When Ron Fournier of the Associated Press writes an article you can be almost assured that he’s trying to do damage to the left, and his piece on Arkansas politics is no exception. But he did give us some local color to kind of inform us about what this Blanche Lincoln/Bill Halter run-off election really means.
Skip Rutherford is a mainstay of the Arkansas political establishment — Clinton’s friend and booster who now runs the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service.
“I knew I was out of the loop when there was that Halter-Lincoln debate,” Rutherford says between drinks at the Capital Bar and Grill, a venerable political hangout. Halter drew more than 100 supporters outside the debate, compared with 10 for Lincoln.
The numbers didn’t bother Rutherford as much as what he didn’t know about Halter’s supporters.“I knew all 10 of Lincoln’s people,” he said, “and not a single one of Halter’s people. Who are they? What’s going on?”
Well, something is definitely going on when Bill Clinton goes to a traditionally all-black college in Arkansas and can only attract about 200 white people to listen to him talk about Blanche Lincoln in a half-empty gymnasium. But for real flavor, read on:
At a table across the barroom from Rutherford, leaders of Arkansas business debate how to save Lincoln’s candidacy. The heads of the state and city chambers of commerce join an executive with Stephens Inc., an investment banking firm known as much for its political king-making (and king-breaking) as its business acumen.
“We’re just trying to figure this race out,” said Randy Zook, president and CEO of the Arkansas Chamber of Commerce. Zook seems less interested in Lincoln’s future than curtailing labor’s ambitions.
“They want to put Senator Lincoln’s scalp on their walls,” he says.
Unrelated to this gathering at the bar — or so they say — two business-oriented organizations are spending heavily to help Lincoln, possibly on the assumption that she would be easier for Republicans to beat this fall. The GOP has gone establishment — this time — choosing Rep. John Boozman as its Senate nominee.
It’s a nice Fournier touch to suggest that these businessmen aren’t really supportive of Lincoln, but the truth is they’ll take her or Boozman. They don’t really care. And they have a healthy disregard for the intelligence of the voter.
The morning after the primary, Halter stood at a busy intersection in Little Rock and waved at commuters.
Lincoln? She was on a plane to Washington to vote on financial regulation, important legislation that could burnish her populist credentials if not for the fact that the nation’s capital is anything but populist — or popular — in the eyes of voters.
It was, as they say in politics, bad optics.“There ain’t 12 people in Arkansas,” scoffs Zook, “who can spell ‘derivatives’ correctly two times in a row.”
But they can spell G-A-Y and A-B-O-R-T-I-O-N, and that’s all the city and state Chambers of Commerce want them to be able to spell.
You should have added Clinton’s comments … they weren’t very bright .. or in tune with prevailing sentiment these days .. and he sure loves to diss the left .. talk about shitting on the base of your supposed party
Fournier article is strange. I heard from an AR friend that Stephens ppl are supporting Halter.
The Big Dog is stuck forever in 1997 and still harbors the delusion he can shoe horn his way back into the Oval Office via his wife. So they keep him busy (and out of his wife’s hair) with stuff like this. He has a cadre of old farts like Rutherford and Carville who are still carrying water for him, but so what?
“Who are they? What’s going on???”
That’s just the beat of time
the beat that must go on
If you’ve been trying for years
we already heard your song
Stephens, the Arkansas Democratic Party and every one else has moved on. It’s likely they will continue to hold everything in the state. Why get on the wrong side of a Democratic White House?
Don’t understand who you refer to with “why get on the wrong side of a d. wh”- is this Clinton? Halter? wh must prefer the stronger candidate, Halter, for the general, though they’re obligated to show support for Lincoln for now.
Lining up behind the new party boss. That the WH is throwing a weak link to the unions is no surprise. Exposing Clinton’s impotence in Arkansas is an added bonus.
interesting, also your take on wh keeping Bill out of the way. seems to me SOS Clinton is thriving and working well w. Obama. I can’t imagine Hillary would give up SOS any time soon. suggestions that she would primary Obama strike me as crazy, but maybe FOBs are making noise (e.g. Carville) are on behalf of Bill?, could care less about Hillary – any thoughts?
Halter appears a mainstream Clintonian corporate Democrat – so why is Clinton so opposed?
Bill Halter – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bill Halter – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bill Halter – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He’s not. He’s on good terms with both of them, but Blanche is the incumbent.
Right-wing pandering Democrats versus right-wing Republicans.
“There ain’t 12 people in Arkansas,” scoffs Zook, “who can spell ‘derivatives’ correctly two times in a row.”
Nice. I’d put it in an advert if I was on Halter’s campaign.
Bill Clinton blames Unions for Blanche Lincoln’s problems.
and people actually call this guy a liberal.
Bill Clinton: NAFTA, GATT, etc.
Of course, he was never much of a friend of unions. Or working people, generally.
I’ve been trying to maintain some respect for Clinton, him being the last somewhat successful Dem president in half a century and all. But it’s hard. It grows more and more clear that his fingerprints are all over our present debacles. He’s the one that signed away Glass-Steagall. I’ll never forget the proud smirk on his face when he announced that the era of big government is dead, and proceded to gut the welfare system. He ramped up the drugwar using the US military. He twisted the rational goal of freer trade into an assault on US workers. And to top it off, his 12-year-old-level sexual exhibitionism gave us Bush.
The least he could do now is STFU.
While I might be slightly more generous and balanced in my view, why do you think I was so vociferously opposed to a return of the Clintons? They have their little fiefdom at State, and Bill is an excellent good-will ambassador and philanthropist, and let’s leave it at that.
What’s at stake is the credibility of the “primary them!” threat. If the threat can be demonstrated to be credible, we have reason to hope for better voting performance from our congresscritters.