But it’ll be a busy one, I’m sure. Finn’s been going through a ‘glom on mom’ thing for the past day or so; I hope he does okay with me heading off to work this morning.
Did everyone have a nice long weekend? Mine was so nice and relaxing I just want to stay home for one more day…
Oh-oh, possible achy breaky heart ahead. I hope he does okay too.
I had a fine, fine weekend. Good friends, good food, good talk. Can’t do much better than that (well maybe doing it all in some place a little spiffy than Terre Haute).
… well it’s got some humpy shapes and what better way to get through the week than with a jolt of java. But mostly I just liked the way this coffee roaster looked and needed an excuse to post it.
Very cool looking. And I could use a roaster’s worth of coffee this morning. I think boran’s prediction about the short week being tougher is coming true…
It’s 8:30am and the sun is about half-way above the Devil’s Backbone and casting lovely light and shadow striations across the valley, and just striking that tops of our nearest trees. I loves me a bit o’ topography in the landscape.
If it makes you feel any safer, one day our “triffid” (aka Agave americana marginata) will flower and die – except for the 20 or more little clones it has surrounding its base.
One of the things I like about the low raking morning light is how it separates the different ridge-lines, which kinda all visually just run together during the day. Also, it shows which peaks are highest and furthest by lighting their tops first, and just in general creates a sensation of greater dimensionality in the landscape.
It’s your own little mini-Smokies shot. We’ve got a couple of places here when you can get shots of the hilss that a bit like that but they’re too low to be very dramatic.
I really don’t want the plant to die — it’s so amazing. Besides, I love being scared by horror movies and Day of the Triffids was one of my favorites (the book was fine too).
The other name for agave is “Century plant” because it takes them so long to flower. OTOH, ours is huge and the plant flowers once it has enough stored energy to produce the towering flower stalk. I suspect the honeyeaters will love the flowers.
You might want to try this one next time you’re in the mood for that genre. I believe the library has a copy and a couple of follow-up novels to boot.
From Library Journal
As university professor and former government agent Johan Eshbach reluctantly returns to duty to investigate the death of a fellow teacher, he plunges into the midst of a deadly game of politics and murder. Set in an alternate world where the Dutch settlement of North America did not give way to the British, where “difference engines” handle information processing, and where the psychic energies of ghostly manifestations exert their influence over the living, Modesitt’s latest novel transforms a cliched plot into a vivid exercise in historic speculation.
It does have a fantastic bent to it but somehow Terry Gilliam and Terre Haute don’t seem to line up as a possibility. I think keres’ steampunk is a better fit.
Hi Errol,
curly is my partner. She came for a 1-week vacation to Geneva.
I guess Andi will provide details for the meet-up on the 26th as we get closer to the date.
I strongly suspect that it will start here (it’s Andi’s niece’s place).
yes, I know curly is your partner – just didn’t realize she wasn’t with you in Geneva! wow, that’s tough! Carmine st. I know well, it’s close to my stomping ground; June 26, I’m looking forward to the meetup
Yep, I figure we’ll all meet at Sweet Revenge. All I we need is a time. I guess CG ought to determine that since she’s the one coming from a distance and with a baby.
I have the 25th off too, and we’re looking for less expensive accommodations up there so that we can come up Friday and enjoy some sightseeing type activities. Finn needs to see Central Park. 🙂
hope you get something. I saw it from the inside for the first time a couple months ago. It’s a very homey place, and all the guests seemed nice as well.
That B&B isn’t open any more but she thinks she might have a list of reasonable places to stay … if she can find it. We’ll look for it later today and if it turns up I’ll email you the info.
That would be great. I think the CBs (at least CBtE, anyway) are interested in coming along so a reasonably priced hotel is key.
Can I just say I’m having the most wonderful Saturday morning? The kids had a bunch of friends over last night, and we’re all just hanging out and relaxing. It’s such a relief after the past few weeks of craziness at work.
