Via the Huffington Post.
Looks like Israel was right. This was a hate ship, not the love boat.
Via the Huffington Post.
Looks like Israel was right. This was a hate ship, not the love boat.
A 1) single-sourced report 2) from the AP 3) about investigations in the 1990s 4) based on the word of a person who is not currently in the intelligence services, 5) who has been involved in several very controversial cases, and 6) who has made the downright bizarre charge that Paul Kagame instigated the Rwandan Genocide against his own people so he could take power is… less than convincing.
Israel and its apologists are starting to remind me of the Bush administration and its apologists, who claimed for years that there were WMD in Iraq despite the fact there was zero evidence to support the assertion.
“Israel and its apologists are starting to remind me of the Bush administration and its apologists, who claimed for years that there were WMD in Iraq despite the fact there was zero evidence to support the assertion.“
Are you joking!? The Bush administration took that straight out of the Israeli playbook. :o}
…Not five minutes ago, I was at Mondoweiss, reading these:
What about the Turkish charity’s alleged links to terrorists?
`Terror’ smear against IHH springs from a familiar source
(Mondoweiss) – Some participants in the Gaza convoy are members of Insan Hak ve Hürriyetleri İnsani Yardım Vakfı –the Foundation for Human Rights, Liberties, and Humanitarian Relief– IHH, a Turkish non-governmental organizaion (NGO) established in the early 1990s. Its mission is to provide humanitarian relief in regions of conflict or that have experienced natural disasters. For the past six years, IHH has held Special Consultative status as an NGO (non-governmental organization) in the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
According to Max Blumenthal, when he and Lia Tarachansky, an Israel-based freelance journalist fluent in Hebrew, called the IDF requesting more conclusive evidence of al Qaeda affiliation than possession of bullet-proof vests and night vision goggles, they were each told, “We don’t have any evidence.” The IDF press release had been based on information emanating from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s National Security Council.
The next day, Blumenthal notes with satisfaction, the IDF’s press office changed the headline to Attackers of the IDF Soldiers Found Without Identification Papers, although the browser retains the original accusation of a link with al Qaeda. The rewritten story, which still bears yesterday’s date and the original time it was posted, omits any mention of a connection of the group with al Qaeda.
But the condemnation of IHH participants now ricocheting around the blogosphere isn’t about to go away anytime soon. The sad truth, with all due respect to Max (and a great deal is due!), is that the IDF gave in on the paltry evidence gleaned from photos of night vision goggles and bullet proof vests because they believe they a weapon much more powerful–a pro-Israel blogosphere where no Israeli Jew can do anything wrong, and no Muslim can do anything right. And the claim that there is a link between “Islamic terrorism” and the participants in the Gaza flotilla doesn’t need any pictures–a thousand words will do.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The al Qaeda link has been retracted from the IDF accounts of the Gaza aid flotilla attack.
Under Scrutiny, IDF Retracts Claims About Flotilla’s Al Qaeda Links
WTF reading interesting part of the article “evidence” of IHH terror link to al Qaeda on 90s. It was the United States who coordinated illegal transport of arms with Saudi funds, transported by and through NATO ally Turkey into Bosnia. If the statement is true, the IHH must have been linked to the CIA, indeed a terror organization who provides arms to terror groups, rogue states and mujahideen fighters of al Qaeda in Bosnia in the 90s and OBL in Afghanistan in the 80s.
“It was clearly proven that some of the NGO’s work was not charity, it was to provide a facade for moving funds, weapons and mujahedeen to and from Bosnia and Afghanistan” – areas focused on by Islamic militants then.
Arms (originated in Iran!!) transported into Bosnia was illegal under the UN embargo for the former Yugoslav states. Read about the Croatian Pipeline.
Clinton-Approved Iranian Arms Transfers Help Turn Bosnia into Militant Islamic Base
In April 1994, President Clinton gave the government of Croatia what has been described by Congressional committees as a “green light” for shipments of weapons from Iran and other Muslim countries to the Muslim-led government of Bosnia. The policy was approved at the urging of NSC chief Anthony Lake and the U.S. ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith. The CIA and the Departments of State and Defense were kept in the dark until after the decision was made.
Dutch Srebrenica report: Croatian Pipeline
by Oui on Sun Mar 23rd, 2008 at 12:33:02 PM PST
From Soj’s diary more on the The Croatian pipeline. My comment: this permitted the establishment of a Saudi funded Islamic cell on the Balkans which turned later into an Al Qaeda cell which is still not eradicated.
30 May 96 Hearing
House International Relations Committee
Washington — U.S. Ambassador to Germany Charles Redman and U.S. Ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith testified May 30, 1996 before the House International Relations Committee regarding 1994 Iranian arms shipments to Bosnian government military forces. At the time of these shipments, the Bosnians were in danger of being overwhelmed by Serbian forces armed with tanks and other heavy weapons the Bosnians could not counter.
Ambassador Galbraith said he knew Croatian authorities would interpret his statement that he had no instructions regarding the transshipment of arms from Iran and other countries through Croatia to beleaguered Bosnian forces as meaning that the United States would not object to the move.
Both ambassadors noted at that time that Iran had already been supplying arms to the Bosnians since 1992.
Ambassador Redman said: “In retrospect, I believe that the decision not to oppose the Croatian initiative was crucial to all that followed in the Balkans.” He said that after the Serbs overran Gorazde, “the Bosnian government was in dire straits.” He contended that if the United States had blocked the Iranian arms supply initiative, “it very likely would have doomed the (Croat-Muslim) Federation and exacerbated an already desperate military situation for the Bosnians.
“Instead,” he said, “the Bosnian armed forces held on and began to counterattack. The Federation survived, UNPROFOR remained in place, helping the Bosnians through another difficult winter, and we bought time for a combination of American diplomacy, NATO air power and Croatian and Bosnian military victories, to reach an historic peace agreement in Dayton.”
NSA and intelligence gathering …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Israel, The US, The EU all have/had countless ties to terrorist organizations.
Now lets just imagine if Iran had attacked a convoy of ship flagged to a NATO ally and killed a bunch of people on it with headshots, forced all ships into an Iranian port and seized all the people on it. I am quite sure that the west would sit around and use the same mild alnguage as it does now while trying to ignore international law and accept an Iranian investigation into what happened. Not of course.
Fact is Israel is held to a lesser standard than any other country and basically allowed to flout international law as it wants. Get over it and accept reality and demand this is not allowed to continue