Under the stuff Americans are too damn lazy to be informed about, you can add “an understanding of Libertarianism”. Libertarianism is a $50 word, and as my kids used to tell me, “we don’t know nothing about any 50 dollar words!” Ok let’s have a quickie definition so you all can get a little understanding, and it follows below.
Libertarianism is an ideology that espouses belief in NO GOVERNMENT AT ALL period! NO GOVERNMENT means exactly that, no Army, no Navy, no Air Force, no Coast Guard, no Congress and the President’s office would be a strictly ceremonial unpaid position. Voting would be strictly limited to LOCAL ISSUES and on a purely voluntary basis among the residents of the respective town or city. The issue of local public services such as police and fire would also be voluntary and would function like the auxiliary police and fire units in small towns across America today. Lastly there would be NO TAXATION WHATSOEVER. No Local, State or Federal Taxes period. In a pure libertarian environment every town in America would resemble the Plymouth Plantation community in its early days on American shores, except there would be no friendly visiting Indians bringing fresh foodstuffs and game. This is the vision of pure Libertarianism.

Now there was a split in the Libertarian party between those insisting that the party remain steadfastly committed to PURE LIBERTARIANISM and those who were more disposed to a practical form of libertarianism. That is those in the practical camp saw the need to preserve the institutions established by the American Constitution, but strictly only those sections of government identified in the original text (and amendments) of the Constitution. Nothing else period! From their perspective huge monolithic wings of government like the Internal Revenue Service would be eliminated. Congress itself would have to personally perform the task of collecting taxes as that is what is specified in the Constitution.

So there you are folks. This is what the Ron and Rand Paul’s of America have as their primary purpose, i.e., total dismantling of the Federal Government as America has known it for generations upon generations.

One other thing, when the Libertarian convention split, Ronald Reagan welcomed the practical libertarians into the Republican Party insisting that they had common cause with the Republican anti-tax philosophy. Thus today outside of the Southern former Democratic Dixiecrats turned Republican; Libertarians are the second largest block in the Republican Party. Further, because of their fanaticism the Libertarians have not only established themselves throughout the national base of the party, they have successfully converted the Republican ideology from their traditional anti-tax position to one obsessed with the creation of the smallest government possible. This is why the #1 Republican talking point is reducing the size of government.

Make no mistake real Libertarians are highly educated folks. These are no tea party rabble rousers. They are clever and deliberate and fanatically driven to achieve their goal, which is why I view them as the most dangerous people in the world to not only the American government, but to the traditional American way of life.

Witness the fact and the subtle use of (Dick) Army’s Army a.k.a. the Tea Party by the Libertarian Republicans. As Army’s Army scoured the landscape looking for candidates to primary established Republicans, local Libertarians quietly volunteered to take on the Tea Party mantle. This subtle move into primary contests across the nation has given the Libertarian movement new life to the degree that they could have ever imagined. Obviously many of these Libertarian novices were woefully unprepared to enter politics on any level, never mind for House and Senate seats, and they have failed miserably. But the weight of those who succeeded will carry tremendous weight with the media. People

Rand Paul will continue to wrap himself in the Tea Party mantle until if and when he makes it to the Senate. Once elected he will then seek every opportunity to praise the values libertarianism in every political venue, legislation and amendment. Libertarians have learned how to play to the media, and a possible Senator Paul will attract the best Libertarian minds in the country to advise his every move and speech. This is serious business America and your current level of ignorance on this subject is likely to cause you pain and deprivation in the future that currently you cannot begin to imagine.

One last farewell to Army’s Army. These people essentially have volunteered to be overfed pawns who are eagerly willing to be used as so much disposable fodder to facilitate the rise of this fanatical group of ideologs, the like that America has never seen.
Most of these senior and near senior boomers rely exclusively on the government supplied support of Social Security and Medicare. Some are even former government employees who also depend on a government retirement pension. Yet here are these unimaginative imbeciles campaigning around the country to do away with the very entity that puts food on their tables and provides facilities to service their medical needs. Their moans of heart breaking disbelief will be droned out by the rush to curtail their few existing government benefits by the newly empowered Libertarian politicians sitting in the Hall of Congress.