Booman posted a short piece recently titled Run Newt Run.

In it, he quite accurately stated :

I get the feeling that the Republican primaries are going to be the weirdest, most depressing, and terrifying thing I’ve ever seen. Gingrich might be one of the saner candidates. But even the people with a passing familiarity with reality, like Romney and Pawlenty, will feel compelled to out-crazy the crazies. By the end of the debates, we might be debating whether the wrong side won the Civil War.

Fact is, the Civil War is still on.

The war between the corporations and the people.

And as usual, the corporations are winning.

Read on for more.

We are now deeply into American Idol country in terms of elections. Put all of your previous palaverings about intellectual strength and moral turpitude aside.

The motherfucker who can maintain the strongest surviving image during the rapidly approaching, arduously long two year trial-by-media will win.

Just as it has been in the United States of Omertica since the Nixon-JFK camaign.

The only potential presidential candidate at the present moment w/an image strength that can match Obama’s is Sarah Palin.

Not Newt, not Romney, not Pawlenty.

None of them.


Deal wid it.

Should Rand Paul survive his own frankness a Palin/Paul ticket would present a very strong image. Agree, disagree or anywhere in between with the whole white supremacist/Tea Party thing, the fact of the matter remains that without question about 33% of the American electorate…the 33% that remained in the Bush camp even after 8 years of total failure on every level imaginable except that of legal graft…supports the far right of this country. For the sake of argument let us say that there is a committed 33% in the “liberal” camp. (I personally think that it is a smaller percentage…less likely to vote or to take part in organized political effort at the very least. But let’s not quibble.) And let us also not quibble here with exactly how liberal Obama may or not be at the moment. He is the image of liberalism in the U.S. just as Palin/Paul is the current image of conservatism, and image is worth trillions of words here in MediaAmerica.

I refer to Rand Paul’s frankness above because that is exactly what his Civil Rights statement was. Frankness. He really believes what he said. Now…he could learn a thing or two or a hundred from Barack Obama, who is publicly “frank” only about .001% of the time. (Which is precisely the reason why he is the resident president-of-the-moment.) The fact remains that the far right needs only to capture about 50% of the remaining 33% of undecided voters…an almost entirely white 33%, I might add, and half female as well…to win in 2012.

That is 16% of the American electorate. Less if Ratpublican electoral college calculations are done well, even less if vote fraud, etc. is factored in.

UH oh!!!

And who has the best “image” at the moment? Including our male model preznit, Barak “40 Long” Obama?”


That mistress/master of the shopping trip, salon visit and photo op, Sarah Louise “Say Cheese!!!” Palin.

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Bet on it.

Damn she’s good!!!

So what’s an intelligent political junkie to do?

Besides resign oneself to the vagaries of fate.

Fight the goddamned media!!!


Sigh. (There he goes again.)





So it goes. (It had to be said…)

Attack the media on every level possible.

Criticize it for its shallowness. Left, right and center.

Boycott the motherfuckers every chance you get. See an ad for a paper towel, an automobile, a financial robber baron system or a poisonous drug directly after the usual puff piece about one of the many lying liars in this government?

Do not buy the shit. And tell them why!!!

Turn the system off in every way possible.

Starve the fucks out.

Not only is it this least that we can do…when you get right down to it, this is the only thing that we can do, really.



Vote and tie up a few Tea Partiers in your cellar until after the polls close?


But otherwise how much is your (already assumed portion of the 33% iberal) vote going to count?

You and the conservatives are off holding rallies while the street fight is really for the undecideds.

Enter into that battle.


The only way that you can.

You cannot sway them personally. Not enough of them, for sure. Their minds are so controlled by the media’s various types of WMDs (Weapons of Mass Distraction, Weapons of Mass Disinformation, etc.) that a personal argument or discussion cannot make a dent in their positions.

Fight the media!!!

Like I said.



My comment sig on these leftiness blogs goes as follows:

Goodness had nothing to do with it, dearie.-Mae West


Rightness has very little to do with it as well. It’s all about power. And what segment of this system has a combination of the most power and the least secure position?

The media.

They depend on you to support them.

Your buying habits.

Your watching habits.

Your belief habits.

They know that you will believe something. That you have been well trained from TV-dominated infancy to need to believe. All they have to do is find out what that “something” is and then they have gotcha!!!

Glenn Beck?


Brian Williams?


Rachel Maddow?


Etc., etc., etc.

Wake the fuck up.

Step away from the TV with your brains in the air.


Station WTFU signing off.

Thank you and goodnight.


P.S. Media?

How come the media never adequately publicized Palin’s connection with the way out there Christian right? The so-called “Third Wave” movement. Literal witch hunters and gabblers in tongues.

Mass media broadcasting of the information in the following video would be all that is needed to torpedo her candidacy forever.

But NOOOOOOooooo!!!


Because the media are covering their asses.

Bet on it.

Fuck ’em!!!

Fuck em all.

Or…be fucked. Your choice.

P.P.S. The media? All properspeak and everything?

If you can’t say “fuck,” you can’t say “fuck the government.”-Lenny Bruce


Do not trust any system where you are not allowed to speak plainly.

None of it.

Remember that tonight when you turn on Kutie Katie or one of the other talking heads to get the latest non-news.

