We seem to have lost the iconoclastic instinct in the Western World, which I count as a good thing. If we want to make depictions of God, we damn well do it. He doesn’t have to compete with other gods for attention, so who cares these days? But Muslims still take this taboo seriously, and they extend it even unto the prophet Mohammed. After the creators of South Park depicted Mohammed in a bear-suit they received a death threat. Seems pretty stupid to my Western sensibilities, but I do respect that others have religious beliefs different from mine. And while I am more than willing to condemn death threats, I don’t think making May 20th Draw Mohammed Day is the best way to make the point. So, I won’t be participating. Even if I think it’s stupid to get offended if someone makes an artistic depiction of Mohammed, I have no interest in offending millions of people to make a point to a few extremists.

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