Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Week’s Theme: Quiet
Website(s) of the Week: Boston Globe: Photographs of people at work
AndiF Quiet Critters
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Quietly Contemplating
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Quietly Gliding
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Quietly Whirling (Beetles)
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olivia’s quiet stroll through a japanese garden
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Next Week’s Theme: Quick Shots. Pictures you took in a hurry. And tell us why you hurried, if you want.
Info on Posting Photos
When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
How about quietly hiding underneath our feet?
Or the noise of the city, as viewed from a quiet rooftop?
Or after the loud whooshing of wind and the pitter-patter of rain on the windows, the peaceful quiet of the double rainbow that occurred?
The silence of on-lookers moments before breaking out in loud applause?
Even a broken, silent clock is right twice a day…
A light breeze couldn’t overcome the faint buzz of the these wings before she landed
The quiet of nature
“Tucked Away, Quietly, Hidden”
Awesome shots as was last week. New lens works well.
I’m very happy with it!
Great set. This theme and you obviously were made for each other. 🙂
The dynamic colors on the flowers-bee shot are just stellar.
I think this lens and I were made for each other! I’m loving it!
And let me point out in that picking this lens, it was was made on several criteria.
First, speed. At f/1.8, you can’t get much faster in a Nikon lens. It makes taking pictures in low light easier and allows for higher shutter speeds for action shots simply by being faster or with the addition of bumping up the ISO.
Second, focal length. At a fixed focal length of 35mm, it works out to about 53mm on my DX sensor. And as a prime lens, the focus elements move internally so there’s no ‘moving parts’ exposed to air and dust that can be sucked into the lens. Plus, any filters I use (like my polarizer) don’t rotate as I focus so no muss, no fuss.
Third, composition. As a fixed focal length, I have to pay more attention to and work actively on making sure my shot is right the first time. Not that I can’t take it again, it’s just I have less movement to crop, especially if I’m already close-up. One problem with this, however, is that if I’m already too close, I may not be able to even take the shot that my 18-55 would probably let me take and then crop later if necessary.
Fourth, lens elements. This lens is extremely sharp, far sharper than any of my other lenses. That shot of the bee is pretty sharp and it’s already 1/3rd cropped. I could probably crop down on the bee/flower itself and still have a workable shot w/o too much loss of detail. If only they had a macro version of this lens, I could probably get rid of 1 of my other lenses.
Fifth, DoF. Being able to stop down to f/1.8 means I have immense control over depth of focus which works out to some really creative shooting when shooting up-close to mid-range subjects as it’s very easy to control how much focus your background gets. The shots of the swing dancers from last week is a good example of that. And on the other end, it stops up high enough for all around, in focus shots.
Thanks for the detailed write-up on the lens. It’s really good information for people thinking about what lenses they want to get.
Hope talked me into putting her dog bed onto the porch chair for her nap.
Love the delicacy of the light and the translucence of the blue in the first shot. And I just plain love Hopeful.
Some recent landscapes, all very quiet.
Biscayne National Park

Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park

Islamorada, Upper Matecumbe Key, Florida

Links at bottom for larger, more detailed size.
There’s something about about that broad expanse in the second picture that I find more visually appealing than the other two shots, even though they are both more visually arresting — maybe it’s that the quiet is so present that it almost a physical part of the photo.
Also, thank for the compliment on the photo selection.
The very first shot is incredibly awesome but I’m wondering, is that bottom pic the front of a boat in the foreground?
Thanks, it’s a flagpole along with the roof of the Islamorada Fish Co. dockside bar and restaurant. There are plenty of boats in the marina but none that big.
It just looked like a perfect opportunity for a series of bracketed shots to do an HDR and get some light and detail on those front areas and incorporate them into the sunset as well.
I really like the first photo — water and clouds and interesting rocks.
The second photo I can imagine the buzzing of insects which can become very irritating — funny what we bring to each photo.
Andi and Olivia,
Absolutely beautiful sets to kick off the week, that’s a hard act to follow.
in the Forest of Fontainebleau, December past.
That’s a dizzying effect — especially the last one ,which is also my favorite (love the light).
How did you achieve that effect in the shot with the thorns? It’s a striking image.
My wife thinks she took it underneath the branch, thus it is upside down. If I turn the photo it looks like this- not so interesting!
Mme. LEP doesn’t take many photos but she has a good eye; probably from where estHer gets her talent.
Heh, I figured it was all part of the disorientation of the photos but it still works well right-side up.
(The following corals are grown in this backyard “Frag Ranch”)
MYSTERY SPS (Small Polyp Stony coral)
I love the overhead shot of the garden (peace pond) … another wonderful perspective of a wondrous spot. You do good work, both taking photos and building beautiful places.
I was also interested in the “frag” shop. I’d be interesting in knowing more about the process … maybe you could do a series about it over at your place some time.
FIRST!! is absolutely delicious! We have a somewhat similar white one. The coral is amazing.
Your a rancher too?
I like your silent neighbor.
Nobody lives here anymore

Ladies in waiting

Home in the clouds

Snowy day at the library

Peaceful coexistence… for now

Early morning wake-up

No one lives here anymore, is a beautiful yet sad photo.
I bet it`s real quiet in that house.
What`s the back story if you know?
The house is just up the block from ours and the last people to live there were an old couple who stayed for many years. He was an artist and had a little gallery of his work for sale there. About 1980, I was working for a plumbing contractor and helped run a hot water line to the bathroom. The woman was all excited over it as she had previously had to heat water on the kitchen stove and carry it to the tub when they wanted a bath.
The old couple died several years ago and for unknown reasons, the man who owned the property never did much of anything to keep the place repaired. The roof began to leak and it eventually became uninhabitable.
I remember a big family who lived there in the 1950s. They would sit on the porch for hours on summer evenings and chat with anyone who came by.
The house got a new owner recently and a new roof. Its an antique shop in its most recent incarnation.
A set that overflowing with quiet and hints of its ending — especially the smile-creating cats.
The was surprising about the house not having hot water in the bathroom all the way into the 80s. I expect those kinds of stories out in the country but not in town.
I got the impression at the time the property owner was a real skinflint. The old couple were renters, but probably weren’t paying much. I don’t think they really had a lot, judging from their extra-frugal lifestyle.
Ha! I finally Googled up a couple of examples of the old guy’s landscapes after his first name came back to me this morning. I just couldn’t remember it last night. We had always called him Mr. Brown (of Brown County).
Well done ID — each one has a different flavor of quiet. I agree with KH that the empty house seems a bit forlorn. My favorite is “Early morning wake-up.” Though I imagine your A.M.s are filled with lots of bird song too, there is the quiet of a morning drink.
What a good capture. Did you shoot it through a window?
Love the one of your Bebo — I can see the tie in with next week’s theme. The duck/goose gliding feels so calm as well as quiet. I would like that one for contemplation when I am all frazzled.
Yeah between the dying light and Bebo’s inability to sit still, I didn’t have a lot of time for that shot.
If you want a larger version (1200×900) of the goose (Canadian to be precise) to use for wallpaper, email me and I’ll send it to you.
I liked the goose shot too, nicely framed with greenery and softened by the rising mist.
Thanks ID.
I particularly like the bamboo — quiet, but cheerful. Oh what a bit of sunshine can do.
My favorite from olivia’s garden is the everywhichway mossy branches.