
Caroline Glick

From 1994-1996, as an IDF captain, I served as Coordinator of Negotiations with the PLO in the office of the Coordinator of Government Activities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. In this capacity I was a core member of Israel’s negotiating team with the Palestinians.

I then returned to geo-politics serving as Assistant Foreign Policy Advisor to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in 1997-1998.

In April 2004, in addition to my work at the Post, I resumed writing for Makor Rishon as the paper’s lead columnist and commentator.

I am the senior fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs at the Center for Security Policy in Washington, DC and travel several times a year to Washington where I routinely brief senior administration officials and members of Congress on issues of joint Israeli-American concern.

In its Israeli Independence Day supplement in 2003, Ma’ariv named me the most prominent woman in Israel. In December 2005, I was awarded the Ben Hecht award for Middle East reporting from the Zionist Organization of America. In January 2006, I was awarded the Abramowitz Prize for Media Criticism by Israel Media Watch.

We Con the World – The Gaza flotilla crew speaks!

Latma is the initiative of the Center for Security Policy’s Middle East media project that I run in my capacity as the CSP’s senior fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs. Our work is financed completely from donations by private citizens.

The mailing address is:
The Center for Security Policy
1901 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 201
Washington, DC 20006

Ending Israel’s losing streak

These words are being written before the dust has had a chance to settle on Monday night’s naval commando raid of the Gaza-bound Turkish flotilla of terror supporters. The raid’s full range of operational failures still cannot be known. Obviously the fact that the mission ended with at least six soldiers wounded and at least ten Hamas supporters dead makes clear that there were significant failures in both the IDF’s training for and execution of the mission.

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Headline: activist with knife [origin unknown] [IDF spokesperson]

  • Sheikh Mohammad Al-Hazmi with traditional Yemen dagger
  • Controversial religious scholar Mohammed Al-Hazmi:
    “It is absolutely unacceptable to marry-off girls prematurely.

    His name appears in any conversation regarding early marriage as one of the strong opposers of the law. He had been depicted in the media as a traditionalist, who has no problem with marrying off young girls. Apparently he has been misunderstood.

    SANA’A (Yemen Times) April 21, 2010 — He sat in the reception room of his home with two of his young children running about. Member of Parliament, Mohammed Al-Hazmi, is one of the main objectors against legislating a minimum age for marriage in Yemen.  Yet he is also against marrying off young girls. However, when asked the details of his objection, it turns out that he is completely against marrying off girls as young as 12 years old.
    “It is inhumane to marry off a girl, or a boy for that matter, when they are not physically or mentally prepared. It would actually ruin their lives and their families’ lives,” he said.

    Le prove false d’Israele sull’abbordaggio. Truccate le foto pubblicate dal Ministero degli Esteri?

    "But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."