Okay, so, as a progressive, here is what I wanted to see tonight.

1. Kentucky Senate- Attorney General Jack Conway win the primary against Lt. Gov. Dan Mongiardo. Check.
2. Kentucky Senate- Rand Paul win the primary against Secretary of State Trey Grayson. Check.
3. Arkansas Senate- Blanche Lincoln be forced into a runoff against Lt. Gov. Bill Halter. Not certain, but still looking good.
4. Pennsylvania Senate- Rep. Joe Sestak end Snarlin’ Arlen’s career. Check.
5. Pennsylvania 12th District- Mark Critz beat Tim Burns in the Special Election. Check.
6. Pennsylvania 6th District- Manan Trivedi defeat Doug Pike. Too close to call.

It’s been an excellent night and it could still get better. I actually care about Trivedi winning more than these other races. He’s up, but it’s still gonna be close.

I’m a little surprised that I actually feel a pang of empathy for Specter. But, hey, I almost considered voting for him for a microsecond. Well, I am not even sure if that’s true. It’s hard to detect a microsecond.