You may say you’re a Christian, and you may get shiny little presents from your new BFF, Sarah the Barracuda, and you may have the Tea Bagger crowd in your corner, but to those good old boys in South Carolina you’ll still always be just a slutty little sand n****r.
COLUMBIA, S.C. — [South Carolina State Sen. Jake Knotts] on Thursday called [Nikki Haley] a Republican gubernatorial candidate of Indian descent a “raghead,” saying we have one in the White House, we don’t need one in the governor’s mansion.
Here’s Jake!
An outstanding example of South Carolinian manhood, isn’t he? By the way, he later said his remarks were just a “joke.” I bet he’s the life of the party at the South Carolina GOP convention, don’t you?
To paraphrase Foghorn: “Fat and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”
And I thought Dean Wormer originated that phrase.
Oh I’m sorry, he added “drunk” to the sentence. Which considering where the broadcast came from might be more appropriate.
So, we have a nickname for this guy. Flounder.
But that’s unfair to Flounder.
It must have been his Guiness record book attempt to embody as many bad southern stereotypes at one time as was possible.
Speaking of Guiness .. apparently .. this took place at a bar .. I guess the weekly radio show takes place at a local SC drinking establishment .. so this tool likely had been drinking .. my guess anyway .. and one wonders why Haley is a Republican .. since this idiot is probably far from the only SC GOP’er who feels that way
Apparently raghead is now a term for anyone who isn’t white and Christian.
That’s what happens when you don’t know your Sikhs from your Muslims and Hindus. The churches in his area should give out a “Heathen Teams” profile card so they will know which “away team” they are going up against at the moment.
Today’s roster: Catholics are in, Jews are in, Muslims are out, Unitarians are out, Sikhs? who are they?, Hindus are out, scientists are out, as are public school teachers.
Just to keep up, turban wearers are “ragheads” too, and I guess so literally are Catholic women when they are at church and not in front of an abortion clinic.
Simple associations of ideas are a staple of conservative Southern thinking, whether it makes sense or is true. It’s what conservative Southern politicians mean by “common sense”.
Wait, isn’t that Boss Hogg without his hat? Where’s Roscoe?
Go the parent of this comment at TGOS:
Someone think this dude’s side view makes him look like J. Edgar Hoover
Hoover wasn’t that fat.
As a native of South Carolina, I have to say:
Hayley’s cute. Knotts is a pig.
they are who we thought they were.
It’s pitiful that she’s a republican. Sarah Palin’s endorsements seem to helping us though.
Yeah, ’cause frankly I’m like “Gee, who would I rather have running my state? A slut or a bigot?” Not that there’s any question about that, I’d take the slut in a heartbeat. But, hmm, Palin endorses her…I dunno, I’d prefer her anyway, but that does cause me to hesitate a bit.
Ah, that Solid South humor just keeps rollin, don’t it?
Hard to feel very sorry for Nikki, though — wallow in a trough of ebola and you’re gonna get infected. Anybody with the slightest awareness of anything should know where she is and who she signed up with. Maybe we’re misjudging Knotts and he was just talking about what her head is stuffed with.
It got worse. A lot worse.
Very interesting. I wonder what the secret cabal of Sikhs is trying to accomplish through her by programming her to run for gov.