I don’t think it takes boran2 that long to get in but I wonder about Wilderness Wench. Probably we should go for early afternoon — 1 or 2 p.m. What do you think?
Thanks Melachthon!
I lack the cable to transfer the photos to the laptop – otherwise, there would have been a travel diary already. Maybe coming weekend if I find the cable.
You are definitely qualified for a second career; city guide of Lyon.
I’m so excited! Most of the meeting stuff at work is done and gone to production, my colleagues leave for Spain on Monday and Tuesday, and life will get back to normal for a bit. The whole family is relieved. 🙂
And even better, it appears that AP and her husband will be in town this weekend, so we’ll get to visit. 🙂
Happy Sunday greetings to all. Sincerely hoping I’ll manage the meetup, but as of now it’s iffy. My housemate’s been doing poorly & needs nearly continual help. She didn’t do well while I was in NYC last month.
Oh WW, I really hope you can make it. Not only would I really, really love to meet you in person but it would also mean your housemate is doing better.
Another day, another raised garden bed. Lily’s idea of helping was trying to eat the just planted spinach seedlings when no one was looking. The beds are kinda half raised, half terraced, which makes getting them level lots of fun.
At one bed every other weekend (our current pace), we just might have all of them done by Spring.
All three of our dogs like to graze on various plants in the woods so I guess if we ever put in a garden, I’ll take your experience as a cautionary tale.
I don’t think it ever played here but I probably wouldn’t have watched it anyway because it could never stand up to the still clearly remembered chills of the original (which probably isn’t as good as my memories of it but any movie that sticks with you like that for 47 years had something going for it).
They’re running it one one of the Australian TV websites. I suppose I might watch it if I get tired of watching old music videos on Youtube (I’m watching Berlin, Take My Breath Away, at the moment – mostly I’m just there for the train wreck effect).
But it’ll be a busy one, I’m sure. Finn’s been going through a ‘glom on mom’ thing for the past day or so; I hope he does okay with me heading off to work this morning.
Did everyone have a nice long weekend? Mine was so nice and relaxing I just want to stay home for one more day…
Oh-oh, possible achy breaky heart ahead. I hope he does okay too.
I had a fine, fine weekend. Good friends, good food, good talk. Can’t do much better than that (well maybe doing it all in some place a little spiffy than Terre Haute).
The shorter weeks are usually tougher than the long ones. Sigh.
… well it’s got some humpy shapes and what better way to get through the week than with a jolt of java. But mostly I just liked the way this coffee roaster looked and needed an excuse to post it.
click for larger
Very cool looking. And I could use a roaster’s worth of coffee this morning. I think boran’s prediction about the short week being tougher is coming true…
Mmmm. Coffee.
It’s 8:30am and the sun is about half-way above the Devil’s Backbone and casting lovely light and shadow striations across the valley, and just striking that tops of our nearest trees. I loves me a bit o’ topography in the landscape.
That sounds lovely. A picture would be even lovelier. 🙂
I think there’s a fuzzball on your lens.
You mean that’s not lint?
Very nice. We have the beginning of a thunderstorm here. It’s been lightning for awhile, and the rain just started. I hope the power doesn;t go out.
My hellish few weeks of work are just about finished. My big job for tomorrow involves putting someone on a “performance improvement plan.” Ugh.
We’ve transitioned from that at 8:30am to mid-day haze. Oh wait, did I say haze? I meant rain. At least it’s only the dog towels on drying the line.
I hope your power supply behaves.
Ah that looks wonderful (even the fuzzball) … though I’m still jump a little every time I see that “triffid” in your yard.
If it makes you feel any safer, one day our “triffid” (aka Agave americana marginata) will flower and die – except for the 20 or more little clones it has surrounding its base.
One of the things I like about the low raking morning light is how it separates the different ridge-lines, which kinda all visually just run together during the day. Also, it shows which peaks are highest and furthest by lighting their tops first, and just in general creates a sensation of greater dimensionality in the landscape.
