Congress has been in recess for a while. I assume there are town hall meetings all over the country. So, where are the screaming teabaggers? Isn’t this proof that the last August outbreak of teabaggery wasn’t spontaneous, but paid for?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Great point! Cue Rick Santellitubby?
No, it’s proof that the Obama death squads have rounded them all up and turned them into commie Muslims. Only Joe the Plumber can save us now.
Never doubted they were paid for, mainly because every time anyone interviewed them, turned out they couldn’t articulate what their problem with hcr was, a few slogans aside. Didn’t have to say anything complicated, just give a reason they were demonstrating and most couldn’t. (of course then there were the LaRouchies, ah, memories….)
I’m making a film about them, and they’re very difficult to find here in North Carolina these days. I wish BP would set aside some of the money they’re using for those full pages ads every day in the NY Times to stage a few more rallies here. Or maybe all 300 of them are down in South Carolina either having affairs with Nikki Haley or calling her a raghead……
where have all the teabaggers gone
long time astro-turfing
where have all the teabaggers gone
long time ago
luntz has picked them every one
when will they ever learn
when will they ever learn
I think it’s a combination of two things: The astroturfed elements of Teabag Nation are done, and the legitimate people that got swept up in what they saw on Fox News burned out too early. You simply cannot keep up that level of irrational rage indefinitely. They peaked too soon.
They hibernate from mid-May until July 3rd, when they burst forth in glorious red, white, and blue.
BooMan, that townhall tomfoolery was the result of this memo authored by Bob MacGuffie, his prior exploits having chronicled at this very blog way back in 2006.
well, indeedy. Glad you told him what you thought of St. Ronnie. Was the food good, at least?
Heh. I don’t recall.
They’re just awaiting the arrival of The Silly Season.
Actually, my wife attended a tea-bagger event supporting Republican (of all people) candidates for office in Illinois yesterday.
One candidate is running as a liberal Republican.
Strange world we’re living in, my friends.
Well, it was certainly paid for—particularly the large in-kind contribution from Fox News.
However, in fairness to the teabaggers, and as a reality check for ourselves, there are probably at least a couple of other factors for the lack of town hall craziness:
P.S. A bit more on health care reform:
Just as passing it has been a high priority on the left for 20+ (40+?) years, and therefore there’s a highly developed infrastructure around the issue, stopping it has been a high priority on the right, and they have their own highly developed infrastructure on the issue.
Also, health care reform was the big high-stakes legislative fight of 2009-10, and likely of Obama’s (first?) administration. Jim DeMint wanted to make it “Obama’s Waterloo” after the flurry of Democratic victories in the first 4 months after Obama’s inauguration. On the other side, Obama repeatedly chose to go “all in” on a comprehensive bill, rather than settling for a smaller victory. The decision by leaders of both parties to make it a high-stakes fight made it easier to mobilize local folks for events like the August town hall meetings.