Hillary Clinton shows that the US is now openly kissing-up to Israel, but not just Israel: Israeli right wing extremists like Netanyahu and the Likud project to continue colonizing all of original Palestine.
Uri Avnery, founder of the Israeli peace group, Gush Shalom, put it right in this recent article, In the Name of Zionism, when he bluntly admitted that Zionism controls American foreign policy. It is an illusion to believe that the US State Department runs our foreign policy when it comes to Israel and the Middle East.
Here is just a brief excerpt:
The leaders of the “Zionist State” depend to a large extent upon the Diaspora and use it for their own purposes. The Exile-Jewish AIPAC ensures the subjection of the US Congress to the will of the Israeli government. The “Anti-Defamation League” (which should more properly be called the “Defamation League”) is terrorizing the American media in order to prevent any criticism of Israeli policy. In the past, the United Jewish Appeal was essential for the economic wellbeing of Israel.
For years, the foreign policy of Israel has been based upon the power of the Jewish “exile” community in the US. Every country, from Egypt to Uzbekistan, knew that if it wanted aid from the American Congress, it had first of all to acquire the support of Israel. In order to get access to the American Sultan, they first had to get past the Israeli gate-keeper.
Full Article HERE
Al Jezeera reported that the Palestinians are now accusing Washington of killing all hope of reviving the peace process with the Israelis, as the continuation of settlement building is given Washington’s approval. As the above kissy video tells, Hillary Clinton, who represents US foreign policy, signaled a complete U-turn on settlement building. “The issue is not now a precondition for negotiations.”
In short, the Likud government is now free to build and expand settlements at will, while it delays and stalls during what will only be low-level “proximity” talks, i.e., the gateway to whether the Israelis and Palestinians will ever actually get to real peace negotiations. One is reminded here of the tactics of other Likud PM’s like Shamir and Sharon, who promised incessant talk without substance, as the colonization of Palestine continued.
Israel now controls 60% of the West Bank and all of East Jerusalem.
More garbage from Clinton this morning:
Clinton: Arabs should do more for peace
…while Israel is gobbling up Palestine.
Now Clinton is not only blaming the “Arabs” for lack of peace, but she is pumping up the old-hat meme about “terrorism.” Look, if Netanyahu is now President of the United States, let’s say so and stop fooling around.
“Clinton: Arabs should do more for peace“
Pardon me, but what the f** more are the Arabs supposed to do beyond offering Israel what they have been formally offering since 2002; peace, full recognition, and complete normalization of relations in exchange for Israel’s minimally complying with international law and its own damned agreements? I am so sick to death of the hypocrisy of this f*** country right now I could throw up. And, of course, just as I predicted Obama is no different on this question than every other President has been. Surprise, surprise.
Video and text: Secretary Clinton’s Remarks At the American Jewish Committee Annual Gala Dinner.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
We are surprised given Cairo and all, and the cold treatment of Netanyahu during his first visit to Washington after the election. It looked as if we were taking a new path in the Middle East. But then we began hearing the can’t do apologies, one after the next, and the search for scapegoats. It just couldn’t be Israel’s doing, could it.
Deja vu all over again.
Shergald, the Cairo speech was just words, mostly nice-sounding words, and nothing more. Pretty words mean absolutely nothing, especially coming from the mouth of someone who is an absolute master of the pretty word, unless they are confirmed by actions. I was not impressed in the least by that speech because most of Obamas actions and plans so far belied them as have most of his actions and plans since. AND, to the careful and critical ear, there were moments in that speech that challenged the temptation to take any of it seriously.
You may have gathered by now that I am NOT a fan of political speeches because their primary purpose is always political, and not the conveyance of real information – unless, of course, conveying the real information serves the political goals of the speaker.
“Because as Yitzhak Rabin said, ultimately, the leaders and the people of the region must provide the vision for peace and the will to realize it. The Arab Peace Initiative offers such a vision, a vision of a better future for all of the people of the Middle East. It rests on the bargain that peace between the Israelis and Palestinians will bring recognition and normalization from the Arab states. It is time to advance this proposal with actions, not just words.
We do not expect the Arab states to move forward in a vacuum. Israel must do its part by respecting the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people, stopping settlement activity, addressing the humanitarian needs in Gaza, and supporting the institution-building efforts of the Palestinian Authority.
And Palestinians must continue their efforts to take responsibility and accountability for security in the West Bank. They must be vigilant in their work to stop incitement and prevent violence and terror. And they must press forward with the institutional and economic reforms under President Abbas and Prime Minister Fayyad’s leadership, which we support.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Keep hearing old Israeli propaganda everytime Clinton speaks.
“And Palestinians must continue their efforts to take responsibility and accountability for security in the West Bank. They must be vigilant in their work to stop incitement and prevent violence and terror.“
What violence and terror is she talking about? The nonviolent protesters at Bil’in or Nil’in? The protests in East Jerusalem over the eviction of families?
And these are liberal Democrats?
as usual.
I wonder what the impetus behind this flip-flop was. There has to be something (right?) because the move really, really makes America look bad. Of course, the status quo of making demands that Israel openly defies doesn’t make America look terribly good either.
The 2012 presidential election? Just a thought.