It’s currently 6 degrees Celsius. Brrrrr.
It’s your own little mini-Smokies shot. We’ve got a couple of places here when you can get shots of the hilss that a bit like that but they’re too low to be very dramatic.
I really don’t want the plant to die — it’s so amazing. Besides, I love being scared by horror movies and Day of the Triffids was one of my favorites (the book was fine too).
The other name for agave is “Century plant” because it takes them so long to flower. OTOH, ours is huge and the plant flowers once it has enough stored energy to produce the towering flower stalk. I suspect the honeyeaters will love the flowers.
Are you sure that’s not a leftover prop from the set of a Terry Gilliam movie?
I had the same impression, or maybe something dreamed up by the Steampunk crowd.
I just finished a steampunk novel set in Seattle (Boneshaker by Cherie Priest) so that seems especially fitting.
You might want to try this one next time you’re in the mood for that genre. I believe the library has a copy and a couple of follow-up novels to boot.
Thanks for the reading suggestion. I’m sure that either Monroe or Bartholomew have it, both of which I go to much more often.
I owed you one for the Tiptree/Sheldon bio a year or so ago. It was fascinating and opened up a new author’s work for me to explore.
There’s a Tiptree/Sheldon bio?
Yep, James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon. Well worth the read.
Cool, I’ll have to get a copy.
I’m pretty sure I’ve read everything she ever wrote.
I’m really glad you enjoyed it. I thought it was one of the best biographies I’ve read.
It does have a fantastic bent to it but somehow Terry Gilliam and Terre Haute don’t seem to line up as a possibility. I think keres’ steampunk is a better fit.
Have to agree with that! IDtY struggled through a year there at ISU and came home every weekend.
My friend that lives there says that it has improved tremendously in the last 10 years or so and that she really enjoys living there now.
A fine blast from the past.
And woohoo for you.
Gloom and storms later on. A nice day. Not.
Took curly to the airport this afternoon – all by my lonely self again …
But heading for NY in 3 weeks 🙂
have been wondering about that – what’s the plan?
airport – where are they going? visiting parents/ grandparents?
Hi Errol,
curly is my partner. She came for a 1-week vacation to Geneva.
I guess Andi will provide details for the meet-up on the 26th as we get closer to the date.
I strongly suspect that it will start here (it’s Andi’s niece’s place).
yes, I know curly is your partner – just didn’t realize she wasn’t with you in Geneva! wow, that’s tough! Carmine st. I know well, it’s close to my stomping ground; June 26, I’m looking forward to the meetup
Yep, I figure we’ll all meet at Sweet Revenge. All I we need is a time. I guess CG ought to determine that since she’s the one coming from a distance and with a baby.
I have the 25th off too, and we’re looking for less expensive accommodations up there so that we can come up Friday and enjoy some sightseeing type activities. Finn needs to see Central Park. 🙂
Have you looked into Leo House on 23rd in Chelsea? Between eights and ninth aves irrc
We’ll check into that today. thanks!
leo house
I checked, but they’re booked. I’m going to try again in case I get lucky with someone else’s cancellation.
hope you get something. I saw it from the inside for the first time a couple months ago. It’s a very homey place, and all the guests seemed nice as well.
I hope you do find something. I think my sister stayed in B&B once that was very reasonable. I’m going to see her today and will ask.
That would be great. Im really excited about coming up.
Are you stopping at Katz’s deli? I’ll bet Finn hasn’t had real pastrami yet. (to inspire teething)
I think a trip to Katz’s is definitely on our list. Heck, I’m ready to head up there right now just thinking about it. 🙂
That B&B isn’t open any more but she thinks she might have a list of reasonable places to stay … if she can find it. We’ll look for it later today and if it turns up I’ll email you the info.
