The following is from page four of John Helleman’s epic piece in New York magazine on the relationship between the Obama administration and Wall Street. It’s really a must read, and I think it vindicates most of what I wrote about the financial crisis last spring. Apparently, the honchos on Wall Street are absolutely livid with Obama and that’s the context of this excerpt.
Considering the lengths to which the administration had just gone to rescue Wall Street from collapse, all this behavior might strike a (rational) person as ungrateful and even churlish. One explanation for it revolves around the industry’s endemic twin defects: short-termitis and amnesia. “Wall Street is focused on the next five minutes or the last five minutes,” says Roger Altman, a deputy Treasury secretary under Clinton and now chairman of the boutique investment bank Evercore Partners. “At the end of Obama’s speech at Federal Hall, he said that this community must remember the debt it owes to the taxpayers. But I’m not sure most of Wall Street does remember.”
Another, not inconsistent, theory is that the money changers aren’t merely forgetful but mildly deluded. “They’ve created a narrative where irrational actions by a few people plus the nature of government intervention forced them to do things inconsistent with their free-market philosophy and regular way of handling their business,” offers a Democratic financier. “So, yes, they took the TARP money, but only because they had to. None of them are sitting there saying to themselves, ‘You know, I was responsible for this crisis. Therefore, I’m really grateful to the government that it stepped in.’ This is not the narrative they have in their heads.”
But one of the city’s most successful hedge-fund hotshots offers a different surmise: “The majority of Wall Street thinks, ‘Hey, you lent us money. We did a trade. We paid you back. When you had me down, you could have crushed me, you could have done whatever you wanted. You didn’t do it! So stop your bitching and stop telling me I owe you, because I already paid you everything! The fact that I’m making money now is because I’m smarter than you!’ I think that’s where you’ve got this massive disconnect. In simple human terms, the government is saying, ‘I saved your life, and all you did was thank me once. You should be calling me every day: Thank you. Thank you.’ The guy who saved the life expects more. And the guy whose life is saved says, ‘I already thanked you!’ ”
On page three we learn what Krugman really believed about nationalizing the banks:
After countless rehearsals of the options, Obama wanted to hear a broader range of voices. So in April, a dinner was set up at the White House with the president and a clutch of big-name economists: Paul Krugman, Joseph Stiglitz, Jeffrey Sachs, Alan Blinder, Kenneth Rogoff. “That turned out to be a defining moment in the debate,” Geithner told me. “Partly because they were all disagreeing with each other, and partly because they knew what they were against but not exactly what they were for and what it entailed—except Krugman. He was the only one willing to say, ‘Look, there’s a good case for nationalizing, but if you do, you have to understand two things: One, it’s incredibly expensive, it’ll cost trillions; and two, you have to guarantee everything.’ ” Once again, Obama cast his lot with Geithner.
So, when he finally got a shot on advising the president directly on the issue he gave the same advice that I provided at the time. The richest irony I found in the piece was related to the warning I gave Jane Hamsher at the time (that nationalization would enrich the hedge-fund managers just as much as Geithner’s plan).
A bigger debate was over the question of whether to nationalize the weakest banks, which were thought by many to be insolvent. A number of the members of Obama’s economic team began leaning in the direction of taking over at least a couple of the most troubled institutions. Geithner suspected that some of his colleagues were channeling ideas fed to them by pals of theirs at hedge funds, many of which were licking their chops over the prospect of buying a boatload of distressed assets in the event of nationalization or some similar scheme. More to the point, Geithner also believed that if the government started taking over banks, it would turn into a costly quagmire.
And, finally, what about Geithner’s performance?
Geithner’s stabilization plan is now widely regarded as having worked—mainly thanks to the once-derided “stress tests” that he imposed on the banks, which showed the world that their circumstances weren’t as dire as many feared and let them raise the requisite capital to get back on their feet. By this spring, the big banks had paid back virtually all the TARP money they’d received, and the cost of the bailout to taxpayers was smaller than that of the S&L crisis of the early nineties.
I never guaranteed anyone that Geithner’s plan would work. I just said that it made sense, posed less risk and probably less cost than nationalization, and that the wrong people would get rich no matter what Geithner did.
And the thanks the president gets is to have the progressive left attacking him, Wall Street loathing him, and the Tea Partiers obsessing over bailouts that actually worked.
