A lot of political blogs are doing rundowns on the interesting primary races that will be decided tomorrow. I don’t feel like doing a comprehensive piece. What I am mainly interested in seeing is whether the Republicans nominate candidates that make it easier for Democrats to win. For example, Harry Reid has been on life support for the last year, but he can probably beat teabagger extraordinaire Sharron Angle. Down in South Carolina, the Democrats have no business thinking they can take over the governor’s mansion but the GOP seems poised to nominate a woman who has been accused of having more than one extramarital affair. If that proves to be true, or the public becomes convinced that it’s true, the Dems just might be facing a crippled candidate.

Obviously, the biggest race tomorrow is the runoff election between Arkansas Senator Blance Lincoln and Lt. Gov. Bill Halter. Will another incumbent get bounced out of office before the general election? In some ways it doesn’t much matter. This was always more about sending a message than actually winning. And the message has been sent. Whoever wins tomorrow will be a long-shot to win in November. Still, I’ll be pulling for Halter because he has a better chance of holding the seat and because he’s running without the support of the Arkansas Democratic Establishment. I think he’d probably be a better senator than Lincoln. And smarter.

There are a number of interesting House races to watch for tomorrow. Can Richard Pombo make a comeback? Will any teabaggers break through in Virginia? Will Bob Inglis get outwingnutted in South Carolina? Lots of fun and lots to look at. I actually enjoy election day because it’s the one time when talking doesn’t matter and we get to see what people really think. The electorate appears to be quite ornery and I suspect we’ll see that reflected in tomorrow’s results.

What are going to look for?