I wonder, should we all invest in transoceanic sea-travel?
THE Icelandic eruption that has caused misery for air travellers could be part of a surge in volcanic activity that will affect the whole of Europe for decades, scientists have warned.
They have reconstructed a timeline of 205 eruptions in Iceland, spanning the past 1,100 years, and found that they occur in regular cycles — with the relatively quiet phase that dominated the past five decades now coming to an end.
At least three other big Icelandic volcanoes are building towards an eruption, according to Thor Thordarson, a volcanologist at Edinburgh University.
“The frequency of Icelandic eruptions seems to rise and fall in a cycle lasting around 140 years,” he said. “In the latter part of the 20th century we were in a low period, but now there is evidence that we could be approaching a peak.”
Or can someone devise an airplane engine that can handle volcanic ash?
“It is linked to the massive Laki fissure volcano whose 1783 eruption ejected so much ash into the atmosphere that it cooled the entire northern hemisphere for nearly three years. The resulting low temperatures caused crop failures and famines that killed 2m people and helped trigger the French Revolution .”
(Climate Progress) – Periods of exceptional climate change in Earth history are associated with a dynamic response from the solid Earth, involving enhanced levels of potentially hazardous geological and geomorphological activity. This response is expressed through the adjustment, modulation or triggering of a wide range of surface and crustal phenomena, including volcanic and seismic activity, submarine and sub-aerial landslides, tsunamis and landslide ‘splash’ waves glacial outburst and rock-dam failure floods, debris flows and gas-hydrate destabilisation.
Read on … Climate Change and Response Earth’s Crust
≈ Cross-posted from my earlier diary @ET — Eruption of Most Vicious Volcano Katla Likely ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Geez, way to scare the crap out of everyone, Oui.
Laki has not yet erupted right? Only the volcano whose name we cannot say. Maybe we will break with history and Laki will not erupt…….This could really suck.
Huh – Eyjafjallajökull – not hard at all – if you’re of Nordic background 😉
one word: airships.
Ohhhh, the humanity!