Oh noes!! We can’t put juveniles in prison for life (without parole) anymore unless they actually kill someone. And only five Justices were decent enough to agree to the ban. Let’s see if you can guess which four Justices didn’t have a problem with giving a kid life in prison for committing a couple of robberies.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Unca Clarence
how’s that for guessing off the top of my head
we have a winner. I bet you didn’t have to think too hard.
I didn’t have to think at all. Just like them!
Here’s the absolutely jaw-dropping contribution from Thomas, from AP’s report:
So near as I can tell he’s saying screw the Constitution, forget courts and let state legislatures decide who has rights and who doesn’t — precisely the the opposite of why we have courts in the first place.
Seems to me a “justice” who doesn’t think the Supreme Court has either the right or the capability to decide Constitutional issues needs to either resign or be impeached. Thomas has finally deteriorated to the Palin level. Mental incapacity is a prime ground for impeachment IIRC.
Even better:
(diary at the top of the rec list on DKos: Clarence Thomas Smacked Down Like Never Before)
It is very unusual to be so pointed in a formal opinion. Wow.
Must be a typo. Perhaps they mean 1890. Or even 980.
Justice Stevens said that about Thomas? You didn’t add it yourself? Wow!
According to the original diary, that’s in the actual concurring opinion. It’s definitely an “ouch” — from Stevens, Ginsburg, and Sotomayor.
To Clarence Thomas the only cruel and unusual punishment he believes ever existed was his “lynching” by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Give Ole Clarence a break. I mean he’s an originalist and from what I understand that means reading the constitution like it was 1781.
A black man who wants to go back to 1781? He needs a good therapist. Apparently he’s suffering from delusions that a mirror can’t cure.
Wait a minute…if it’s 1781, what are we doing with only 8 3/5 justices? Isn’t there 2/5ths of a vacancy?
Meanwhile, don’t get too comfortable with this victory. The court also decided today that sex offenders can be held indefinitely if they’re deemed to be a continuing threat, a practice that a number of states (including mine) have taken up.
I understand the logic of predatory sexual urges being extremely difficult to “cure,” but from a civil libertarian standpoint this is a very, very slippery slope. It renders actual sentences virtually meaningless. And in general I don’t see how hounding sex offenders once they’re released (all the rage these days) is supposed to keep these guys from reoffending or help them integrate into society.
But of course rapists serve 3 – 5 years, if that, and then get to rape again.