How can the public be dissatisfied with the federal response to the Deepwater Horizon disaster? I mean, what about the brilliant use of gamma rays?
The administration should let more people know about their Energy Secretary’s superpowers. On a more serious note, I think most Republicans would come out in favor of the clap if Rush Limbaugh said it was a fun experience.
Very funny. Of course we already know that BP is the heavy.
I don’t know how to respond to your post.
On the one hand it is easy to agree that the federal response should have been better, more forceful and stronger: Thad Allen should not be eating dinner with Tony Hayward, the Federal government should not be letting BP take the lead in stopping the leak (they may have the equipment, but they’ve proven all along to be a faithless and incredible partner, what with the 760 safety violations), BP shouldn’t be allowed to chase off reporters.
on the other hand, it sounds like you’re making fun of Chu, whose gamma ray idea actually worked, in which case I want to know why you’re making fun of the one guy who doesn’t seem like a total fucking tool.
I’m not making fun of him. And I don’t think there has been any real problem with the federal response. And I don’t think that there is any reason that Allen not to have dinner with Hayward. And I don’t think that there is any point in changing the power structure that they have in place. The only thing I agree with you about is that BP shouldn’t be chasing reporters away.
If I have a non-political criticism of the federal response, it’s the use of dispersants before their impact could be properly assessed. I think they may have made matters worse and the should have used a less toxic alternative if they were going to use dispersant at all.
so chu’s “super powers” was meant in sincerity?
and you don’t see a problem with a coast guard admiral, charged with protecting the interests of the american people, having dinner at some fancy restaurant with tony hayward, charged with protecting the interests of BP’s shareholders, to be a problem? when BP’s reputation spirals down the drain and the US government stands side by side saying “we trust these guys to clean it up?”
OK then. I want some of what you smoke, because clearly i’m not getting high enough.
they’re supposed to be coordinating their efforts and you don’t want them to even talk. That makes no sense to me.
I didn’t say that at all. I said they shouldn’t be eating dinner together in fancy restaurants (apparently, the place they were dining is suing BP).
If it was Michael Brown eating out with Hayward in the same circumstance, you wouldn’t be nearly so sanguine and you know it.
Come on. They want Obama to put on his super duper hazmat scuba gear and his flippers and dive right on down there and cap that well.
We probably need to kick Hayward out of the ountry, kick all of the BP executives and minions out of the Gulf region. Leave the check signing people there to hand out checks to the affected and just take over the damn operation. Old Thad is either with us citizens or he’s a patsy for BP. Stop playing politics with this thing and let all the media in who wants to go and report. Set up a payment plan with BP of oh about 100M a month or more- to pay for workers for clean up, money for businesses who are out of business, to pay boat and home mortgages etc.
The time for pretty photo ops is over. Time to get down and dirty in the oil with BP.
And I wish I could adopt that pelican I see on my teevee every day.
Jesus, this is not rocket science. Makes me wonder if anyone is in charge of this country these days that isn’t tied to big oil.
Indictments please.
seriously. i can haz inditemintz pleeze?