC.

I would love to see Blankenship in criminal and civil court, but I think
they will pass the buck to the Mine super.  Unless he was smart and has
documentation from HQ about taking short cuts.  But either way, stock
holders will have Don gone.  Probably not at once to show they aren’t
buckling under to “liberal” pressure…but soon there after.

`bout time.