One thing you have to give Glen Beck, he doesn’t back away from pounding on that panic button in the minds of his listeners. Here’s what he told them on the radio the other day (courtesy of Media Matters):
See, Obama is pursuing a “soft coup” now. But just you wait until someone stands up to him. It’ll be “Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!!” because that’s …
… the way a soft revolution happens. If somebody starts to turn on them, or they can’t get everyone to silence, that’s when when the arrests come, or that’s when they start a hard revolution. That’s when they start just shooting people.
Yep, Left Wing Death squads are waiting for the day, or Obama’s cadre of Red Guards, waiting for the day when the can come to take you away. And you wonder why stuff like this is happening:
More than 113 census takers have been the victims of assaults or attacks this month, the U.S. Census Bureau said late Wednesday.
In response to inquiries by Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), Census Director Robert Groves said the bureau’s temporary workers knocking on doors to collect information have faced 29 threats involving a gun, four robberies and three instances of being held against their will or carjacked. Seven workers died in car accidents and one was killed while off duty. […]
Bureau officials said the overall pattern and types of incidents are similar to the 2000 census, but cautioned this year’s figures are already much higher than ten years ago and include a mix of news accounts and formal reports to the bureau’s safety office. […]
Aides said Maloney requested the information to determine whether news reports were accurately reflecting a trend or merely focusing on a few incidents.
“These acts of violence against census enumerators are tragic, especially when you consider these temporary workers were only trying to do their job making sure their neighbors are accurately and fairly counted in the Decennial Census,” Maloney said.
You know, I’ve run into a couple of census workers in my neighborhood trying to find addresses of people who didn’t send in their forms or who were scheduled for one of the more extensive interviews. They were just kids. Kids driving beat up cars and they probably took their temporary census jobs because it was the only one they could find.
They were polite, even apologetic when they cam up to me to ask a question or two. They were dressed in casual clothes, not in any uniform, nor were they carrying a gun or backed up by armed Federal Agents ready to storm the houses of unwilling homeowners.
One thing they most definitely were not. They were not dangerous. They were just out in the middle of a hot day trying to do a thankless job. But thanks to people like Glen Beck putting the fear of Obama led “coups” and “arrests” and “shootings” in the heads of his listeners, their job is more dangerous than it needs to be.
Who distributes Beck’s show? Clear Channel(they do Limpball’s show)? Another company? Those are the real people with no souls.
Did Beck specifically mention census workers?
That such a hyperactive dweeb could attain such notoriety is an important measure of the decadence of the right’s nostalgic cultural chauvinism. He’s no W. F. Buckley.
We’re at a point where it’s difficult for conservatives to recognize any particular period of American history as exemplary and valuable without nakedly falsifying history. Thus the founders are either transformed into crusading evangelicals or blacked out entirely in favor of 17th century whack jobs or Jefferson Davis himself.
He’s mentioned them in the past.
Well. Obama made this bed when he decided he could kill American’s extraconstitutionally at a whim with no oversight. “No one could have known” that this was going to happen. It’s being conflated hideously, of course, but Obama keeps feeding into these deranged fantasies by being so appeasing to them.
I can’t decide if Beck’s panic-mongering is all a part of the act or if he’s truly psychotic. Either way, he might very well get some innocent person killed.
I’m pretty sure he already has.
Maybe he’s a cocaine user like Billo. Or maybe he takes too much Vicodin like Limbaugh.
Obama himself is giving Beck and he other Reich-wing crazies good reason to suspect him.
Her are two Washington Post articles about President Barack Obama issuing orders to assassinate people.
President Barack Obama – Assassin
Obama is a right-wing pandering authoritarian who has duped social justice advocates in America into trusting him.
This stupid web site software is such a freakin distraction from the topic that I forgot to edit the actual note.
Obama himself is giving Beck and the other Reich-wing crazies good reason to suspect him.
Here are two Washington Post articles about President Barack Obama issuing orders to assassinate people.
President Barack Obama – Assassin
Obama is a right-wing pandering authoritarian who has duped social justice advocates in America into trusting him.