A very good friend of mine has a problem.
I was over at his house today where I was to meet his son.
We had a nice talk about gardening & lizards, out on the grounds around the house. There was no one else there.
The mom had told me she wasn`t around much, since she was caring for her ill brother. I`m very friendly with the mom & she`s a very very nice person. Their daughter comes over to my house & I can leave her there by herself.
I trust her to no end. She`s going off to college back east in the fall.
The older brother is in his second year at San Francisco U.
He also is a personal friend & always welcome at our house.
Now we come to the dad.
He`s a doctor & one of the nicest person anyone could ever meet.
So what`s the problem.
They live in fear of their lives.
The15 year old son whom I visited & had a good time with today, is terrorizing them.
I have had to do repairs at their house because of his violence, although there often was a reason/excuse for how the damage happened.

When I left their house to come back home, I saw the dad coming off the beach.
I blew the horn & waved. Then I thought I should turn around, so I went up the highway, made a U-turn & came back.
He got into my car & very glad I`d come back.
I told him I`d just come from his house.
I told him his son seemed to be doing much better.
He told me different.
In a breaking voice he told me about being threatened with death, & having a hard time dealing with his ICU patients at the hospital along with this familial weight over him.
I asked about the mom`s brother during our conversation, but he seemed puzzled.
He explained that she did not feel safe in the house alone with her son, while he, (the dad) was away at work.
He asked me to forgive his wife`s “white lie” & that she`d only told me that to hide her (shame?)
She wasn`t at the house, because she was terrified.
It`s been about four/five months since she`s been “taking care of her brother”
They are at their wit`s end & don`t know what to do.
They are thinking of having him picked up & brought to a juvenile camp or some kind of intervention style boot camp.
Does anyone have any experience with this sort of situation.
Any info will be extremely appreciated.
My friends are at the end of their power to continue living some semblance of a stable healthy life.
They are desperate.
Please help me help my friends.
Thank you.