Anyone remember Disco Demolition Day?
I was brought up to believe that Disco sucked, too. But I was so wrong.
It was the only rational response to double-digit interest rates.
Anyone remember Disco Demolition Day?
I was brought up to believe that Disco sucked, too. But I was so wrong.
It was the only rational response to double-digit interest rates.
Baseball Players union could move their spring training out of Arizona. I’m sure New Mexico or Southern Cal would welcome the commerce.
ya know, I used to despise disco, but as my bass playing progressed, i began to have an appreciation for at musicianship (in some cases). And of course, without disco, the fleshtones wouldn’t be half the band they are.
at the same time, “get up and boogie” is one of the worst songs i have ever heard.
Double-digit interest rates? Then the comeback of disco must be right around the corner.
Dude, you can’t listen to the Love Unlimited Orchestra without thinking of the Love Boat theme, but the bottom line is that the genre was fundamentally optimistic and fun. And we need lots of that to get through life. Disco is only appropriate in certain settings, but nothing touches it for a good time with friends and strangers.
Televised golf would never be quite the same without this song!
After further fact-checking, it was actually Ten Cent Beer Night.
…At Cleveland Stadium (I first thought it was 50 cent beer night) — that was an even better idea!
You weren’t wrong about Mr. Gibb, though.
Even the Dead did a version of disco..
it sucks that that version cuts off in the height of the jam. But (and I don’t think I’ve ever said this before) Bob Weir’s rhythm guitar on the Shakedown jam was worth the price of admission, Just monstrous.
Is currently getting a ton of money from CBS to NOT broadcast. He’s a lazy wank, and resorts to the juvenile too much, but his raps about the radio industry and its history are spot on. Which is probably why he’s not broadcasting.
Radio is another victim of brain dead GOP deregulation and consolidation.
Disco demolition wasn’t even my favorite tasteless Steve Dahl bit. That would be his Pink Floyd remake, in the wake of the Wayne Gacy nightmare, of “Another Kid in the Crawl” (complete with schoolyard sound events and children’s chorus…)