Tonight at 6PM Eastern Time, WWL Radio!!!!!

Gottlieb and Diane G. will be live and in color (or is that off color?) on WWL radio tonight at 6pm Eastern Time to guide you through Current Events taken from a Wildly Left Prospective.

Hear the Unreported & Under Reported Headlines stories you should be paying attention to, from US Politics, to the farthest reaches of the Earth by the WWL coalition of subversion: undermining the PTB by speaking Truth to Power!!!!

Wow, are you afraid? You should be. Not of an ADD students wayward bookbag, but heck, the Fed is still being given free rein to run amok and wreak destruction upon us, Iran is now the voice of disarmament reason, while Israel hoards its nukes, and golly. Joe Lieberman thinks you should only be a citizen if he says so.

We have LOTS of reporting and opinions tonight, and we hope you join in with yours!

Please join us!

Controversy? We face it. Cutting Edge? We step over it. Revolutions start with information, and The Wild Wild Left Radio brings you the best in information and op/eds from a position that others on the Left fear to tread.

Call In!

Join Gottlieb and Diane every Friday at 6pm EDT on Wild Wild Left Radio, via BlogtalkRadio, for News from the Real Left. No hand-wringing, no PC, just straight talk from reality based politics.

WWL Radio: Free Speech in Practice.

The call in number is 646-929-1264

The live chat link will go live around 5:20.. found at the bottom of the show page, or by clicking the link below!

