Ever play the dinner guest game? You pick five people from history to invite to dinner. For example, you could invite Martin Luther King Jr., Mohandes Ghandi, Jesus of Nazareth, Mohammed, and George W. Bush. Or you could invite Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Adolf Hitler, Leo Tolstoy, and Kurt Vonnegut. Any combination will do, so long as it creates some interesting conversation.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Ida B Wells.
Socrates, Virginia Woolf, Janusz Korczak, Elizabeth I, Crazy Horse
David Bohm, Emily Dickinson, Herman Melville, Erasmus, Franz Kafka
Philosphical Conversation:
Socrates, Noam Chomsky, Christopher Hitchens, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Carl Jung.
Political Conversation:
John Adams, Ben Franklin, Barack Obama, FDR, and Eisenhower.
Funny Conversation:
George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Mel Brooks, Steven Colbert, and my friend Anthony.
As little Conversation as possible:
Christina Hendricks, Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson, Famke Janssen, and my open-minded girlfriend.
Interesting conversation. Hm-m-m-m, I guess that precludes George W. Bush’s presence.
Well, judging by the documents, Socrates and the gang liked to talk about lighting farts and stuff, too. Bush would get his 15 seconds.
I think you need to mix it up a bit. Put all the names into a hat and draw out random groups of five. Think of it: Nietzsche, Franklin, Carlin, Portman, and Socrates.
Cory Booker, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama , Malcolm X and Martin Luther King.
EM Forster, Tom Paine, ML King, Lao Tze, Jawaharlal Nehru. But it could have been totally different and just as interesting/not.
So Boo, now show us yours.
I could come up with lists all day long.
No dinner party is complete, however, unless Alcibiades crashes it.
Ah well, that link wasn’t what I wanted after all.
Kind of how one imagines Drinking Liberally going.
Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Nellie Bly, Jackie Cochran, Belva Lockwood and Mother Jones.
As usual, there’s nothing new under the sun: http://www.steveallenonline.com/television_pioneer/meeting_of_minds.htm.
I’d like to see Jesus, John Calvin, and the Pope get together to debate the meaning of Christianity. Let the Buddha be the moderator. And then put a few fag- and woman-hating creeps like Fred Phelps, Pat Buchanan, and that dude from Focus on the Family in the audience; they won’t know who the fuck to believe.
Nat Turner, Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King Jr., Alice Paul