The politics of the collapse were always going to be choppy, but the bottom line is that saving the economy was better politics than the alternative. And if you think people are pissed about the cost now, just imagine what they’d be saying about the cost of nationalization. There are a lot of ungrateful people out there. It’s not just the assholes on Wall Street.
meanwhile in Greece…
And the money the Fed spent? Freddie and Fannie? What will happen in the future?
I see that Krugman denies that he said nationalization would cost trillions. I’m not sure who to believe. If Krugman did say that, it would cut against his credibility, so he has a huge incentive to deny it. But Geithner has an incentive to make Krugman look bad. So…anybody’s guess.
I will say, however, that Krugman is smart enough to know that nationalization guaranteed huge staggering losses. So, he’s basically giving me the choice between thinking he’s a liar or a bad economist.
The issue wasn’t their market caps. The issue was their oceans of bad debt and the prices they’d be forced to sell it for.
Geithner says he suspected that many of the people arguing for nationalization were doing the bidding of hedge-fund managers, who were the only people available to buy up most of the debt under either plan. And that was my point at the time and the basis of my disagreement with Krugman.
You do realize that we are going to end up like Japan as a result, right? And you do realize that all Geithner and Co. did was “extend and pretend”? And regardless of all that, the Fed is helping the big banks recover(or at least survive for now) because of low interest rates, and the fact that the Fed is still guaranteeing a load of bank debt.
you seem to think that we’d be better off if the banks failed. There has to be an infrastructure in place to issue credit. The choice wasn’t between what we considered normal and a lost decade of low economic growth. The choice was between no credit at all and 25% unemployment and what we have now. If you read the links I provided you’ll see what I was talking about at the time, which was the cost of nationalization and the fact that there weren’t any people available to buy up all our megabanks and their debt.
Anyone who comes at this question thinking that there was a palatable solution is just being dishonest. The game was rigged.
To a large extent, the game is always rigged. But, at least we won;t be repeating the particular mistakes that were made in this case.
Except more mistakes will be made. And we’ll suffer even more. The banksters haven’t suffered at all. In fact, if they aren’t even worried about the present FinReg bill(don’t believe the gnashing teeth from the CNBC idiots). I’m sorry, but Tim Geithner(or any of the the others) aren’t Joe Kennedy, or Pecora.
Boo —
Of course the game is rigged. It was in 2002 amid the last bailout. Systematically, however, all they’ve done is an extend and pretend. They’ve papered over a corrupted system that finally can do nothing but expose the implicit frauds of fractional reserve / perpetual credit-expanding banking. And it can no longer sustain. Perpetual credit expansion unbacked by actual production is a long-term recipe for insolvency and destruction. Printing money / credit from thin air has always been the problem, but the NeoKeynesians among us will never give it up — too enriching for those involved.
And let’s be clear, this has always been a banking government nexus. From the getgo. It’s just always had a long-term date with insolvency, and that date is arrived.
It’s like I was predicting to you in 2002, that THAT first bailout would cause and echo collapse, which arrived pretty much as expected. This bailout will collapse even uglier than the last. Krugster will complain we didn’t pillage the productive economy sufficiently (NOTE: That’s not the banking / financial sector that leeches from the productive sector) and redirect it to his pet rescue theories.
But in reality, it’s the base of his theories that brought us here. The quasi Krugmanites have sold the nation a loony promise that if you somehow raid the nation’s store of seed-corn and redistribute it for consumption, that activity can be measured as healthy growth. In truth, all it ever has been is the exhausting of the nation’s seed-corn. And so insolvency looms ever close and inevitable.
The government would have put out enormous amounts more than it did
there would have been nothing to spare for saving the nations largest unionized manufacturing industry (something that is hilariously uninteresting for “progressives”)
there would have been no money for a stimulus
the government would have been failing desperately trying to unload crap
there would be 25%unemployment
the GOP would be ready to take back house and senate with many votes to spare
Fortunately, Obama is more interested in winning than inflicting retribution.
“The majority of Wall Street thinks, `Hey, you lent us money. We did a trade. We paid you back. When you had me down, you could have crushed me, you could have done whatever you wanted. You didn’t do it! So stop your bitching and stop telling me I owe you, because I already paid you everything! The fact that I’m making money now is because I’m smarter than you!’
