The Establishment held back Bill Clinton from campaigning for Blanche Lincoln so they could keep him in reserve for the run-off. I expect the Big Dog to show up in Arkansas shortly. He has a lot of influence down there. In 2008, the Republicans were expecting Hillary to be the nominee so they didn’t even run anyone against Senator Mark Pryor. That was a major miscalculation, as McCain had major coattails downticket against Barack Obama. We can see how vulnerable Democrats are in Arkansas not only from Blanche Lincoln’s plight, but through the multiple congressional retirements that have been announced this year. But I think Clinton will be wasting his time and his breath. There is no way in hell that Lincoln can beat John Boozman in November. So, it is nothing more than stupid stubbornness for the Establishment to interfere with Bill Halter’s shot at retaining the seat. No one owes Blanche Lincoln anything. She’s a shitty Democrat who chose the wrong issues both to stray on and to stick on. Her flip-flop on the public option was particularly crippling. She made everyone angry by voting for cloture on health care and then voting against the reconciliation package. Who did she think would thank her for that display of wishy-washiness?

No, the Big Dog should stay in Chappaqua. No one has any use for his brand of Democrat anymore…in Arkansas, or anyplace else.