Interesting that Republicans are capable of being outraged about racism when it is used against their own candidates. I guess there’s hope in that.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Someone doesn’t like Nikki Haley. And part of it is her frontrunner status in the GOP primary. Another part of it is the whispering campaign about Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer being a closeted gay.
Knotts is a Bauer supporter. Apparently the allegations of infidelity weren’t bringing Haley’s numbers down fast enough, so Knotts unloaded in terms that “born-again Christians” could understand. The significant part of Knotts’s diatribe is the accusation that Haley is a closet Sikh and not a real Christian. The “raghead” reference was to get attention and the association with President Obama was to tie Haley to Obama — a real stretch. Was it racism or anti-Sikh or anti-Obama? It was quite a package. And it illustrated the serious splits in the SC GOP. And it is getting personal. Real personal.
As for the Red State rant by Lori Ziganto, it sounds more like flaming feminism than being outraged about racism. The bravado of a New Jersey GOP transplant, “my Jersey would surely come out. I’m small, but, boy, am I scrappy.” Go for it, Lori, Knotts is a fat old fart.
You gotta love the title of that piece.
yeah, but she doesn’t follow thru with it in the piece.
when you got 2 married men coming out saying that you had affairs with them..
the whole ‘ raghead’ reference….
the more I see of these SC GOPers, the more my respect for Jim Clyburn grows.
he’s had to deal with these folks for forever.
the man deserves a medal