That’s an extremely insightful quote. Lets dissect. First, it was GWB and Paulson that “lent” that dictated the bailout terms, but Obama that had to live with the political fallout. That’s a tough spot for Obama and I don’t have any respect for anyone who can’t grasp that dynamic. Which brings me to an oft-cited observation the Helleman fails to bring up but could have really shed some light on the whole Obama love-hate each other angle. Look at the quote above again- you know who thinks like that, that one dimensional, what’s in it for me, zero sum, win or lose mentality? TRADERS. Confined to the trading floor and engaged in a never ending battle with their fellow traders to make money, they provide a useful function to the markets. Problem was, we deregulated finance so much, these guys got so rich and powerful that Wall St came to be run by traders and their world view seeped into the collective conscious of the financial industry as a whole. So yea, traders are idiots when it comes to politics and nuance and shades of grey- that they shouldn’t be anywhere near policy making or responsibility for anyone but themselves and their trades is obvious to anyone who happens to know someone who makes a living as a trader.
And the progressives knew they would do it too. That’s why the progressives WERE screaming “CRUSH THEM! DO WHATEVER WE WANT TO THEM!”
Yea, I think Booman may be failing to see the shades of greay here (although i wouldn’t come to this site if I didn’t generally agree with the guy and like his posts): a lot of the progressive critique of Obama with regards to the bailout had to do with this very point. Of course we needed to do all the technocratic things that Geithner rightly said we needed to to minimize the damage, save the world and avoid another great depression. But the banks needed to pay a huge price, and that price should have been giving up political power, which they abused and manipulated as you would expect from any trader- these guys make money by thinking outside the box, staying ahead of their opponent, and skirting the law as much as possible. They wielded this power irresponsibly and the price of allowing them to not get wiped out should have been them losing political power. Simon Johnson makes this case much more eloquently so I’ll stop right here.
But as I said in my initial comment, the terms of the bailout were written by Paulson and he had no interest in fundamentally changing the rules of the game- he wanted to save the world in which wall street rwas all-powerful. Maybe if Lehman had collapsed 4 months later things would have been different, but I doubt it.
With the GOP refusing to participate in governing, the dem party and Obama are the only “adults” running government right now. Wall St has turned on Obama because they see perceive him as weak and think workign with the GOP can weaken him further.
As I said below, nationalizing the banks might have cost the same as what happened and enriched the same people but at least the government might have more leverage to impose new standards. Booman criticized this as creative destruction and at the time I agreed with him, but seeing the way things shook out Creative Destruction was our only hope. When the next collapse happens (and it could be as soon as next year) I doubt we’ll have the chance. Obama simply believed too much in the Power of Markets.
Chicago School indeed.
If nationalization enriches the hedge-fund guys just as much as what we did, it was still the better option because it allowed us to actually have the power to do something worthwhile for our money. Instead all we did is support a system that is probably launching into another bubble right now.
And the banks are all still mostly ran by the same greedy aholes that wrecked the system, right? And the banks all got zero percent money to loan back to the people and govt? Would either of those happened under nationalization?
the loans would have, Management would have been a closer question.
So regardless, the banksters were going to stay rich and in power. No one goes to jail or loses their money for their bad decisions that destroyed millions of Americans lives. I totally understand Geithner and Obama were in a tough spot but the “system” that they have saved is still going to pop again with tax payers paying the price while the decision makers get off free.
The policies seemed to stabilize the banks but the betting incentive structure is still in place and will creep back into play once the masters of the universe can figure out their next game/con.
David Brooks and Broder must be getting a tingle up their leg.
Whatever the effects of the bill, among them will be neither an end to the too-big-too-fail doctrine nor any curb on what the sharpest Wall Streeters see as the central threat to the system’s stability: excessive financial leverage. Geithner, Summers, and Obama had little interest in tackling those matters, not because they are indentured servants to Wall Street but because at heart they are all technocrats who believe the system doesn’t need to be rebooted or downsized, merely better supervised.
There are those who reckon that, what with the wailing and gnashing among both the plutocrats and the populists, Obama has actually found the political sweet spot. “Main Street is mad at the president because he’s too close to Wall Street, and Wall Street is mad at him because he’s too populist,” Altman says. “Therefore, almost by definition, he’s in the right place.”
And the same “progessives” are now yelling about the oil spill.
If John McCain had won, where would we be now?
I’m not going to explain anymore because I think I’ve done it enough on this board. I will, however, repeat what I’ve said:
NATIONALIZATION (putting banks into receivership) WASN’T POSSIBLE!!!
