I watched a little French Open today. Getting ready to grill some chicken. Not much going on news-wise. There’s a flotilla headed to Gaza with humanitarian aid. Things could get testy. It looks like the oil geyser will be geysering for another couple of months. What’s on your mind? Have any relatives that were lost in our nation’s wars?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I was looking out the front door when there was a commotion in the maple tree over by the curb. Seems there’s a robin’s nest in there somewhere. All of a sudden a squirrel comes shooting out of the leaves and down the trunk, robin in close pursuit. Squirrel runs under a parked car, robin follows, and out the other side. Chases the squirrel 20 feet and up another tree and through the leaves to an aerial leap to another tree, after which the robin returned triumphant. Made me kinda happy somehow.
My father’s oldest brother was MIA/presumed KIA in Korea, November 1950.
It looks like the oil geyser will be geysering for another couple of months.
Seems like BP CEO Hayward thinks the plumes are bunk:
This cracked me up (Culture of Truth):
Tapper: Operation Fuck Over Afghanistan is 9 years old and reading to enter elementary school
Powell: awwww
Tapper: this war is not supported by the public
and there is no decisive force
Powell: look I just made that Powell Doctrine shit up one night
Tapper: well it sounds like the mission sucks
Powell: by Obama added 68,000 troops
Tapper: then why does it suck so much?
Powell: because people hate both the Taliban
and America
Tapper: so what do we do?
Powell: we smack out foreheads a year from now and go `oh noe we fucked up!’
Tapper: should we pull out of Iraq?
Powell: it’s perfectly safe now with only 10
bombings a day – it’s like Philadelphia in July
Tapper: sounds about right
Powell: we have a big debt – who cares about Iraq?
Tapper: exactly – let’s attack Iran
Powell: right – those wily arabs have been sneaking around for thousands of years!
Tapper: Persians
Powell: who gives a shit Tappy – they’re
brown and scary!
Tapper: so what do we do?
Powell: IAEA inspections and if they violate we bring the hammer down!
Tapper: just like Iraq except then we lie and
start a war anyway
Powell: Shhhhh!!!!
Tapper: you care about education
Powell: I learned the importance of education and how stupidity can ruin America
Tapper: from your youth and life experience?
Powell: no when I served a moron President
Tapper: what does Memorial Day mean to you?
Powell: it reminds me that many Americans gave their lives so the President could lock people up without charges and assassinate Americans
Tapper: awesome
They didn’t die in combat but two that I’m remembering that I can name are Charles Daugherty, USMC, Vietnam era and Jerry Juarez, USAF post-Gulf War.
Ashdod after an early morning raid by Israeli commandos spraying live ammo into mass of civilians on board of Mavi Marmara under Turkish flag. Obama was busy with Operation Desert Schmooze, or was it snooze? No word out of Washington yet as international condemnation mounts.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Things got more than a little testy in the Middle East.
In May of ’68 I was on the EENT ward at Bethesda Naval Hospital as a patient. In the bed next to me was a 19 year old Marine PFC who had had both optic nerves severed by shrapnel in Viet Nam.
I have thought about him thousands of times in the 42 years since.
Just one example of the tragic waste that was Viet Nam and is Iraq and Afghanistan.