That would be great. I think the CBs (at least CBtE, anyway) are interested in coming along so a reasonably priced hotel is key.
Can I just say I’m having the most wonderful Saturday morning? The kids had a bunch of friends over last night, and we’re all just hanging out and relaxing. It’s such a relief after the past few weeks of craziness at work.
I don’t think it takes boran2 that long to get in but I wonder about Wilderness Wench. Probably we should go for early afternoon — 1 or 2 p.m. What do you think?
Yeah, that sounds good.
Say hello to curly for me. It was great meeting you. I can’t wait for both of you to visit Lyon again.
Thanks Melachthon!
I lack the cable to transfer the photos to the laptop – otherwise, there would have been a travel diary already. Maybe coming weekend if I find the cable.
You are definitely qualified for a second career; city guide of Lyon.
I’m a little envious that ask and curly got to get together with you…ca’t wait to see some photos.
Well, you just have to come to Lyon. I’ll be glad to welcome you to my city.
Yeah, cuz I’d only come to Lyon if I had to.
If anyone has to come to Tasmania we’re similarly game.
I’m so excited! Most of the meeting stuff at work is done and gone to production, my colleagues leave for Spain on Monday and Tuesday, and life will get back to normal for a bit. The whole family is relieved. 🙂
And even better, it appears that AP and her husband will be in town this weekend, so we’ll get to visit. 🙂
What’s everyone else up to?
Have a good time! Unfortunately we’re headed for one rainy weekend.
Did you see the discussion about the meetup on the 26th? What’s a good time for you?
I think so.
Lovely weather here, eh, b2?
Happy Sunday greetings to all. Sincerely hoping I’ll manage the meetup, but as of now it’s iffy. My housemate’s been doing poorly & needs nearly continual help. She didn’t do well while I was in NYC last month.
Alors, we’ll see.
Oh WW, I really hope you can make it. Not only would I really, really love to meet you in person but it would also mean your housemate is doing better.
Thank you for good wishes!
Now that’s comfy!
Heat advisory for the Southern Plains this weekend. Seems like we went from winter to spring to summer in about three weeks…
Another day, another raised garden bed. Lily’s idea of helping was trying to eat the just planted spinach seedlings when no one was looking. The beds are kinda half raised, half terraced, which makes getting them level lots of fun.
At one bed every other weekend (our current pace), we just might have all of them done by Spring.
All three of our dogs like to graze on various plants in the woods so I guess if we ever put in a garden, I’ll take your experience as a cautionary tale.
Once in a while, I do get off the mountain.
NYC, May 2010. I lived in the center building before ‘Tribeca’.
Really nice shot. I’m gonna hope you get another one on June 26 in front of the nice shop at 62 Carmine.
Ho! Thanks for the address, Andi. I may surprise us all.
I do hope we see you there. 🙂
I take it you went shopping for Levis. 😉
Au contraire, keres. These days my wardrobe is strictly OPB (other people’s brands).
As for back in the day, there was nothing in that building but a bunch of artsy bohos.
OPBs, is that the same as ‘thrift shops’ (my clothiers of choice)?
Yep — thrift shops & cast-offs.
Just a thought on how to get through the week.
click for larger
Climb a tall tee and don’t come down until the weekend?
Just found out they’ve made Day of the Tiffids into a TV series. Who (except those of us without a TV) knew?
I don’t think it ever played here but I probably wouldn’t have watched it anyway because it could never stand up to the still clearly remembered chills of the original (which probably isn’t as good as my memories of it but any movie that sticks with you like that for 47 years had something going for it).
They’re running it one one of the Australian TV websites. I suppose I might watch it if I get tired of watching old music videos on Youtube (I’m watching Berlin, Take My Breath Away, at the moment – mostly I’m just there for the train wreck effect).
I don’t watch music videos (if you do, they take away your geezer card) so I’ll just truck you on that train wreck effect.
Also, I the “recommended” function helps me find videos like this: