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- Day 45: I Explain Trumpism to Justin Trudeau
- Day 43: The #TrumpRussia Conspiracy Goes Mainstream At Last
- Day 40: Republicans Contemplate Giving Up On Deficit Control Forever
- Progress Pondcast Episode 22 With Bill Hangley Jr, on DOGE and U.S. Alliance With Russia
- Day 37: The Last Bulwarks Protecting the Merit-Based Civil Service
Just for humpday. 🙂
I hope everyone is well. Things are crazy busy at work, and I can barely keep up. Ugh.
It’s gonna be about 90 here. Summer comes all at once. Have a good day!
It does always seem to just roll in all at once in a big steamy mess. Oh well, after all the snow this winter (okay, so the snow didn’t bother me because I was home with Finn and the family), I guess this is a nice change.
We hit 97 degrees. Too much too soon.
Wow. We’re running the AC just because of the humidity.
We are too. I can take the upper 80s but not everything being damp and soggy (hey, sounds like Finn).
But if you want to feel a little better by comparison, it was 107 in Ottawa yesterday. Truly freaky weather.
That is truly freaky. Sounds more like ManEe weather than olivia weather. 🙂
Maybe I can convince olivia that there’s a grand tradition of Canadians coming south to escape the hot weather.
it’s supposed to be a balmy 100 degrees today – she’s welcome to come for a respite
Wow, we’ve been nice and cool…low 80s mostly and low humidity. It’s been a great spring weatherwise.
Ours has been really wet but it didn’t get hot till this last week. I’m already dreading summer.
We’ve got to put in our a/c units. That’s always fun. Not.
Buenos días, everyone. I have a grant due for work on Tuesday, which means that I need to be focused, which also means that I have been filing and making sure there’s no dust or food crumbs in my keyboard. Hope your Thursday is going well.
Buenos días, Manee! Good luck with the grant! Some folks I’ve been assisting were just successful with a 500K award for an ambulance station, so we’re pretty excited! We lost the first round, but made it on the second try.
Congrats! It’s such a good feeling to get awarded; hopefully I’ll get to experience that sensation soon.
Howdy, Manny. I just got a mailing from No More Deaths and was thinking of you and here you are.
Maybe if I think hard enough, you’ll show up at my door. 🙂
Maybe the pack can teach my roommate how to properly chase and destroy prey. I spent 45 minutes last night watching her freak out over a cricket in the living room. I ended up having to catch it and put it outside because she refused to pounce.
My basset waits for the cats to disable the cricket (or usually palmetto bug) and then she rolls around on it with sheer joy.
Bailey hasn’t discovered the joy of rolling in dead things, yet, though I did catch her eating (wild) rabbit poop yesterday. i keep waiting to come home to a dead rabbit/quail/road runner in the house, but she’s not the most graceful of predators. I joke that the critter will have to be deaf and blind in order for her to have a shot at it.
You just bring her up here and The Pack says the lessons in killing critters and rolling around in disgusting stuff are absolutely free!
The woodsy environment above appears strangely familiar. Lovely shades of green – with water, even!
Our weekend is shaping up to be quite nice and I hope that filters out to the east coast while there’s still weekend left for you to enjoy.
Yep, the woods have loved this wet spring. The creeks have been flowing as strongly as any spring I can remember.
This morning certainly is an improvement over yesterday. We had heavy thunderstorms last night that drove away the hot muggy air.
Here’s hoping it stays that way for a while. Long enough for a BBQ at least. 🙂
We’ve got cool days and cold nights, plus way cool sunsets.
We had an intense storm cell come through about 3:30 yesterday afternoon with rain, wind & hail. There are shredded leaves all over our street and front porch. Our beautiful, tall bee balm lost about a third of its stalks, which are now broken and the foxglove is broken and on the ground. No house damage, though, so I’m thankful for that. Taking the day off to do clean-up.
Andi, I was watching the weather radar at work and am betting you had little or no damage at your place, judging from the way the purple spot was tracking, right?
curly came to Geneva on Wednesday. Taking off work today; we’re driving to Lyon for the weekend.
Meeting Melanchthon there tonight.
All packed and time to get moving.
That is great news. I hope you have a fantastic time!
Oh, that sounds like a wonderful trip! Wel be needing some pictures, of course. 🙂
Have a great time. We’re looking forward to seeing both of you next month.
Have a wonderful time and please give Melanchthon our greetings!
Ok, I’m jealous.
Have a great time ask!
Our gracious host demonstrated to us last night that this is true:
He took us to a traditional (and genuine) bouchon – we have to do a lot of walking today to compensate for the calorie intake…
It sounds simply wonderful! I’m still carrying some of the the extra pounds I acquired in the little Gasthäuser of the Rhine Vally quite some years ago, but ah, such a small price to pay;-)
Ok, it’s official. The FinnMan is a big fan of Louis Armstrong.
Well, he has good taste. Obviously you guys are raising him right.
I’ll make sure Jim has some on his iPod when we meet up at Sweet Revenge in case Finn needs to be entertained. 🙂
Good morning everyone! Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood!
Sunny day, everything’s A-okay… 🙂
I’m so happy it’s the long weekend. Three days of hanging out at home. Maybe a day trip somewhere…
Glorious! I spent yesterday cleaning up storm detritus. We lost some of the tall bee balm and foxglove, but the just-up beans and squash seem unaffected. I’m thankful nobody had serious structural damage.
Glad the little plants made it through okay!
We need to cut the grass (all that rain has made it grow incredibly fast) and do a little stone wall repair. The propane tanks need filling for the grilling…and I’m looking forward to a nice walk with the Finn man, maybe at the farmers market and then through town.
Beautiful day here. Maybe we’ll teach the b2 boy to ride his bike today.
Sounds like a good plan for a beautiful day. I bet he’ll have the hang of it by dinner time. 🙂
Hey there, CG.
Thought of you yesterday. We’re doing some cleaning at the farmhouse & came across a few knitting mags from the 1970s, featuring some very trippy designs & patterns.
Couldn’t help imagining your next family gathering!
That bottom one is totally BooMan…
I thought so too.
Hope you’re enjoying this beautiful day!
Wow! That bottom one looks suitable for Attila the Hun on a warm and fuzzy day.
I’m just finishing my long weekend with the Old Broads and will be heading home shortly. Definitely a go with the flow kind of day. Hope it is for you too.
click for larger
I’d like to put my feet in that water. Have a good trip!