So the question that divides progressives is, did Obama miss a golden opportunity to seize on the crisis as a rationale for crushing Wall Street’s bloated power, which might have made the crisis worse; or would injecting populist politics have caused the world economy to run off the rails by making the political posturing even more debilitating?
The administration apparently took the latter view, which is respectable. But now the absolutely necessary task of crushing Wall Street’s, and the financial sector’s, power is left undone while the bailout and the finance bill give the false impression that we can move on from finance-related action. Since the core job has not been done, we are left with more drastic tools: massive tax increases for the highest incomes, including income from every source, and ending Too Big to Fail either by breaking up the biggest banks or guaranteeing that the government will never again bail out private financial institutions.
Been there, seen that. I was in the Civil Rights movement, sat in, watched by brother get beat up in a sit-in, saw kids coming back from the freedom rights beat up, and knew one who didn’t, burned in Mississippi. We heard all this at the time. I was young then, and to be honest, I wasn’t sure. A lot of us weren’t sure. But we weren’t like Rand Paul, rationalizing our way out of a situation we had to face up to. That was Martin Luther King’s central message: ‘Face up to it!’
Paul is a moral coward.
Whoop! Wrong thread. Nevermind.
I haven’t read the alink yet but I’ll make a number of bets as to why Geithner is a liar. the stress tests were done w/ FASB 157(the rule that insists on mark to market) suspended so the true cost of the bad assets were not taken into account. Two, we have pseudo nationalization now because the FED lends at 0.25% and pays out on reserves 3%. three, the FED has allowed the financial institutions to recapitalize themselves by allowing them to control over 10% of deposits which by law they cannot do. it is so bad 5 banks control 65% of all deposits
robert, you are spewing talking points in isolation, not making a coherent argument.
The whole point of the bailout exercise was to recapitalize the banks so that they could lend again. The banks were, in fact, in less dire shape than feared. And the percentage of deposits allowed is a separate question from whether Geithner’s Plan succeeded in its purpose.
If you can make a case that nationalization would have cost less, involved less risk, and have worked better, then make it. So far, the only people making that case are arguing it from the point of view of shortcomings in the regulatory scheme pending in Congress.
Who said the banks weren’t in as bad shape? Why did FASB change the accounting rules(under threats from Congress) to make “mark to make believe” easier to do? And then there is this:
Which I wish I found yesterday. I guess the question I should have asked was this. Why couldn’t we have done the same thing to the Big Banks that we did to GM and Chrysler?
People keeping saying this, but if the banks are stupid enough to be borrowing 30 day notes to buy 20 year treasuries they are gonna be in a world of pain at the slightest bump.
As I thought your understanding of politics is better than your understanding and ignorance of economics and the financial institutions.
“Whatever the effects of the bill, among them will be neither an end to the too-big-too-fail doctrine nor any curb on what the sharpest Wall Streeters see as the central threat to the system’s stability: excessive financial leverage. Geithner, Summers, and Obama had little interest in tackling those matters, not because they are indentured servants to Wall Street but because at heart they are all technocrats who believe the system doesn’t need to be rebooted or downsized, merely better supervised.”
This is the real issue the system is so unstable it cannot be regulated because in order to regulate you have to take out the instability of the system. As long as excessive leverage(whether by allowing the financial institutions to control deposits to fund their non lending activities, CDS’s which by definition call for the death of the underlying asset when more than one is allowed and other bookkeeping for off book valuations such as those that beset Lehman and no volker rule) and to big to fail continues you can’t but fail.
One only need to look at the oil well blow out in the gulf of Mexico(don’t go off on a tangent because in no way do I hold the President responsible for this “f” up. A decision was made that certain secondary systems did not have to be in place. This was a pure decision of ideology- we will not be responsible beyond $75 million. This ideology says this is the market price(government intervention, the irony is so delicious). In England and Norway where wells are routinely drilled to the depth of this one the understanding is we can drill this deep but what is the cost if it goes wrong; if it goes wrong what additional back up steps can we take to prevent it from spilling into the ocean.
You wonder how this comes about. It comes about because they ask the question we know we can clean up a mess in shallow water(Persian Gulf 1993), we know we can clean it up on dry land but what happens at a mile below the surface where humans can’t even go to see what the “f” is happening? And when the answer is we don’t have the slightest idea and will be forced to invent answers on the spot we ought to at least have a backup plan on the ocean floor to give us a chance of solving it.
Tell me where the solving of not the new problems that the financial system will inevitably create but the ones we just went through?
whoever you are quoting isn’t me.